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View Full Version : pass lk/mcgregor river/heddrick lake access??

07-09-2013, 09:54 PM
anyone know if there is access accross mcgregor river up hedrick creek to hike into hedrick lake? been 2 years since ive been that way, was looking to hike back into hedrick lake for goats??

thx guys

07-10-2013, 07:13 AM
was in 7-17 this spring. popped over to the other side of the macgregror one morning and drove the first couple km of whatever that roads called that heads over to hedrick but it got a bit too brushy for my paint job. and my grizz tag was for 7-17 anyway so i didnt push it. Heard second hand that the outfitter rebuilt his cabins up on hedrick recently but i cant confirm that, so its probably been seeing some more pressure recently.

07-11-2013, 10:07 AM
Anybody else ? Info ? Please , thx

07-12-2013, 05:14 PM
Make sure you are aware of the Gleason creek mtn goat closed area boundaries. The map in the regs is terrible...