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View Full Version : 3-32E Goat draw - landed my second choice somehow...questions

07-03-2013, 11:06 PM
First off I was under the impression that only second choices that were low odds (generally under 1:1) have a chance of getting drawn as a second choice. The odds last year for 3-32e were 12:1 so how can it end up as my second choice draw when my first pick was 3-32f?

Anyway I had an area all picked out in 3-32f as I was up hunting sheep last year so I was confident with the area. Since I need to plan for a different area now that I have no experience in I was wondering if anyone has hunted goats in that particular area.

It is sort of a piss-off that I was drawn for my second choice in an area that I am not sure of but I guess I should be happy I ended up with something.

07-04-2013, 01:27 AM
Hunt it like any new area....hard! Lots of scouting and summer beer drinking trips!
Good luck and its weird u got that as a second choice.

07-04-2013, 11:53 AM
I don't really have the time to do a lot of scouting this summer as I am pretty tied up in July and heading up North for Stones in August.

I should have about a week in Sept for the hunt so I am wanting to make the most of it.

Anyone else have input?