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View Full Version : Hunting Zambia

03-22-2013, 09:40 AM
At the end of May I'm going hunting in the remote northwest corner of Zambia! The main quarry will be a trophy sable antelope (over 40 inches). Other unusual antelopes here include the beautiful lechwe, puku, oribi and reedbuck. I would also like to shoot a warthog and my wife wants another zebra. And so the list grows... Sitatunga and giant eland and cape buffalo are found here too, but the budget says "no".
If anyone has hunted or been in Zambia, any advice / suggestions would be appreciated. We will also be going to Victoria Falls for a few days to "rest up" after the hunt!

BiG Boar
03-22-2013, 10:01 AM
Well that's awesome! Are you bringing a bow or rifle?

03-22-2013, 10:15 AM
Sounds like an incredible adventure.....can't wait to see the pictures. We are off to South Africa in May...counting the days! Good luck!

03-22-2013, 02:58 PM
I worked there for two weeks years ago. I dropped down to Zimbabwe to Bowhunt just south of Victoria Falls after the project. The area around VF is beautiful and a tourist Mecca/must see. Never got to the NW corner of Zambia. As near as in could find out hunting was quite expensive with few outfitters back in the 90s. The country was very poor in those days and you could buy a lot of trinkets for a few dollars. Zambia specialized in the Big 5 and Roan antelope.

Enjoy your hunt. Africa is a wonderful adventure!

03-22-2013, 03:13 PM
Nice, have fun and good luck!

03-23-2013, 10:03 AM
Good luck to you and your wife. Look forward to the pictures and story

03-23-2013, 10:51 AM
Keep in mind as a Canadian, your entry into the country of Zimbabwa will cost $75 per person, payable only in new American bills. And no double entry visa's available to Canadians. No sense of humor at the airport entry either.

Found that out the hard way in 2010. Vic falls is spectacular but the town is run down, dirty and dangerous. Mexican peddlers are boy scouts compared to what we experienced.
The residents are poor and desperate so you can't blame them. The country doesn't even have it's own currency.

If we did it again, we'd fly to Botswana, stay there and take a day trip to Vic falls. Botswana has a completely different feel. Very tourist friendly and beautiful scenery.

You'll have a blast in Africa, SO different from here.