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View Full Version : Anyone use a gun rack in the truck?

03-19-2013, 05:21 PM
I don't see gun racks around too much these days. Curious if anyone still uses them when hunting or if not why. All the regs say is that your unrestricted gun must be unloaded for transport so I assume its legal. Sure would be convenient in my single cab with a buddy.

03-19-2013, 05:26 PM
definitely not legal

03-19-2013, 05:28 PM
Just curious... why not legal if it is unlaoded? I have never used one, my dash works good!

03-19-2013, 05:28 PM
I'm pretty sure it is legal but I wouldn't want that kind of attention directed at me

03-19-2013, 05:31 PM
Its totally legal to have a gun in your gun rack just as long as it isnt loaded. I have a gun rack in my truck currently...I put my fishing rod in it just incase I get the itch and im near a lake lol

03-19-2013, 05:32 PM
Is there a Law that say's my Hunting Rifles have to be out of sight because of all the balless people around now a days that are scared of Guns??? I've see the odd one still in the rear window of some trucks, but they usually have either fishing rods in them or carpenters levels!!!

03-19-2013, 05:32 PM
Not only is a gun rack practical, it shows you have guns and probably know how to use them. I have also installed aftermarket drink holders made by me, so I can store a morning hunts worth of rum and cokes!! Moosin;)

03-19-2013, 05:41 PM
Moosin....you are a bloody genius!!! I like the cut of your jib! Think I am going to modify and put cup holders on mine hahaha

03-19-2013, 05:46 PM
Yeah would definitely be a good rod holder too. Though I'd probably forget I had one there and get a window knocked out...

And I'm not planning to drive around the city with a couple behind my head. Wouldn't be worth the attention there, but I can't see it drawing any more attention during open season on a fs road than you'd get anyway.

Please tell where these drink holders can be obtained ;-)

03-19-2013, 05:50 PM
LOL I think what all are going to take away from this thread is not the legality of a gun rack...but how to mount cup holders to it LOL

03-19-2013, 05:51 PM
Still a win :-)

03-19-2013, 05:53 PM
Come on Moosin pitch out the blue prints already lol

Surrey Boy
03-19-2013, 05:55 PM
Single cab pickups aren't as common anymore, and dashboards are wider.

03-19-2013, 05:57 PM
What I was afraid I'd hear was that guys were getting vandalized because of their gun racks or stuff like that. So far so good.

03-19-2013, 06:00 PM
Well I think most criminals understand that gun rack means owner has gun...Most and I do stress the MOST gun owners are not stupid enough to leave them in their vehicles, which means breaking into said vehicle becomes a LOT more dangerous LMAO!!!

03-19-2013, 06:07 PM
I have a vertical rack that holds my rifle close in my Suzuki Sidekick.It's only used when hunting or getting there and back but visible gun racks are totally legal,as long as the guns are unloaded and not left visible when you are not in the vehicle.The local gendarmes have seen it and have no problems with it. Gunner

03-19-2013, 06:07 PM
Also tells the Peta idiots that you probably shoot things and eat them though. Which I happily do

03-19-2013, 06:11 PM
Usually if I'm just going out shooting I gave more guns than I have cases for so yes 1 or 2 go in the gun rack, I have to get through surrey and out to the valley and never been stopped, I obviously take then out and hide them if I stop anywhere. When no guns are it it's useful as a hat/toque rack .

03-19-2013, 06:16 PM
Totally legal while you are in the truck, but must be concealed if you leave the truck.

03-19-2013, 06:25 PM
I had the cops called on me a few years ago for driving from east kelowna to the westside with my trap shotgun in my gunrack. I had the wife, the dog and all my guns out with me in my reg cab long box and didnt have a case for it and didnt want to put it behind the seat so in the gun rack it went. We stopped by save on foods in the mission and the wife got out and i stayed in the truck with the dog. Within 5 minutes, i had a guy come up to my window and tell me that a lady in tim hortons called the cops on me and that to display a gun as i did was, in his words "fu@&ing illegal". I then proceeded to lecture him on gun rights and the law which he became angry and told me i was an idiot and to have fun when the cops arrested me. The wife came out of the store and we left. The next day, while i was at work, a cop showed up at the house looking for me. The wife told him i was at work and would not be home for a few hours. He asked for my cell number and gave me a call and explained to me that what i did was illegal and not to do it again. I of course told him that he was wrong and that he should brush up on his gun laws. He didnt like that to much and insisted that i was wrong. i actually went as far as contacting the local CFO and explaining it to him. He told me that it is legal as long as you are in the vehicle but it is frowned upon in todays society.And with a large portion of kelowna being the way they are, its not a good idea. This isnt a farm town anymore. I still use it from time to time and carry multiple copies of the regulations with me to hand out to people when they question me. If you plan on hauling your guns around in your gun rack, i recommend printing out copies and keeping them in your truck.


03-19-2013, 06:36 PM
What about the rum 'n' coke holders? Legal or illegal? Moosin

Agent Orange
03-19-2013, 06:42 PM
I'm picturing a bottle of rum in one cup holder and a bottle of coke in another, connected by a straw you can drink from like those beer hats. A good idea, but maybe not totally legal :mrgreen:

03-19-2013, 06:51 PM
un loaded gun in the gun rack -- owner in the truck-- totally legal -----rum in the cup sorry not legal.. open beer can,,not legal..unless empty:mrgreen: [who drink it:confused:]

03-19-2013, 06:53 PM
I think with the rum it would be considered loaded so illegal to transport though unrestricted

03-19-2013, 06:55 PM
My biggest bitch with window gun hangers is the wear spots they make on guns.

Other than that, they are a very good use of space, IMHO.......

03-19-2013, 06:59 PM
My biggest bitch with window gun hangers is the wear spots they make on guns.

Other than that, they are a very good use of space, IMHO.......

Hmmm didnt think of that. Probably not too much of an issue for light use

Gun ever bounce out though?

03-19-2013, 07:05 PM
How are they with scoped rifles? do they bang around much? I was thinking about getting one of the cloth ones that go across the back off both seats. But maybe one in the window to piss off some liberals would be good too

03-19-2013, 07:10 PM
definitely not legal

Epic fail! Now go sit in the corner. lol

Never cease to be amazed by the lack of knowledge here on rules and regs, not pointing to you 604. There's three scenarios; care and control, transport and storage. Read the rules.

03-19-2013, 07:14 PM
I'm picturing a bottle of rum in one cup holder and a bottle of coke in another, connected by a straw you can drink from like those beer hats. A good idea, but maybe not totally legal :mrgreen:

Buddy used to have an LJ 80 with an extra washer fluid reservoir(new) and pump under the hood with a tube running into the glove box;) dubbed it "the whisky pump". Genius:)

03-19-2013, 07:22 PM
Do you know who we have to blame for gun acks being "frowned upon" these days? HUNTERS!!

Hunters/shoooters in the late 80's/90's were under lots of public scrutiny both from animal rights activists and gun control wingnuts. Misguided hunters took it upon themselves to start an appeasement campaign in hopes of flying under the radar and being left alone. It backfired horribly of course- just like every appeasement policy in history does.

Hunters and shooters started hiding their activities, so instead of identifying hunting and shooting with their friendly neighbor that had a gun rack and dead deer in his pick up truck, they began to learn from the media. Which is why we have people calling the cops at the mere sight of a gun or gun like object, and freaking out about seeing hunters obtaining their meat.

I haven't had a single cab pickup for a very long time, so I haven't had a gun rack for a long time either. I had a behind the seat rack in my old truck and I'll probably look at a new rack for my new truck. It doesn't hav a sliding rear window, so maybe an old school rack is in order....

Only thing I don't like about the traditional racks is our stupid laws that force you to hide your rifle every time you are out of sight of your truck for a minute, so that can be a hassle.

03-19-2013, 07:33 PM
Well I think I'm going to do my part to fight appeasement and get a rack. Unless you guys can come up with a good reason not to, like your scope getting knocked out, the gun flying out of the rack, or constant harrasment I'm gonna redneck up. And then start working on the drink holders

03-19-2013, 07:47 PM
My rack came from princess auto in Langley it's an extendable universal 1, an added bonus is that people don't seem to tailgate you when using it lol

03-19-2013, 07:52 PM
ya they usually stop tailgating you when they see a gun rack hahaha....Knockturnal, thanks for posting the link to their brochure HAHAHAHA

03-19-2013, 08:02 PM
My trucks a beat up lifted 20 yr old f150. Don't get a lot of tailgating. Don't think anyone wants to get too close. Something might fall off ;-)

I'll swing in to princess once I'm back in town. Thanks for the heads up russm!

03-19-2013, 08:06 PM
Gun rack good idea, drink holders too. But I hope we're kidding about the alcohol while driving/hunting.....:)

03-19-2013, 08:27 PM
Of course WRJ!! The drink holders are for AFTER the hunt lol...possibly also only for the passenger :D

03-19-2013, 08:31 PM
Of course WRJ!! The drink holders are for AFTER the hunt lol...possibly also only for the passenger :D
Of Course! While hunting it is budweiser, Light of course;)!!! Moosin

03-19-2013, 08:34 PM
I want a rum and coke holder with freakin lazer beams mounted on it

03-19-2013, 08:39 PM
Why the jesus would you need lazer beams LOL

03-19-2013, 08:42 PM
its "legal" for sure but cops will pull you over and take them to check there "legality" if there not in a good mood. people get sensitive when they see firearms and they are not educated about them! also very good cup holder idea hah!

03-19-2013, 08:51 PM
Why the jesus would you need lazer beams LOL

You ALWAYS need lazer beams

03-19-2013, 08:58 PM
My understanding is that it is perfectly legal.
However, if you leave the truck locked, but unattended you will be pinched for improper storage as the gun has to be out of sight.
I wouldn't put my gun in a rack when in town, just because of all the attention it would attract.

03-19-2013, 09:12 PM
Well I think I'm going to do my part to fight appeasement and get a rack. Unless you guys can come up with a good reason not to, like your scope getting knocked out, the gun flying out of the rack, or constant harrasment I'm gonna redneck up. And then start working on the drink holders

Tobacco cans, or coffee cans and large hose clamps! Works great! One on each side! And it doesn't necessarily have to be rum and coke, it could be rye and coke, Martinis or even daquiries, 12v blenders these days, why be hillbilly?

I want a rum and coke holder with freakin lazer beams mounted on it

With the lazerbeams I could fight crime, no theft from my truck, gotta protect the rifles, and booze!!

Why the jesus would you need lazer beams LOL

See above!! Moosin

Sofa King
03-19-2013, 09:13 PM
definitely not legal

how so?
it's 100% legal.

i love seeing guys still use them.
see the odd one still.
but, like someone else said, they'll definitely draw every cop around to you.
i wouldn't be surprised if stupid people wouldn't be reporting a guy driving around with a gun scaring people.
i miss those old days, but today, i think they'd draw too much unwanted attention.

the other thing with them.
if you are out with a buddy in the single cab, high odds someone is having a gun pointed at them if you had to get out quick if you saw something.
not a big deal, if everything is safe anyway.

Sofa King
03-19-2013, 09:18 PM
my dada always had his gun mounted vertically in his truck.
right by the door.
a stock-shaped boot screwed to the floor, right by your left foot, that the stock butt-end set into, and a clothes-pin style metal bracket that he screwed to the inside of the truck, about half-way up from the dash to the ceiling that the barrel slipped in to.
it worked awesome, and the gun was way more handy.

Sofa King
03-19-2013, 09:19 PM
my dada always had his gun mounted vertically in his truck.
right by the door.
a stock-shaped boot screwed to the floor, right by your left foot, that the stock butt-end set into, and a clothes-pin style metal bracket that he screwed to the inside of the truck, about half-way up from the dash to the ceiling that the barrel slipped in to.
it worked awesome, and the gun was way more handy.

meant dad.

03-19-2013, 09:36 PM
I could probably use the gimballed drink holders for boats if I wanted to be all fancy and not get a drink spilled on me. Would be more stable for the lazers too

And for the record, I have no intention to drive around Kits with a couple of double barrels behind me honking the horn, whistling at the ladies, and waving rum and cokes around. Just curious why I don't see them around much these days since they seem to be such a help when out hunting. I understand that while legal, driving around with a gun in plain view is probably goin to be a hassle of one size or another.

03-19-2013, 09:52 PM
Andrewscag don't over think the holders. Simple is better. Remember you have to be able to handle cans as well as plastic coffee mugs. I still haven't sourced the lasers "yet", but I got a couple irons in the fire. They are cheaper if I buy in bulk!! Let me know! Moosin

Sofa King
03-19-2013, 09:56 PM
Its totally legal to have a gun in your gun rack just as long as it isnt loaded. I have a gun rack in my truck currently...I put my fishing rod in it just incase I get the itch and im near a lake lol

i never go anywhere without a rod in the truck.
it's as important as gas.

03-19-2013, 09:57 PM
True, thanks man! Less money on holders means more money for drinks and lazers.

Surrey Boy
03-20-2013, 02:55 AM
Gun rack good idea, drink holders too. But I hope we're kidding about the alcohol while driving/hunting.....:)

Don't ask, don't tell.

Surrey Boy
03-20-2013, 02:59 AM
I had the cops called on me a few years ago for driving from east kelowna to the westside with my trap shotgun in my gunrack. I had the wife, the dog and all my guns out with me in my reg cab long box and didnt have a case for it and didnt want to put it behind the seat so in the gun rack it went. We stopped by save on foods in the mission and the wife got out and i stayed in the truck with the dog. Within 5 minutes, i had a guy come up to my window and tell me that a lady in tim hortons called the cops on me and that to display a gun as i did was, in his words "fu@&ing illegal". I then proceeded to lecture him on gun rights and the law which he became angry and told me i was an idiot and to have fun when the cops arrested me. The wife came out of the store and we left. The next day, while i was at work, a cop showed up at the house looking for me. The wife told him i was at work and would not be home for a few hours. He asked for my cell number and gave me a call and explained to me that what i did was illegal and not to do it again. I of course told him that he was wrong and that he should brush up on his gun laws. He didnt like that to much and insisted that i was wrong. i actually went as far as contacting the local CFO and explaining it to him. He told me that it is legal as long as you are in the vehicle but it is frowned upon in todays society.And with a large portion of kelowna being the way they are, its not a good idea. This isnt a farm town anymore. I still use it from time to time and carry multiple copies of the regulations with me to hand out to people when they question me. If you plan on hauling your guns around in your gun rack, i recommend printing out copies and keeping them in your truck.


Since when is it our job to patiently educate the police on the law? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Iron Glove
03-20-2013, 08:43 AM
Have one of those plastic racks for the truck window but I take it out when not in use 'cause it blocks my rear view vision. Have used it in the LML tho' at times to carry my window squeegie, ice scraper, etc. :-D
Also have the over the back of the seat one that is pretty handy and when not in hunting mode it's great to carry toilet paper, rolled up rain jacket and other truck stuff.
I'm not worried about a rack telling everyone I'm a hunter, I figure the BCWF sticker, the "Buck Off" sticker, the camo seat covers and the camo seat back gun holder are enough of a hint. :wink:

Mr. Dean
03-20-2013, 12:36 PM
I don't see gun racks around too much these days. Curious if anyone still uses them when hunting or if not why. All the regs say is that your unrestricted gun must be unloaded for transport so I assume its legal. Sure would be convenient in my single cab with a buddy.

Don't need one.
The dash is PERFECT in my jeep for laying a gun across.

03-20-2013, 12:41 PM
I still have mine in the back window, all it is used for now is my rolled up maps and haning hats on.

03-20-2013, 02:58 PM


03-20-2013, 03:09 PM
Ironnoggin ftw. That looks awesome! Thank you!

03-20-2013, 03:10 PM
Though I don't know where the drink holders will go...

03-20-2013, 03:46 PM
my comment about it being illegal came from an rcmp officer and if it is in fact legal i am putting the one that has been in my garage for the last 8 years in my truck

03-20-2013, 03:55 PM
my comment about it being illegal came from an rcmp officer and if it is in fact legal i am putting the one that has been in my garage for the last 8 years in my truck

Go dig it out of your garage. It's 100% legal. Just do 2 things:

When you leave your truck unattended, you need to hide the guns and lock the doors.
Go to the RCMP website and print off a few copies of the RCMP transport documents. Use a hi-liter pen to highlight the part about transporting unrestricted, so they don't get confused with restricted.

You might get pulled over, just be ready for it. Don't have broken taillights and smelling of beer. :)

03-20-2013, 04:23 PM
definitely not legal

Like to know where you get your info from and why your spreading mis-information?

03-20-2013, 04:25 PM
Though I don't know where the drink holders will go...

From some metal wire hanging from the centre membrane?? That might work as long as your not hitting any bumps in the road :D

03-20-2013, 04:34 PM


Oh I like that one, I have an older window gun rack that I found at a yard sale in my truck and use it as intended every season and plan to start varmint hunting soon so I'll have it in use year round soon.

03-20-2013, 04:38 PM

03-20-2013, 04:39 PM

03-20-2013, 05:08 PM

Lol. .

03-20-2013, 06:42 PM
I used to use a gun rack in my truck.Then one day while talking to a cop he stated that if I leave my truck with my rifle on display like it was that I probably would not have it very long.I agreed and removed it.Now with it out of sight I feel much better going into a store etc.I would not even want to leave some of my expensive fly rods on display.Just my opinion.

03-20-2013, 07:17 PM
When I do use mine I have a trigger lock and a cable lock on it just so if I do happen to get stopped they can see from a bit of a distance that its not useable, I figure that way there's less of a chance of a gun in the face.

Buck TraX
03-20-2013, 07:46 PM
I still use one but i also have a canopy on so nobody behind gets a veiw of them while driving behind me.When i head out hunting I leave my gun in its case in the rack until i hit the gravel never had a problem just compliments from other hunters NICE RACK! Its the best spot for them especially if two people in a reg cab

03-20-2013, 08:19 PM
i have one of the suction cup ones in my Ranger, as it's impossible to find a hard mount rack that fits. I have been stopped and there is nothing they can do about it. 100% legal. I also routinely ride from my house to the bush on my dualsport motorcycle with a rifle on my back. Right through Vernon in a few cases. again, 100% legal. the more we remain ignorant to our rights the more they will be taken away from us.

03-20-2013, 08:31 PM
Yup agree with you. But I also think there's no reason to go out of your way to prove a point. Laws can be quick to change. Just do what's reasonable to do and leave it at that IMO

Stone Sheep Steve
03-21-2013, 08:31 AM
There's a guy driving around town with a gunrack in his back window and a plywood silhouette of a gun in the rack. Pretty sure he doesn't cover it when he leaves his vehicle:).

We should all do the same to de-sensitize society.


Iron Glove
03-21-2013, 08:41 AM
I picked up a plastic, adjustable rack at Reliable a few years ago that fits my Ranger perfectly.
It's the kind that "jambs" into the window rubber.

03-21-2013, 09:06 AM
I picked up a plastic, adjustable rack at Reliable a few years ago that fits my Ranger perfectly.
It's the kind that "jambs" into the window rubber.

Do you remember who made it? Very interested. I dont trust the suction cups

.330 Dakota
03-21-2013, 09:24 AM
I think using a rack is oaky as long as you are in the vehicle,,its the displaying a firearm thats unattended that'll draw the coppers attention,,and also the thieves attention which is why the law exists. I knew a couple of guys that had some nice rifles stolen right out of their racks while they were paying for gas,,,,unbelievable I know but it did happen.
I find my sticker..."Security System by Smith & Wesson" deters a few.

itsy bitsy xj
03-21-2013, 09:57 AM
does anyone have the part # of the princess auto gun rack? I checked the website but it showed nothing

03-21-2013, 09:58 AM
i see a lot have gun racks. Any type of vehicle do you drive and what style/brand are you guys using?

i got a 2000 f350 standtard cab 6 speed standard cab so room is tight on a trip. Ive looked around for racks but never found one that really fit nice, and the overhead one looks good til you hit a FSR and mr.remington knocks on your head at the first pothole.

i had a rack on my ol chevy, very useful but a real pain sometimes to get the gun to fit ok with a scope. Shotguns were never a problem.

03-21-2013, 10:59 AM
I had the cops called on me a few years ago for driving from east kelowna to the westside with my trap shotgun in my gunrack. I had the wife, the dog and all my guns out with me in my reg cab long box and didnt have a case for it and didnt want to put it behind the seat so in the gun rack it went. We stopped by save on foods in the mission and the wife got out and i stayed in the truck with the dog. Within 5 minutes, i had a guy come up to my window and tell me that a lady in tim hortons called the cops on me and that to display a gun as i did was, in his words "fu@&ing illegal". I then proceeded to lecture him on gun rights and the law which he became angry and told me i was an idiot and to have fun when the cops arrested me. The wife came out of the store and we left. The next day, while i was at work, a cop showed up at the house looking for me. The wife told him i was at work and would not be home for a few hours. He asked for my cell number and gave me a call and explained to me that what i did was illegal and not to do it again. I of course told him that he was wrong and that he should brush up on his gun laws. He didnt like that to much and insisted that i was wrong. i actually went as far as contacting the local CFO and explaining it to him. He told me that it is legal as long as you are in the vehicle but it is frowned upon in todays society.And with a large portion of kelowna being the way they are, its not a good idea. This isnt a farm town anymore. I still use it from time to time and carry multiple copies of the regulations with me to hand out to people when they question me. If you plan on hauling your guns around in your gun rack, i recommend printing out copies and keeping them in your truck.


Bunch of mentally constipated idiots...don't you think? :-D

03-21-2013, 12:26 PM
Gates is right. Hunters and firearms owners need to stop hiding. The gay society did it right. Loud and proud. We should have Firearm Pride Parades lol

03-21-2013, 01:42 PM
LM AO!!!! I would seriously show up to a Firearms Pride Parade LOL!!!!

03-22-2013, 09:51 PM
gun rack in the truck is totally legal as long as you are in the truck, but when you are not in the truck it should be out of sight and the truck locked of course.

Johnny G1
03-22-2013, 10:42 PM
The gun rack does not have to be out of site, give your head a big shake, getting sick and tired of having to hide our guns and such, strickly Bull Shit., and the next thing you will have to hide your friggin head cause you might be talkin about owning a GUN.

03-27-2013, 07:25 AM
Hey guys,

Just to throw my 2-bits in here...... gun racks are legal. period... the issue is that if you have a gun in the rack, even if it's properly locked up, unloaded, and simply just sitting there, you will get a TON of attention from both locals on the roads, and police officers... Lets be honest, every cop that sees you with a gun in your window is not only curious, but obligated to check if you're licensed, if it's stored properly, etc....

Basically you can drive around town with a gun in the rack, but it would take you FOREVER, because you'll be stopped and searched every 5 minutes.

03-27-2013, 01:22 PM
Hey guys,

Just to throw my 2-bits in here...... gun racks are legal. period... the issue is that if you have a gun in the rack, even if it's properly locked up, unloaded, and simply just sitting there, you will get a TON of attention from both locals on the roads, and police officers... Lets be honest, every cop that sees you with a gun in your window is not only curious, but obligated to check if you're licensed, if it's stored properly, etc....

Basically you can drive around town with a gun in the rack, but it would take you FOREVER, because you'll be stopped and searched every 5 minutes.

That about says it.Shitty but that`s the way it is nowadays.I keep mine on the seat behind me,safer and less hassle.I ain`t out to make a statement,I just want to go hunting.

03-27-2013, 09:58 PM
I had gun rack in my old Dakota. Very convenient while driving FSR. Issue was that I had to take rifle down and case every time I come back to Surrey (handguns are more common here...LOL)..Not because I had to,but because of hassles caused by cops...Now I use behind seat 3 rifle case. Very discreet.I had couple times mu truck broken into. And those idiots took everything from cabin ,but even did not realize there was gun case behind seat.

03-28-2013, 02:03 PM
They just don't seem practical under current transportation laws. Say you are hunting up one logging road and put the rifle in the rack. Then you drive out of one area and onto the highway and stop at a gas station on your way to another road on the other side of the highway. If you get out of the truck to go into the gas station to pay or get a coffee or whatever, that rifle has to be out of sight inside the locked cab of the truck.

I have mine half cased or just sitting on top of the case in the extra cab behind the seat. If I need it while driving on a logging road it is faster to grab there than out of a rack anyway, and if I have to go into Clinton or wherever for something a jacket or shirt on top of the gun puts it out of sight.

03-28-2013, 06:00 PM
didn't mean to say the gun rack needs to be out of sight, just that while a vehicle is unattended the rifle should be out of sight for the same reasons everyone else has stated. sometimes one has to give one's head a big shake before jumping to conclusions about what someone else has posted. :)

02-27-2014, 03:29 PM
So bringing this thread back from the dead! Tried buying this from Bass Pro, and it said they can't ship this outside of the US?? Thought they were legal? I like how they are hidden behind your seat, so your not showing off your guns. When I'm hunting with dogs in the back seat, it's nice when they don't walk all over my Unloaded guns!
http://i787.photobucket.com/albums/yy159/rbesty11/1811910_10227271_zpsfd3b36a3.jpg (http://s787.photobucket.com/user/rbesty11/media/1811910_10227271_zpsfd3b36a3.jpg.html)

02-27-2014, 04:16 PM
So bringing this thread back from the dead! Tried buying this from Bass Pro, and it said they can't ship this outside of the US?? Thought they were legal? I like how they are hidden behind your seat, so your not showing off your guns. When I'm hunting with dogs in the back seat, it's nice when they don't walk all over my Unloaded guns!
http://i787.photobucket.com/albums/yy159/rbesty11/1811910_10227271_zpsfd3b36a3.jpg (http://s787.photobucket.com/user/rbesty11/media/1811910_10227271_zpsfd3b36a3.jpg.html)

I got one of these from Cabelas. I think it came to Ship Happens. No problem bringing it across the border.

02-27-2014, 04:24 PM
Cabelas has the window ones...$20 bucks..https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/923168_10151930985805754_1537922871_n.jpg

G-Lox Wedge Window Two-Gun Rack

Made of molded, super-strong copolymer plastic, this rear-window-mounted rack holds two guns or a pair of fishing rods in soft, vinyl-padded clips. It installs and removes quickly without tools. Adjusts from 9-5/8" to 18-1/2" and is able to withstand both hot and cold temperature extremes.

Or ebay has the ones we used to use here : http://www.ebay.ca/itm/PICKUP-TRUCK-VINTAGE-HUNTING-NOS-NEW-GUN-RIFLE-RACK-5-SHIP-FOR-PRICE-OF-1-/360857717243?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5404cbc9fb for $15 bucks..

Actually Ebay has a ton of them...various styles etc. http://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_odkw=gun+rack&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR2.TRC1.A0.H0.Xtruck+ gun+rack&_nkw=truck+gun+rack&_sacat=0#item5404cbc9fb

I have a regular cab F150 with no rear slider so I am gonna put one in and use it. I will just keep a blanket in the truck to cover it in case I have to leave it locked in the cab...

02-27-2014, 04:24 PM
They are legal. Window gun racks are also legal as long as you do not get out of the truck with the guns visible in the window. Most cops these days do not know the rules when it comes to the transportation of firearms in a vehicle. I had to go to the Chief Firearms officer of the Okanagan area for an actual response. Completely LEGAL just frowned on in todays society.

02-27-2014, 05:16 PM


02-27-2014, 05:33 PM
knock'''---/Window gun racks are also legal as long as you do not get out of the truck with the guns visible in the window///
not correct..:mrgreen: as long you are controlling guns,,it is okay walk out of the truck...like fill up the tank..not walk inside the gas station..

02-27-2014, 05:59 PM
Would anyone be able to post a picture and/or link of a window rack? I find them hard to find and think it would be a great addition to the ol' Chev :-D