View Full Version : My Dobie is pissing me off

yamadirt 426
03-12-2013, 07:02 PM
Good news is hes not dead, Bad news is hes not dead. All kidding aside his lung issue and prostate issue which comes and goes hasnt got him yet, but he is a little moody, bit jealous, and a little meaner than normal . Hes on Maters ass all the time. He has been showing his teeth, backing him into corners, growling at him, started biting him a few times then licking his ears, sniffing,grooming him all the time. Its driving us all nuts but worst of all making Mater nervous. Hes had to fight back a few times and hes not like that. He almost is to the point sometimes its like hes rutting. Its starting to take a toll. Might have to seperate if its getting worse. Hes fine around the family but when i kicked him in the ass ( may have clipped his bag ) outside for fighting yesterday he turned with a growl. When confronted about that, he submised. Hes 10 now in good shape other that a few probs and hes my boy. This sucks

03-12-2013, 07:23 PM
Tough one. Lost mine at 8 to heart issues. I put her down before she really forgot who she was and lost the quality of life she deserved. Hardest thing I had to do.

03-12-2013, 09:13 PM
Could be he is feeling threatened by Mater.He was the cock of the walk,now there is a new boy in town.

Sofa King
03-12-2013, 09:31 PM
something is definitely wrong.
i'd have him checked out.
i sure wouldn't put up with a dog being aggressive with the other and growling at it's master especially.
if he is getting worse, there's nothing wrong with putting him down.
it sounds like he's clearly not himself.
we put our dog down before he got really, really bad.
it truly sucks, but it's painful to watch a pet deteriorate.

yamadirt 426
03-12-2013, 09:41 PM
Im just going to try exercising the crap out of him and see whats up after a few weeks. I havent run him out as much with his issues. But the symptoms are very mild right now so I will see what hes like worn out from a big run. Not on death row by any means ... When its time its time :cry: Just wondering what others experiences are, Foxton ? its a tough one and Mater coming on 2yrs old and both have their nuts . Its just Mater doesnt challage him at all. I didnt see this one coming. Hes just being a doucher now. I think thats it speyman

03-12-2013, 10:37 PM
Good news is hes not dead, Bad news is hes not dead. All kidding aside his lung issue and prostate issue which comes and goes hasnt got him yet, but he is a little moody, bit jealous, and a little meaner than normal . Hes on Maters ass all the time. He has been showing his teeth, backing him into corners, growling at him, started biting him a few times then licking his ears, sniffing,grooming him all the time. Its driving us all nuts but worst of all making Mater nervous. Hes had to fight back a few times and hes not like that. He almost is to the point sometimes its like hes rutting. Its starting to take a toll. Might have to seperate if its getting worse. Hes fine around the family but when i kicked him in the ass ( may have clipped his bag ) outside for fighting yesterday he turned with a growl. When confronted about that, he submised. Hes 10 now in good shape other that a few probs and hes my boy. This sucks

Not sure what Mater is but I assume another dog. Dogs go through phases, just like people.
If you've brought a new dog into a home you have to expect that the first dog is going to try and establish who's boss right off the bat.
You have to really work on giving them equal attention and playing together.
Jealousy is a big factor with dogs.

Foxton Gundogs
03-13-2013, 07:09 AM
|Some times it's an age factor. I mean Mater, My old lab and his son from his last litter lived together, ate together and slepet together. Old Duke was the pups friend protector and mentor. They hunted together for 1 whole season and were fine. In their second season, Blue was just shy of 2, they were playing in the parking lot while we were launching the boat, Old Duke was having a crap and Blue in his "puppy" exhuberance ran past and bumped the old dog. Duke spun, Grabbed him and beat the crap out of him and from then on that was it they could not EVER be together with out the old guy trying to wail on him. Duke was just over 10 and I think that Blue had turned the corner and was no longer a pup but a threat. It was pointed out to me that this is an age when most young males are driven from the herd or pack. Natural instincts are very strong we just chose to think about the good ones.

03-13-2013, 07:24 AM
I have 2 Bavarian Mountain Hounds ,Mother and Daughter who is getting close to that age of two.I wonder if that same 'pack' behavior will surface?

Foxton Gundogs
03-13-2013, 07:48 AM
My females dont exhibit it near as much, there is a dominance thing, but as the pack usually consists of an alpha bitch and the "underlings" i think as long as the young females hold their place in line it is a non issue. I find any real fighting is between the youn females vying for second spot. When the "old" girl feels the need to put one of the others in place its usually a snarl and snap and the young bitch submits....end of story.

03-13-2013, 07:32 PM
Guy I worked in Corrections with had a Doberman. We were working in an open correctional centre in the bush and he used to bring it in with him on nightshifts. It was during that experience that I finally figured out why they have that raised spot between their ears. They get it from chasing parked cars. That dog was so dumb that if you gave him a piece of baloney he'd show you where all the keys were.

04-28-2013, 06:41 PM
Your older dog is 10, how old is your other dog? The reason I ask is sometimes as dogs age they lose their tolerance for the exuberance of younger dogs. Add in poor health and the possibility of some pain and discomfort from your older dogs illness and you have a dog with a very short fuse.

yamadirt 426
04-29-2013, 10:30 PM
My other dog is 1.8 yrs. it's a combination of things. I get it now. It's tapered off a noticeable difference the last few weeks. It was just super annoying for a little while there . Now it's as calm as a house could be with the family ive got Lol