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03-04-2013, 07:55 PM
So my 7 year old son and I got in the habit last year of doing the grouse grind weekly. Takes him a bit longer but he loves it. Everytime we get to the top we stop off and see Koola and Grinder. Now although they are captive bears, they still hibernate every year. Grouse has constructed a small log cave that gets burried in many many feet of snow. We still head up the mountain for ice skating and the occasional hike but obbviuosly he was disapointed that we couldnt stop and see his friends. So we started checking in on them via web cam online. they are always sleeping but were told as spring comes up they get more and more restless. This got me thinking, can we use this as a bear thermometer as such for local bears coming out of hibernation? what are your thoughts???
Heres the link incase you or your kids havnt seen it.

And if you havnt gone up in the summer I highly recommend it. the have the logger show that alot of us grew up with at the PNE and lots to see and do.

03-04-2013, 09:18 PM
I love Grind! looking fwd to it opening

03-04-2013, 09:24 PM
I guess if the conditions on where you plan to hunt grizzly bear match those in the "wilderness sanctuary" of Grouse mountain then it may be useful. I would look at the snow levels as a better thermometer for that. The "endangered wildlife" on Grouse will wake up when the zoo keepers decide to wake them for the tourist to see. I think you can get an e mail notification when the Grouse bears are out of their den. You may want to hold off telling Grouse Mountain what purpose you will use that information:shock:.
I have difficulty supporting grizzly bears in captivity. They may call it a wilderness sanctuary but if it was in the city I would call it a zoo.
The wind turbine (Eye of the Wind), "the future of responsible energy" to me is nothing but a viewing platform for tourists and an eye sore on the mountains over looking Vancouver. I don't see it running most of the time so I don't see it as much of an energy producer. If I am wrong how come we don't have the whole north shore mountains dotted with them or the windy coast line:confused:? I think if it was at the PNE it would be an amusement ride.
This is how you put a zoo and an amusement park in the wilderness with out a peep from the environmentalists. All this is to bring more revenue to the owners of Grouse Mountain. Good on them for fooling everyone but unfortunately I can't support that:(.

03-05-2013, 12:28 AM
I read somewhere that bears are not true hibernators.
They only sleep through the winter because the food is scarce.
Not sure why Grouse bears are hibernating. I'm guessing they don't feed them in the winter months.

04-22-2020, 06:53 PM
Latest on Grinder & Coola!


Hi there- after 144 days of sleep!:-P

https://eh9ti3qk8yf3m8xqr5gt2fp4-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/21339984_web1_GrouseMountainbears2.jpg (https://www.abbynews.com/trending-now/rise-and-shine-grizzly-bear-pals-emerge-from-19th-hibernation-at-grouse-mountain/)

04-22-2020, 06:57 PM
The owner only put the windmill up to make grouse seem more “green”. They hardly use it and generates pretty much no electricity for the mountain. The grind is great, the bears are cool, logging show is awesome and the beaver tails are amazing lol

04-23-2020, 09:02 AM
At least in BC, I've always used the May long weekend as the sweet spot for bear hunting. That is also right about when I got my biggest black bear ever AND the window of when I got my griz.

05-01-2021, 02:09 PM
Latest on Grinder & Coola!


Hi there- after 144 days of sleep!:-P

https://eh9ti3qk8yf3m8xqr5gt2fp4-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/21339984_web1_GrouseMountainbears2.jpg (https://www.abbynews.com/trending-now/rise-and-shine-grizzly-bear-pals-emerge-from-19th-hibernation-at-grouse-mountain/)

After months in hibernation, Grouse Mountain’s resident grizzly bears have finally awakened.:shock::shock:
The pair stayed there for their longest winter dormancy since their 2001 arrival – 170 days(almost a month longer than last year).


05-01-2021, 08:12 PM
I guess if the conditions on where you plan to hunt grizzly bear match those in the "wilderness sanctuary" of Grouse mountain then it may be useful. I would look at the snow levels as a better thermometer for that. The "endangered wildlife" on Grouse will wake up when the zoo keepers decide to wake them for the tourist to see. I think you can get an e mail notification when the Grouse bears are out of their den. You may want to hold off telling Grouse Mountain what purpose you will use that information:shock:.
I have difficulty supporting grizzly bears in captivity. They may call it a wilderness sanctuary but if it was in the city I would call it a zoo.
The wind turbine (Eye of the Wind), "the future of responsible energy" to me is nothing but a viewing platform for tourists and an eye sore on the mountains over looking Vancouver. I don't see it running most of the time so I don't see it as much of an energy producer. If I am wrong how come we don't have the whole north shore mountains dotted with them or the windy coast line:confused:? I think if it was at the PNE it would be an amusement ride.
This is how you put a zoo and an amusement park in the wilderness with out a peep from the environmentalists. All this is to bring more revenue to the owners of Grouse Mountain. Good on them for fooling everyone but unfortunately I can't support that:(.

that thing was for a tax right off nothing more. Almost never runs and is just for show. Guy that I used to frame for worked up grouse mountain as a carpenter for years and was friends with the owner. It’s just for show

07-24-2021, 05:23 PM
[QUOTE=mpotzold;2251235]After months in hibernation, Grouse Mountain’s resident grizzly bears have finally awakened.
The pair stayed there for their longest winter dormancy since their 2001 arrival – 170 days(almost a month longer than last year).


For the grizz lovers-a celebration to attend -today & tomorrow -at Grouse Mountain.:smile:
It’s their BEARthday party-both 20. They are big boys now-one around 900 lbs & the other around 1050 lbs.:shock: The orphans are unrelated.


Don’t need bear spray-just bring your camera!:p

“They’re never more than 50 or 100 feet apart at any given time in their habitat”.

Their B-DAY cake is made with salmon

The bears briefly gained worldwide notoriety after a grey wolf was introduced to their habitat in 2005 and was killed by one of them while trying to steal a bone

https://www.grousemountain.com/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMjEvMDUvMjEvMTUvNTcvMDQvNTliMGEyNTYtNm NkMy00YThjLWE5MGUtM2VhZDEzZTgzNmI3LzA1MjEyMV9CZWFy c0VudGVyVXBwZXJQb25kXzAxMDEuSlBHIl0sWyJwIiwidGh1bW IiLCIxOTIweDgwMCMiXV0?sha=a8de29d9655e6b75

Arctic Lake
07-24-2021, 05:44 PM
I often wondered why the two males get along so well , would they not be scrapping it out in the wild ? Maybe no females to fight over ?
Arctic Lake

07-24-2021, 08:10 PM
No females to compete over and no scarcity of food means no reason to risk fighting and getting injured. Bears in the wild can even coexist (more or less) in close proximity of each other when food is abundant, such as during peace samlon run. A few scraps over prime fishing holes but otherwise civil.

Arctic Lake
07-26-2021, 09:44 AM
Man just look at those two bears . Yikes , I wouldn’t want either of those two on me ! Those claws could open up a 45 gallon drum of Alphagetti !
Arctic Lake

10-23-2021, 08:57 PM
Neutered....they are now non binary bears lol

11-13-2021, 02:31 PM
Latest on Grinder & Coola!


Hi there- after 144 days of sleep!:-P

https://eh9ti3qk8yf3m8xqr5gt2fp4-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/21339984_web1_GrouseMountainbears2.jpg (https://www.abbynews.com/trending-now/rise-and-shine-grizzly-bear-pals-emerge-from-19th-hibernation-at-grouse-mountain/)

Grouse Mountain Grinder & Coola update!

The 2 best friends entered their earliest 21st hibernation period on Nov. 8.:)

Last year they hibernated for 170 days. The year before 144 days. My guess this time-6 months!

Coola was 1050 lbs & Grinder 950 lbs gaining 225 lbs each in the last 2 months.

Grinder and Coola Enter 21st Hibernation on Grouse Mountain | Grouse Mountain - The Peak of Vancouver (https://www.grousemountain.com/posts/grinder-and-coola-enter-21st-hibernation-on-grouse-mountain#.YZAR-k7MKUk)


11-13-2021, 03:19 PM
wonder what they get for a last dinner
must be special for their gut

11-30-2021, 12:53 PM
Just watched LIVE one of the bears get up during hibernation!
Winter Web Cams - BEAR DEN CAM | Grouse Mountain - The Peak of Vancouver (https://www.grousemountain.com/webcam-winter/bear-den-cam)

11-30-2021, 07:15 PM
Probably neutered them like they did Boo in Golden.

03-21-2022, 06:37 PM
Latest on Boo

BOO the grizz wakes up for the 20th time on Sunday.
Boo the grizzly bear emerges from den for 20th time | Calgary Herald (https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/boo-the-grizzly-bear-emerges-from-den-for-20th-time)

More on Boo who was born & orphaned in June, 2002 right after his mother was shot by a hunter.
His brother was named Cari-both names derived from CariBoo. Cari died early from a spontaneous twist of his intestines.

The Kicking Horse Grizzly Bear Refuge was built specifically for the 2 orphaned cubs.

Meet Boo: Resident of the Kicking Horse Grizzly Bear Refuge (leavetown.com) (https://leavetown.com/magazine/kicking-horse-grizzly-bear-refuge/)

This is how a B.C. grizzly, living in an enclosure, gets fed - Vancouver Is Awesome (https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/video/feeding-a-719-pound-grizzly-from-a-bc-gondola-makes-a-splash-on-tiktok-4318826)


04-29-2022, 05:14 PM
Grinder & Coola emerge yesterday following what was the longest-ever hibernation period at Grouse after 171 days

https://bc.ctvnews.ca/grizzly-bears-emerge-after-longest-ever-hibernation-at-b-c-ski-resort-1.5881882 (https://bc.ctvnews.ca/grizzly-bears-emerge-after-longest-ever-hibernation-at-b-c-ski-resort-1.5881882)


05-04-2023, 11:24 AM
After 163 days Grinder and Coola have emerged from their 22nd hibernation-their 3rd longest at Grouse Mountain.
Grouse Mountain grizzlies emerge from hibernation for 2023 | Vancouver Sun (https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/grouse-mountain-grizzly-bears-emerge-from-hibernation-2023)

05-22-2023, 10:08 AM
Probably neutered the poor *******s.

08-05-2023, 02:53 PM
After 163 days Grinder and Coola have emerged from their 22nd hibernation-their 3rd longest at Grouse Mountain.
Grouse Mountain grizzlies emerge from hibernation for 2023 | Vancouver Sun (https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/grouse-mountain-grizzly-bears-emerge-from-hibernation-2023)

Just celebrated Grinder and Coola's 22nd BEARTHDAYS
(Both bears actually turned 22 years earlier this year)


https://www.grousemountain.com/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMjMvMDcvMzEvMTIvMTAvNTQvMjYwMDEzZDYtN2 E5ZS00NWNlLWExMmUtMmEwZmFmMTY5NzU5LzA3MjkyM18yMm5k QmVhcnRoZGF5X0RldmluTWFua3lfMDgyMS5KUEciXSxbInAiLC J0aHVtYiIsIjE5MjB4ODAwIyJdXQ?sha=1d5676176db486d7