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02-28-2013, 05:34 PM
Just looking into my options for this fall and had a few questions about the bull river?

1.) I know it's a high pressure area (I like hiking so I figure I can get away from the crowds) is it hard to find areas to camp? I'm thinking specifically in the area that branches off into the queen creek road.

2.) How long of a drive is it from the start of the bull river road to the branch at queen?

3.) Does hunting pressure thin out the farther back you go or is it pretty solid the whole way through for the less adventurous hunters in my crew :)

Thanks in advance for the replies!

02-28-2013, 05:55 PM
You must mean Quinn creek, which is at the 60 km mark, big camp site right at the start of the quinn .it would take you one hour or more of driving depending on the shape of the road at the time.lots of hunters but if your willing to hike you'll get away from most hunters. also watch out for logging trucks.good luck

02-28-2013, 05:55 PM
Quinn creek is at 60 km on the bull. You get onto the bull at 19 if you take the cutoff from the hatchery.

10 k or so up Quinn is the road closure.

There are many, many people who hunt hard on
foot, as well most other drainages have well used horse trails, that see a lot of traffic..

Plus their are the guide outfitters up there too.

Not saying you will not be successful, but you will be far from lonely...

02-28-2013, 06:03 PM
You must mean Quinn creek, which is at the 60 km mark

Was wondering about that, the road on google earth says queen but all the pictures say quinn.

02-28-2013, 06:15 PM
Dosn't matter how far you drive in the EK you will see other hunters.

03-01-2013, 09:37 PM
The camp ground at the Quinn creek junction is usually full and so is every other spot up to the road closure, and yes alot of pressure up that valley for the first month of elk season. The road is usually rough all the way in from the dam and busy with hunters and logging vehicles.

03-02-2013, 04:36 AM
EK`s version of christmas at the mall.You are better off to follow Hunter 47 around.For fifty bucks I`ll tell you where he lives.

03-02-2013, 09:14 AM
Each outfitter pounds his area pretty hard. They make their living killing elk in sept and October so they swamp the area pretty good. Of you are into a good backpack option.... Pack up and hole up in any of those upper sheds and you'll be alright. Outfitters usually move around and and it you set up shop they will likely end up just hunting another patch (reluctantly).

Or stomp passed you on the trail while mutually stalking a 6pt in an open slide;)