View Full Version : south african ''RUSKS''

02-13-2013, 09:13 AM
My South African hunting partner introduced me to ''Biltong'' and ''Rusks''.A good part of the bull moose ended up as ''biltong''[now eaten] but this week I got the recipe for ''rusks'' from his wife.

Basically,they are flour,bran,shredded coconut ,sesame seeds and brown sugar combined with buttermilk,eggs and melted butter and vanilla to taste.Mixed and spread out about 3/4'' thick on a flat pan, baked for an our until golden brown,then cut into bars,flipped over,separated and dried in the oven for several hours until very dry and hard.They are dipped in coffee or tea to soften them enough to eat without breaking a tooth.I think you can make pretty much any variation,add nuts or raisens but the basic idea is to have a stiff dough,spread out and baked ,then dried.Kind of like home made granola bars.I took some in zip lock bags when we went out for the day.Being dry,they keep quite well in a tin-don't know how long they keep-they didn't last around camp

02-13-2013, 07:09 PM
Sounds good. Thanks for the recipe.

02-14-2013, 09:35 PM
Rusks are great, but I have never been able to find them for sale. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

02-15-2013, 02:18 PM
The best rusks in the world are "Ouma Rusks" get them from Serengeti Trading in langley along with your biltong and dry wors.
