View Full Version : Minimum size broadhead for moose/elk?

02-11-2013, 11:25 PM
So I've got myself a new toy and I am hoping to try to go after the bigger ungulates with it. I am set on going with the QAD Exodus heads but am not sure whether to go with the new 125 gr. heads or if the 100 gr. heads would be enough? What would your minimum broadhead weight be?

If you're curious the new toy I'm shooting is an Obsession Lethal Force at 70 lbs. Man is it smooth!


02-11-2013, 11:39 PM
If you are already committed to a particular arrow [you got two dozen of'em] that may decide for you. What's your draw length and present arrow spine/weight?

If it shoots well, I'd use the 125. Total weight of 400 grains plus. 425 - 475 is a nice weight for moose with a seventy pound bow. Good combination of trajectory and momentum.

02-11-2013, 11:52 PM
I use the 100gr Exodus but you can't go wrong with the 125gr model. Same 1.25" cut but you'll add a little FOC which isn't a bad thing. In the end both will yield an equally dead critter though.

Sweet bow!

02-12-2013, 07:23 PM
Thanks for the info guys. I'm currently shoot CX Aramid KV 250's. My draw length is 27.5". I was thinking of going to the 350's but these seem to flying fine (the CX website shows I'm in between the 250's and 350's based on draw weight and length). The slightly better FOC was kind of what I was thinking too when it comes to the thicker hide on a moose. Maybe I'll throw on my 100gr. field points to compare how to two different weights fly

02-12-2013, 07:31 PM
100s will be plenty enough ... key is having them sharp .. not the weight of them, Hell if my arrows would fly nice with 85 grain heads I would use them

125s will add some FOC . but there is such a thing as too much FOC so bear that in mind, grab a pack of each and see witch one groups better (they will have totally differant POI) Adjust your sight accordingly and get after them Moose this fall

02-12-2013, 09:27 PM
. . . . grab a pack of each and see witch one groups better . . .
I couldn't agree more. When I got my new arrows, I was told 100gr would be best. After trying 85gr, 100gr and 125gr, I realised that 85gr was giving me my best groups. Too bad for me because there's less options for BH at that weight.

02-18-2013, 10:27 PM
100s will be plenty enough ... key is having them sharp .. not the weight of them, Hell if my arrows would fly nice with 85 grain heads I would use them

125s will add some FOC . but there is such a thing as too much FOC so bear that in mind, grab a pack of each and see witch one groups better (they will have totally differant POI) Adjust your sight accordingly and get after them Moose this fall

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. It was more the FOC I was considering really. Cheers