View Full Version : Has life become too materialistic?

12-12-2006, 07:19 PM
I posted a thread the other day about suggestions for a new truck ,I went to look at a few of them and wound up with a big head ache.As I sit here and reflect I ask the question has life become too materialistic?I remeber a time not too long ago when you could drive around in the old pickup with a rifle your dad gave you and look around for some game.Now it seems we need everything to find the same enjoyments, stainless steel barrels,camo,gps,new truck,new quads,etc etc.We all say we need more money but we have 2 or 3 cars 3 tvs ,etc etc.Now we all have to work to buy these things,but does the stress of having to spend all this money to buy these things outweigh the pleasure that these items bring.I do not know about you guys but sometimes I crave a simpler life.:|

12-12-2006, 07:34 PM
I think that probably sums it up, but don't you just love "stainless steel barrels,camo,gps,new truck,new quads,etc etc." LoL...

12-12-2006, 07:41 PM
I crave a simpler life I agree, as much as I like NEW stuff, simple is better.

12-12-2006, 07:53 PM
From the simple life lookin in on those who might have it made, I'm glad I chose the simple life. This is my lot in life. It's not a lot, but at least it's a life.

12-12-2006, 07:53 PM
Buy a new truck then be scared to do or go where you want for fear of scratching it..Get a new gun, shoot a few animals, they're all dead just like the old gun did. New quad got the moose out, old quad did the same thing..Why, you got me, and I've done most of the new things, sometimes regretting it..

12-12-2006, 07:57 PM
Eastkoot, You are wise beyond your years...good on you. :)

12-12-2006, 07:57 PM
I agree, as much as I like NEW stuff, simple is better.

The older I get too:roll: the more I realize these things aren't as important to me either! Less time spending = less time working!!!

Gun Dog
12-12-2006, 08:03 PM
i don't think it materialistic -- I think there's too much choice. Worse, with the Internet you can see what all the choices are. It's not the good old days where you were limited to what your local truck dealer (or gun shop) had in stock.

When I bought my first truck (and still my only truck) it was used and predamaged. :)

12-12-2006, 08:18 PM
I sure agree with you on this one, bighunterfish. I look back when I started hunting and it was in a car and Rambler at that. Now I know we all all buying 4x4's and quads to get back into country with more game and less pressure from other hunters, but as I get older, I am beginning to really dislike road hunting, even if it is on my quad.

I now walk a lot more and push myself by hiking into higher country off the beaten path. The recovery of any large game in wayyy more work than shooting near a road but in the long run, I think it is a more enjoyable hunt and it can pay off.

12-12-2006, 08:20 PM
I used to play with all the gadgets in life because I had my hands on them, now when rifle hunting I have really limited myself to what I need, I I ende up getting rid of the range finder the GPS the quad and the other things I really do not need and started to put a lot more miles on this year again, like when we grew up. I saw more game and passed a lot more critters up this year than years before which was nice.

12-12-2006, 08:21 PM
Ya I like the simple life

If I win lottery it will be simple...

Quit work, flip houses and hunt,hunt,hunt

12-12-2006, 08:37 PM
Thomas ,I know what you mean,remeber at Hubs, all those fancy fishing lures could catch alot more fishermen than fish.:lol:

12-12-2006, 08:45 PM
I won't argue at all. But I also get much enjoyment out of all the things I buy and they ensure I enjoy my spare time to the full extent. Not saying I cant have a great day with the shoes on my feet and thats it, but when you do find yourself buying something like previously mentioned above, remember;
"It's only money, I'll make more." :)

12-12-2006, 09:13 PM
I think mine's still pretty down to earth. Still cut my own wood for heat in the winter, still spend the winter hauling wood in for the wood stove three times a day (four when it's colder). The Wife I hunt 100% of the red meat we eat around here, mostly with old .303 British'es and lots of hoofin it becuase we don't own no quad (though I often amaze myself with all the places I can go in my little Chev Tracker). Oh, I've got a few toys mind you, but if you add up the cost of all the money I've ever spent on hunting, and then compare that number to what it would cost to eat good beef steaks/roasts 4-5 times a week over all the years I've hunted; neverminding all the burger, jerky, etc - then I'm literally thousands of dollars in the black for all my hunting ventures.


12-12-2006, 09:36 PM
Interesting post. I've got some of the latest stuff: gps, quad, sled, high end optics, radios, expensive boots, etc. But then I use some classics too: my huntin rig is a 1983 Chevy 4x4 with 305,000km on it, my go-to gun was made (I think) in 1972, I wear wool pants, my packframe is from the mid-80s, and I often hunt the same areas that I hunted with my dad over 30 years ago. So for me, it's a bit of both...but it works.

Oh ya, I've got a few cords of dry fir here to keep the house warm too! Cutting a load of wood while out hunting is one of my favourite past times..."hunting" for good dry firewood is part of every trip out there.

12-12-2006, 09:39 PM
I splurge on luxury items now and then, but I hold fast to paying as I go and not financing anything. Save the 5 years left in my mortgage, I own everything else I have, although very little is brand new. I like to think I lead a fairly simple life; average home in a small town, wood fireplace, close enough to crown land that I can run my trapline from the end of my driveway on my 4-wheeler. The best part is I have 2 young kids and a wife that I can spend lots of time with, because I don't have to scrounge overtime work to finance a lifestyle I don't want and can't afford.


12-12-2006, 09:49 PM
Absolutely, it seems like the houses are getting bigger, families are getting smaller, less time for loved ones and to be middle class is getting out of reach. I admit, I have quite a few extras, new truck , quad, dirtbikes etc. and they're great but for me they look great in the garage as I have no time to use them like I anticipated, I can't complain though, everyone chooses their own path and responsibilites, some seen and some defineatley unforseen. I agree with the post though, I'd love to "scale" back and live in a smaller town, but have to wait for the kids to get booted out first!LOL Then interior, here I come!8)

12-12-2006, 09:54 PM
You only live once

12-12-2006, 09:54 PM
Good thread I agree, who needs all this crap just imagine what the next generation is going to go through. My dad says that I am pretty well screwed starting out in a world where starter homes are $200K plus, diesel's $1.10/L, cheese is $10 a block, and 30-30 shels are inchin over $20 a box.....WHAT THE F#@K!

12-12-2006, 09:58 PM
I agree with the post about there being too many choices,I recently went into a hunting store and they had over 20 elk calls,the camo patterns are endless from minty green to terra cotta tan,then bullets ,silver tips,nosler partions,accubonds to James Bond,boots leather uppers,gortex,1000 gm thinsulate blah blah blah,then rifles synthetic stock,laminate,wood,stainless barrels,short action etc etc ,then cameras pixel this mega that,holy ^%$^&& no wonder I am stressed. :frown:

12-12-2006, 10:03 PM
...holy ^%$^&& no wonder I am stressed. :frown:
No need to get Stressed.

It's simple....there are the "things" you want and the "things" you need.

Learn the difference between the 2 and you'll be fine8)

12-12-2006, 10:08 PM
Yup agree with ya to a point. However, if it's useful technology and is better made, lighter, tougher/durable and more comfortable I'm all over it. For instance, 15 years ago I used to think my rubber lace ups and danners were the sh*t then I switched to Meindls and never looked back (except for lace up corks for chasin cats). Used to think carpenter jeans (no matter the weather) then throw on my heavy weight Helly Hansen raingear over top if it rained was the sh*t till I got synthetics/fleece and goretex shells and never looked back. Used to think my Grandpa's 270 husq was the sh*t till it got so saturated with bloody water it couldn't hold zero and rusted up badly then I switched to a stainless/synthetic and never looked back. Used to think trapper nelsons and then freighter frames were the sh*t till I switched to a Tatonka pack frame. You get the idea. All the bells and whistles don't always make you a better hunter but some stuff sure works a h*ll of a lot better! Just a thought!

12-12-2006, 10:19 PM
I believe that many of us do lead a much more simple life than many others. I do like my toys, especialy the GPS, which has saved my butt a few times now.
Lets look from another perspective. How many of you feel a need to go out and always have the latest Gouchi shirt or shoes, or trade in your vehicle every other year becuase you don't have the latest options. Fashon trends like this are a lifestyle I have zero interest in.

12-12-2006, 10:21 PM
Thanks D.R Rick, now could you please pour me a drink. :lol:
P.S I need a Titanium gun. 8-)

12-12-2006, 10:32 PM
I need a Titanium gun. 8-)
See now that You KNOW what your priorities are...:wink:

Why settle for a Crappy everyday Stainless rifle when there are now Titanium Ones :lol:

Now Go Have a Drink :smile:

The Hermit
12-12-2006, 10:34 PM
Check out my nicname here... that about sums it up. I am getting closer to pulling the plug on the whole lot every day. Christmas time is the worst! My daughter asked what I'd like for Christmas and I honestly couldn't think of anything for the longest time... told her I want a Wisker Bisket! LOL

12-12-2006, 10:37 PM
:lol: As one gets older the marvels of new technology sure help you stay in the bush . Example - I recently sold my 18 year old ATV and feel much better with the new one .
:lol: Remember there is no such thing as a "TRAILOR HITCH " ON A HEARSE .

REMEMBER -- Keep Your Fingeertab On --

12-12-2006, 10:54 PM
I really liked what Fisherdude had to say, if you take a good european rifle it is something that is going to last you a life time,and his rifle is worth more now then when he bought it,just like good knives ,binoculars etc, so forget all the fads and gimmics and invest in your equipment instead of buying crap.I feel better now. :lol:

12-12-2006, 11:33 PM
One gun that will shoot all the game you'll ever need to shoot.

One 4x4 that will get you anywhere you need to go.

Simple wool clothes for hunting.

Good pair of waterproof hunting boots.

Good binos.

This all we really need to get along in this hunting game.

Now if I can just figure out why I have a $20000 pickup. A $12000 quad I rarely ride. More guns than I can possibly shoot. Box's of hunting junk.
My life may be changing soon, and if so, it will go back to a much simpler way of being. Start over start fresh.

A very good magazine to read for all those wanting to step back into a simpler life, is the Backwoodsman magazine.
Full of simple life ideas.

Marc S.

12-12-2006, 11:42 PM
Hunting is a passion and many people are willing to spend lots of money trying to get all the brand new gadgets on the market, but when you see them in the field and they see how I dress or the basic stuff I carry I seem to shoot deer just like them doesn't make a difference we are all hunters. I'm pretty basic guy and half the electronic stuff I shy away from maybe because I'm from the old school, I won't get lost hell my hunting truck is 22 years old and runs like a charm.

12-13-2006, 12:10 AM
Keep in mind the other things that progress brings.

like Will said, determine what you need vs what you want.

You want things back to how they used to be? we give up technology/progress a lot of other things go with it.

Would it be cool if healthy mid aged people stil died allthe time from pnemonia? When you crack your head open goat hunting, a full two day hike from the nearest phone, I am sure you will be happy one of your partners invested in the useless gadget called a Satellite phone for an airlift out. (real story, happened to a friend of a friend) Medical /technological breakthroughs dont come from old world technology.

Just my 0.02 cents, but look at both sides of the argument.

12-13-2006, 12:17 AM
I love the good gear, i gotta admit. I love high end optics, lightweight clothes and shelter, and good boots.

I'm not so picky about my truck, and I don't own a ATV, but wish I did sometimes.:lol:

For a number of years, I intended on building a big house on my property, and use the "little" hous ewhere I live now as a guest house.

Then a few years ago I woke up and realized that all I needed was the little house and a couple of outbuildings. My mortgage had been paid for some time (it was never very large as i bought the property some time ago,when I was 25, long befre the huge real estate spike here and basiclaly built the house over a coupel of years for cash)

So I can aford a few custom rifles, some Euro optics and top end boots and gear, as well as afford to go on a coupel of good trips per year.

(And yes, i still heat my hosue wiht wood that I mostly split myself)8-)

It comes down to how you want to prioritze your life.8-)

The Hermit
12-13-2006, 01:40 AM
Ha okay I'll own up to the other side of my personality too... my ebay name is toys-are-me! Sport cars, airplanes, motorcycles, boats, guns, fancy restaurants, lattes, fast women (opps the War Department better not see that one), etc etc. So yeah I'm kinda schizy eh! Ha

12-13-2006, 09:12 AM
Keep in mind the other things that progress brings.

like Will said, determine what you need vs what you want.

You want things back to how they used to be? we give up technology/progress a lot of other things go with it.

Would it be cool if healthy mid aged people stil died allthe time from pnemonia? When you crack your head open goat hunting, a full two day hike from the nearest phone, I am sure you will be happy one of your partners invested in the useless gadget called a Satellite phone for an airlift out. (real story, happened to a friend of a friend) Medical /technological breakthroughs dont come from old world technology.

Just my 0.02 cents, but look at both sides of the argument.

Would it be cool if healthy mid aged people stil died allthe time from pnemonia?

No, But look at it from another angle.
Look at all the people that modern medicine keeps alive. Not that long ago sick people would have died and their inferior genes and immune systems with them. Now a large percentage of those people live to pass on their genes to the next generation.
I know I appreciate medicine and like being alive, but is it really the best thing for the long term health of society?
I can't imagine what our deer population(As an example) would look like if it was managed the way the human race is?

A sat phone may be a life saver when needed, but I wonder how many guys take more risks because they know they can call in a medi-vac if things don't work out. GPS's are another item that gets abused IMO. They are a great tool, but I know of too many guys that put their life in the care of their GPS and don't pay nearly enough attention to land marks and other important details. Basically, technology is great, but too many people substitute it for common sense and caution.


12-13-2006, 09:15 AM
I can't imagine what our deer population(As an example) would look like if it was managed the way the human race is?

Although I think we are agreeing here, I disagree with "management" of the human race. Ever heard of sanctity of life? Everyone has an equal right to live, regardless of their circumstances.

Regarding the sat phone - a large piece of shale skipped its way along a glacier, hitting the guy accross the head. The only thing he could have done differently is not shoot a goat in a mountain drainage. And I am sure that after his experience, he wont :D

12-13-2006, 09:31 AM
Yes, Auhaucher we are agreeing. I could have worded it a bit different. I didn't mean to imply that we should "manage" the human race. I believe we try just as hard to preserve human life now as was done years ago, but due to technology, our success rate is much higher.


12-13-2006, 12:34 PM
It is all a matter of priorities. Never had a quad ( had a wife and kids ). Used Rifle, used hunting bow, no range finder, and drive a 1987 Blazer ( have wife and grand kids LOL ) Mike

12-13-2006, 05:29 PM
I whent buy the old ways up to a few years back ,1972 ford 4x4 ,one gun ,a tent ,sleeping in my truck at nights when hunting on a trip sometimes ,no GPS ,no quad and a cross cut saw to cut trees out of the way when across the road. I think now a days that there are so many different things on the market that we tend to buy more. hunter 1947.

12-13-2006, 06:20 PM
I have a few of the above mentioned toys but I try and limmit myself to what I really need. I try to remind myself that if I buy it I will either have to pack it or at some point maintain it when it breaks. I like to call it my "less is more" theory. It works for all sorts of things other than just hunting. I use this theory around the house too. The only thing it does'nt work for is sex.:lol:

12-13-2006, 06:24 PM
It all adds up to being victims of marketing, marketing, marketing. Push it down your throat til you feel you have to have the new toys. And of course with the technological developments, there is always something better on the market each year. Like was said previously, do you need it or do you want it? Many people post that they never have enough time to hunt. Many post that they have all the toys but are seldom used. Too busy working so you can buy more and not have the time to use it? Money problems are one of the greatest sources of stress today. We all need to get our priorities right and see the marketing for what it is. Don't fall for it, know your needs and you'll be happier and more satisfied in the long run.

12-13-2006, 10:45 PM
I lead a pretty simple life, I think. I don't have all the latest toys, the computer I am on now is the first and only one that I have ever owned.

My house is old, mortgage is low. As long as there is venison in the freezer I don't buy any beef. I don't have a quad, sled or boat (but I may if I feel one is needed for my enjoyment of life).

I have some high end optics and several rifles that I have never shot so I do have some weakness'. But hunting and the outdoors is what I enjoy so why not buy good gear. Good optics add a lot to my enjoyment. The unfired rifles will either get used soon or be sold.

I do have a camo jacket but when it is warm i wear canvas pants or jogging pants and when it is cold some old military wool pants.

I also spend much of my disposable income on travelling, but that is experience, not material.

In the not too distant future I can see riverboat trips or charter aircraft flights into the bush.