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View Full Version : Jet Boat Trip On The Stikine River Anyone Interested ?

12-28-2012, 02:16 PM
Hey guys just bought a Wooldridge 22 ' classic with a 460 ci marine engine and a Hamilton 212 pump ... Looking for a good group of guys to do a jet boat trip on the Stikine River either this comming year or the following. Just throwing a line out there to see if anyone is interested ... P.M for more details .:-D

12-28-2012, 05:54 PM
hell ya!! definatly interested

12-29-2012, 02:29 AM
How many nights, & how much weight allowed incuding the hunter?

Great invite!

12-29-2012, 10:46 AM
Absolutely... pm'd

12-29-2012, 10:17 PM
Do you know the river? Is it tough to run? Is it a big river? How long a run is it? Fuel considerations?

I have a north river, might be into going with and taking a couple extra guys...depending on the circumstances.

Safety factor with 2 boats could be a bonus.

01-08-2013, 01:18 AM
I'm looking for like minded people that would like to have a shared expenses trip on the stikine .

01-11-2013, 12:26 PM
Best to do lots of research before doing a jet boat hunting trip as there is lots you are going to learn. Do your upgrades before you hit the river, if you're seeing stuff that needs to be done do it now before it becomes an issue. If your boat isn't built as a northern river boat don't even think about it, most assembly line boats are not built for extreme conditions.
5-6 guys moose huinting out of 1 boat?? Moose up there partially boned and antlers will be approx 500lbs x 5 guys is 2500lbs of meat. Your meat coming out should equal your fuel going in, fuel weighs about 8lbs/gal.
Think of you boat the same as you truck - would you put 5 guys in your truck to go hunting then plan on driving your 5 moose out plus all your gear? - probably have 2-3 trucks i would think.
If you are new to boating you should take some time to learn how your new boat feels and performs. Loaded boats feels and react way different than and empty one, and they burn way more fuel loaded - waaaay more.
Teflon is always a good thing to have, and probably wise to leave the North River at home in the fall when it comes to northern rivers - you may not come home too happy after you tag just 1 rock.
Beaches are rocky, rivers rise and drop quickly up north depending on the weather, limited help are all things you need to think about.
In August i went up the muskwa with my son, the river was very low this year as it was hot and dry.
At the boat launch were some new hunters with a brand new Thunder Jet landing craft that they were using to move an argo around. They were bouncing off the rocks steady with their 14 degree hull, overheated the engine because it had no sand filter and ended up losing their argo in the river as they tried to cross. They proved money can't buy brains.
Also, if you are looking at charging a little extra for the wear and tear - that sounds like a guiding fee and you may want to check legality of that before you advertise on the internet.

not meaning to rain on your parade, just really look at what you are getting into before you go - walk before you run.

01-11-2013, 10:30 PM
I agree with tyreguy. I did a trip to the muskwa and tuchodi this year with my boat and would not do it again without running up there again with someonelse to familiarize myself with the river better. You are at a huge disadvantage going in blind not knowing the river. All it takes is one wrong turn and you are up on the rocks and if your boat is not built for it, you may not be bringing it back. You will also be heavy in the water with your load of guys and gear and should try and see how your boat does running shallow on a river you know.
We spent alot of time running the pitt with 5-6 guys and gear on board to see how the boat would perform. My buddy even put 100 gallons of fuel and 5 coolers full of water on board his boat and drove it to see how his boat did.
We preppped all year and when we got up there having driven 2000 km, his boat would not plane with all the weight. We ended up splitting into 2 groups. Hasn't been the same since.

01-11-2013, 10:55 PM
- Shared expenses

01-11-2013, 11:11 PM
- Shared expenses

01-12-2013, 09:08 AM
Thought id mention,

Gas in burns lake here is .98c a litter at the pumps (reg)....and thats white man gas! might make for some big savings for you on your gas bill. Seems all the gas stations in town are competing with the rez gas prices, hopfully this under $1 a liter sticks around. cheers!

01-12-2013, 05:55 PM
ha ... havnt seen that price in a a while ... i hope its not the calmbefor the storm ... haha

01-12-2013, 08:11 PM
4.54 litres to the gallon in canada

01-12-2013, 08:25 PM
The definition of “transporter” in the
Wildlife Act
Commercial Activities Regulation
is as follows: “transporter” means a person
who, for money or other compensation,
transports a hunter to, from or between
locations so that the hunter can hunt but
does not include a person who operates a
scheduled commercial flight or a chartered
aircraft unless the person also provides
ground transportation, accommodation or
other ground services to the hunter.

I'd have to say you qualify if you are recruiting guys to cover costs and improvements on your boat, paying for your boat and trailer insurance etc etc.
Shouldnt be too tough for the resident CO - just sit at the boat launch on Sept 20th and wait for a guy named Jason from Kamloops with a 22ft Woolridge boat and 4-5 guys, better budget for some fines too. All the information for self incrimination is all included in this thread!!

01-12-2013, 08:36 PM
Any which way to look at it you are charging for a service. Especially since you are expecting people to pay for insurance, maintainance, etc. It also doesnt help that you dont know (assuming that) most of the people going on the trip. Will be pretty hard to explain to an official that you are with buddies on a hunting trip if they ask. I have never been asked myself and do a big trip with buddies every year.
You will have to think of the worst case scenario as well. What happens if someone get hurt. You better have some good insurance, and not just the insurance that comes with the boat.You will be held personally repsonsible. What happens if the guys don't get along. Set the ground rules. I have hunted with the same guys for almost 10 years and we don't always see eye to eye on things. Especially 7 or 8 days in when someone want to leave cause he shot his animal on day 1 or 2.
I think it hard enough trying to plan a trip like this with guys you know, can't imagine doing it with guys I don't know.

01-12-2013, 08:45 PM
I'm thinking you should at least double the amount $300.00 you think the shares should be in the trip.

01-12-2013, 09:17 PM
Sounds to me like you're going about this all wrong. If you really wanted to hunt up there, why not try to meet some like minded folks and have them AND YOURSELF split the costs for the consumables (gas, oil, food). Anything else is illegal guiding and transporting, and I'm thinking you are going to have a tough time finding folks with the way you are going about it. Deposits, paying for upgrades to your boat, or for your time are all major red flags. Hunting partners aren't there to pay for your trip.

Also, I think you are a bit out to lunch on how many people/gear/fuel/dead animals your boat may carry, as well as the costs. I have met some good people off this site, so good luck to you.

01-12-2013, 09:36 PM
Save yourself a lot of stress and grief. Book a trip with Reg.

01-12-2013, 09:44 PM
I'd agree that you're treading on some interesting water here. I've never once paid for a share on a years worth of insurance on a friends boat, quad, truck, etc to be along on a trip, and I've never obviously had a friend tell me that I'd be riding at my own risk, and no friends or hunting partners take 'leftover money' for maintenance, upgrades, kicker engines, etc.

I'd take a serious look at the type of business you want to operate in. It sounds like it could be a great small business for you, but doesnt sound like much of a 'fun' trip between friends so much as an advertisement and waiver/contract.

That being said, I'd sure love to run up a river one day in a jet-boat on some sort of hunt. High up on the list for sure!

01-12-2013, 10:24 PM
ok let me correct myself .... its a shared expenses trip to the Stikine ... I'm simply trying to make hunting more affordable .

01-12-2013, 10:31 PM
If any one is interested they can P.M its a shared expenses trip ...

01-12-2013, 11:21 PM
Ok thank for thoughts ... if anyone is interested you can pm me and we ll organise a hunt .

01-13-2013, 12:42 AM
Boats are high maintenance as are atvs pick ups ect. Any rig run in the great outdoors will cost moola to maintain. You would be one hell of a buddy if you didn't expect some kind reimbursement for the use of your equipment. Fair is fair and being upfront about it is not unreasonable. Anyone who wants to play in a jet boat better expect to pay, or swim in!!! Jmo. Moosin

01-13-2013, 10:12 PM
I agree with tyreguy. I did a trip to the muskwa and tuchodi this year with my boat and would not do it again without running up there again with someonelse to familiarize myself with the river better. You are at a huge disadvantage going in blind not knowing the river. All it takes is one wrong turn and you are up on the rocks and if your boat is not built for it, you may not be bringing it back. You will also be heavy in the water with your load of guys and gear and should try and see how your boat does running shallow on a river you know.
We spent alot of time running the pitt with 5-6 guys and gear on board to see how the boat would perform. My buddy even put 100 gallons of fuel and 5 coolers full of water on board his boat and drove it to see how his boat did.
We preppped all year and when we got up there having driven 2000 km, his boat would not plane with all the weight. We ended up splitting into 2 groups. Hasn't been the same since.

Sorry buddy...:cry: I'll send you a cheque.

01-14-2013, 08:25 AM
Sorry buddy...:cry: I'll send you a cheque.
I forgot to charge you for 10 days of boat and trailer insurance.

01-14-2013, 06:21 PM
free jet boat rides... donate upon good faith .... haha :-D its parked in my driveway ... buckle up & hang on tight :lol:

01-14-2013, 08:45 PM
I'm just bugging you. If people are willing to pay, all the power to you.

01-14-2013, 10:36 PM
I'm just bugging you too ... I'll buy the beer for our trip even... haha :mrgreen: