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View Full Version : Blood Trail help needed

12-16-2012, 06:32 PM
I was out today and had what I judged a 30 yard broadside shot on a WT buck late this afternoon. I let the shot fly and heard a thud, sounded like I pegged a tree but the buck turned and ran up the hill. He didn't go maybe 75 yards and it appeared he was having trouble and wasn't sure if he should continue up hill or come back down.

I watched him carry on a little ways and lost sight of him so I went to where he stood and looked for my arrow. There is was in the dirt with no a speck of blood but a few hairs stuck in the vanes. Thought I maybe missed high or low but I was sure he looked hurt so I began to look for signs of blood.

Nothing at first then 25-30 yards and I see this


I continue and see more

12-16-2012, 06:35 PM
any idea where the arrow entered

Sofa King
12-16-2012, 06:41 PM
i'd say you hit a lung.
it's kinda hard to see the blood spray very clearly though.
he's leaking no matter what.

i take it you haven't found him?
you didn't really mention.

12-16-2012, 06:41 PM
NO, more blood and more blood then I spot him, he sees me but he is bedded down and looks to be bleeding from the mouth and I figured it's just a matter of time. So I backed off to let him quietly pass.

Make a couple of calls and pat myself on the back for my first big game bow kill.

Head back up the hill where he bedded and he's gone and I spot another bed just 10 feet away but he's gotten up from there and disappeared. So many tracks in the area I don't know which are his and the blood has stopped.

12-16-2012, 06:43 PM
ive seen leg shots fling blood around before.. hard to tell its a lung shot unless see bubbling blood around.
- on the good side i see snow in the pix- as long as it doesnt snow anymore overnite, you will find him.
good luck- it happends!

12-16-2012, 06:43 PM
No blood on the arrow, no deer in the freezer.

Likely just clipped him and it's a superficial wound and a little blood on the snow looks like a lot. Looks like dark blood, as well, not from lungs. If you'd hit shoulder or leg bone and the arrow had bounced back, you probably wouldn't have dirt on the broadhead.
How far did you trail him in the snow?

No range finder?

12-16-2012, 06:46 PM
Keep trying to post more photos and info but this web site sucks sometimes.

If I could get the last photo up it looked like he was bleeding from the mouth based on where the blood was in relation to how he was bedded.

I know blood can look worst then it is.

12-16-2012, 06:49 PM
If it was bleeding from the mouth you did not nick it. The light spray on the snow I would have thought from lung, unless blood on face was from licking wounds on belly ?

12-16-2012, 06:49 PM
Looks like a dark veinous type blood trail, lung blood should be quite a bit lighter and frothy. If you didn't happen to see where your arrow hit the sound you heard was probably a shoulder blade hit. Regardless he's bleeding quite well and shouldn't go far if you haven't found him year. If you can I always back off for a period of hours if the hit is marginal. Even leaving him overnight might be okay with the cold weather. Better than continually pushing him out of beds. Since he is bedding down right away I would suggest he's not going far. Hey at least you have tracking snow, on the Island here rain usually washes bloodtrails away very quickly. Good luck in your search !

12-16-2012, 06:51 PM
NO, more blood and more blood then I spot him, he sees me but he is bedded down and looks to be bleeding from the mouth and I figured it's just a matter of time. So I backed off to let him quietly pass.

Make a couple of calls and pat myself on the back for my first big game bow kill.

Head back up the hill where he bedded and he's gone and I spot another bed just 10 feet away but he's gotten up from there and disappeared. So many tracks in the area I don't know which are his and the blood has stopped.
Its not lung blood , if it was he'd be dead in the bed.He probably 'shook' like a wet dog. He laid down 'that' quick , he's hurting.hopefully it doesnt snow over night , he'll be laying down again right quick , hopefully he gets stiff and too sore to start travelling. Trail him like he's alive and you might get a finnishing shot in on him tomarrow.

12-16-2012, 06:51 PM
I had to stop because of the darkness but I will be back there tomorrow.

http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4007_zpsf0074e99.jpg (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4007_zpsf0074e99.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4008_zps50e2a770.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4009_zpsc905d9bc.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4010_zps17e48769.jpg%5B/IMG%5D)
http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4008_zps50e2a770.jpg (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4007_zpsf0074e99.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4008_zps50e2a770.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4009_zpsc905d9bc.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4010_zps17e48769.jpg%5B/IMG%5D)
http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4009_zpsc905d9bc.jpg (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4007_zpsf0074e99.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4008_zps50e2a770.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4009_zpsc905d9bc.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4010_zps17e48769.jpg%5B/IMG%5D)
http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4010_zps17e48769.jpg (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4007_zpsf0074e99.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4008_zps50e2a770.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4009_zpsc905d9bc.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4010_zps17e48769.jpg%5B/IMG%5D)
http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4011_zpsc728c3ed.jpg (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab46/igojuone/Blood%20Trail/IMG_4011_zpsc728c3ed.jpg%5B/IMG%5D)

Sofa King
12-16-2012, 06:52 PM
No blood on the arrow, no deer in the freezer.

Likely just clipped him and it's a superficial wound and a little blood on the snow looks like a lot. Looks like dark blood, as well, not from lungs. If you'd hit shoulder or leg bone and the arrow had bounced back, you probably wouldn't have dirt on the broadhead.
How far did you trail him in the snow?

No range finder?

good point.
i forgot that there was no blood on the arrow.

and i was thinking those sprays looked like they may have been from the deer snorting up blood.
but if he was just nicked, i guess he's maybe just bleeding.
strange that he was walking strangely and bedding down shortly though.
and if he was bleeding from the mouth, it has to be more than just a superficial wound.
i'd say get out tomorrow in the light and have a thorough search of the area.
shitty though, they are calling for a heavy snowfall.
good luck.

12-16-2012, 06:53 PM
I am assuming that you have hit one lung. You said it looked like he was bleeding from his mouth.ung must of been involved or there would be no way that blood is coming out of his mouth..

Go back to where you last saw him, start doing big arcs from that last point, til you find the right tracks with blood. Go very slowly so you don't get confused by the tracks. Take a roll of bright flagging tape and put a small piece down everytime you find blood...

I think he is dead, you just have to follow the right path, til you find him...

If I was you, I would have a bite to eat, get a buddy and go back and search tonight, by flaslight or headlamp.. I would be concerned about the snow covering his tracks or the coyotes eating it before you you get back therr in the morning...

12-16-2012, 07:02 PM
i hope u find ur deer looks like hes leaking good

Sofa King
12-16-2012, 07:04 PM
take a rifle with you tomorrow.
fair chance you might find some coyotes nearby, if not on your deer.

12-16-2012, 07:09 PM
Wish I had help but best I can do is spend the day out there tomorrow.

This is the bed he made last.


I realize now I should have stayed and watched him rather then back off, as soon as he stood I could have put another one in him.

12-16-2012, 07:09 PM
The amount of blood spray doesn't make sense given the arrow wasn't covered in blood over the entire length. That's blood either spraying out of the chest cavity(heart shot) or spraying out of the mouth. Could have been a neck shot hitting vertebrae or facial bones but usually hitting the backbone makes them drop instantly. If it was a heart/lung shot he'd likely be dead by now. How long did you wait until you tracked him the second time? Shoulder hit would make the loud thwack sound you heard but arrow should penetrate and stay logged in animal and break off at some point if it doesn't pass through. Regardless you would see blood on the arrow. Makes me think it was a nicking neck shot that clipped the esophagus and he's clearing the blood out of his wind pipe. Wish I was there to help you out! Good luck!

12-16-2012, 07:13 PM
Just saw you last post photo and all the blood is at the region of his bed where his head and neck would be confirming to me that it was a head or high neck shot which explains the blood sprays in the snow as he was clearing his airway as it filled with blood. Judging but the amount of blood I'd say you clipped a major vein regardless and should find him when you start tracking again.

12-16-2012, 07:17 PM
I am assuming that you have hit one lung.

If you got one lung and the arrow fell out, there would be blood on the arrow. No blood on the arrow usually means a peripheral hit.

The pic with the blood drizzled in a sharp line looks like a low, small vein and the spray is when he hits the ground hard and the blood on his fur shakes off.

Hair stuck in the vanes means the arrow passed through. No blood means not through vitals.

Does the arrow feel greasy?

Hopefully you get lucky and get your first archery buck. Don't give up yet.

12-16-2012, 07:17 PM
I made a couple of calls probably 20-30 minutes before I headed back out. It wasn't a shoulder hit the arrow was found beyond where he stood.

12-16-2012, 07:21 PM
Keep us informed.

12-16-2012, 07:21 PM
If you got one lung and the arrow fell out, there would be blood on the arrow. No blood on the arrow usually means a peripheral hit.

The pic with the blood drizzled in a sharp line looks like a low, small vein and the spray is when he hits the ground hard and the blood on his fur shakes off.

Hair stuck in the vanes means the arrow passed through. No blood means not through vitals.

Does the arrow feel greasy?

Hopefully you get lucky and get your first archery buck. Don't give up yet.

Arrow doesn't feel greasy and the first photos of sprayed blood are of where I could see him and he never hit the ground in those spots.

12-16-2012, 07:22 PM
I'll post more tomorrow, hopefully with some photos of him as well.

12-16-2012, 07:23 PM
Looks like you hit him up front judging by the last pic, lots of blood there, he's gotta bleed out from that one. Looks like you might have slashed him. I hope you can pick up the track again. Good luck.

12-16-2012, 07:24 PM
My opinion I don't think you hit the plural cavity. The traces of blood look more in the front and centre of his mass I might think low brisket hit or with the small streamer of blood you have and the light spray low front of the neck shot. Any cougars in the area? They would likely find it before you do. Good luck.

12-16-2012, 07:27 PM
i'd say you hit a lung.
it's kinda hard to see the blood spray very clearly though.
he's leaking no matter what.

i take it you haven't found him?
you didn't really mention.

how do you get lung outa that blood ...i dont see no foamy blood or air bubbles ...

12-16-2012, 07:32 PM
Arrow doesn't feel greasy and the first photos of sprayed blood are of where I could see him and he never hit the ground in those spots.

If it's not greasy, it's probably neck. By hitting the ground hard , I meant with his feet, not his body. I should have said that better.

Good luck tomorrow. If he keeps moving he may keep bleeding, but as others have said, the coyotes will be on that trail real quick. Best blood trailers in the business.

12-16-2012, 07:49 PM
without seeing where the arrow went in you will only be guessing where he was hit..unless the blood was foammy or you were there to look closely at blood coulor..

for all u no ..he way only have a grazed wound ...ive seen alot more blood than that before and deer was never located

Big Lew
12-16-2012, 09:00 PM
Looks like a dark veinous type blood trail, lung blood should be quite a bit lighter and frothy. If you didn't happen to see where your arrow hit the sound you heard was probably a shoulder blade hit. Regardless he's bleeding quite well and shouldn't go far if you haven't found him year. If you can I always back off for a period of hours if the hit is marginal. Even leaving him overnight might be okay with the cold weather. Better than continually pushing him out of beds. Since he is bedding down right away I would suggest he's not going far. Hey at least you have tracking snow, on the Island here rain usually washes bloodtrails away very quickly. Good luck in your search !

I agree. If you hit soft tissue, you wouldn't have heard a thud similar to what you describe as 'hitting a tree'. You also said there was hair stuck on the vanes, but no blood on the shaft. You also said that you found the arrow beyond where the deer was hit, so it's not likely you hit the heavy part of the shoulder. If you hit the shoulder plate or glanced off a leg and the arrow passed through, hopefully the blades cut an artery or vein big enough for him to eventually bleed out. Because it's on snow, it looks like a lot of blood, but it's really not that heavy. You should still have some blood to follow for quite a ways though, unless you ended up following the wrong tracks.

12-16-2012, 09:01 PM
hotload is going to bring his dog tomorrow and we'll see what happens.

Thanks for all the thoughts and help.

Bc Deer Hunter
12-16-2012, 09:06 PM
hotload is going to bring his dog tomorrow and we'll see what happens.

Thanks for all the thoughts and help.

hotload is a top notch guy!! Best of luck on your recovery, finger's crossed you guys find the buck!!

12-16-2012, 09:06 PM
Having hotloads dog just upped your chances 100 fold. From what I have read tbat dog knows how to track...

12-16-2012, 09:22 PM
hotload is going to bring his dog tomorrow and we'll see what happens.

Thanks for all the thoughts and help.

Perfect! Looking forward to seeing the pics tomorrow. Hopefully the 'yotes don't get to it before you.

12-16-2012, 10:16 PM
good luck . with all that blood i would guess he'll go down

The Dude
12-16-2012, 10:58 PM
Looks like he was hit in the brisket somewhere, lower neck, forward of the leg. Good blood trail and bedding pool.
If you have a dog, you'll find him, no worries.
We look forward to pics!

Jason Melo
12-16-2012, 11:08 PM
good luck tomorrow Im sure you will find him not to far from the last bedding area he is bleeding pretty damn good!,

12-16-2012, 11:24 PM
same happened to me this year at 80 yards with a 7-08, WT hit hunched up, took off for his death run or so I thought. 5hrs and 1km later the blood dried up to dime size, no snow, entered into grasslands, searched 2 more days, no sign. Those deer are tough!!! Hope you find yours!!

12-16-2012, 11:41 PM
Curious the type of broadhead used?
Snowing heavy right now, but you should be able to follow your footprints to that last bedding location......dog can take over from there.
Good luck tracking in the morning.

Sofa King
12-16-2012, 11:50 PM
at least you marked the area.
there's likely to be alot more snow by tomorrow.
hopefully that helps keep the scent down through the night.
look forward to pics to see what the outcome was.
let's see that pooch at work.
good luck you guys.

12-17-2012, 09:25 AM
Its not lung blood , if it was he'd be dead in the bed.He probably 'shook' like a wet dog. He laid down 'that' quick , he's hurting.hopefully it doesnt snow over night , he'll be laying down again right quick , hopefully he gets stiff and too sore to start travelling. Trail him like he's alive and you might get a finnishing shot in on him tomarrow.

Well agreed. One thing that I would add, is judging by your photos, you trailed it until it got dark. When that happens, you can continue to search, but slowly and quietly as possible. One of those led head lights work great. Keeps the hands free and when you get close, the deer will likely be bedded down and those eyes will glow when your light hits them. From then on, you can maybe sit for a while and wait, or slowly work your way closer for a finishing shot.

I had this exact scenario happen to me, just 2 days ago. Arrowed a buck late in the day, but shot hit just a little further back than I wanted. Waited for a while then tracked the deer as mentioned. Eventually got close enough for a double lung shot, which finished the animal in short order. My first shot had just nicked the liver. A fatal shot, but not near as fast as lung shots.
In any event, don't get discouraged. Just be patient and do your very best to find the animal asap. Good luck!

12-17-2012, 10:31 AM
Odds are you shot a bit too far forward and hit the shoulder blade. we had a an arrow hit the shoulder blade and deflect up and nicked the throat , luckily enough there was enough time for a second shot . Was this a fixed blade or mechanical ? They tend to deflect a lot differently off solid bone .

12-17-2012, 11:29 AM
no doubt if the animals was hit or nicked on an arterie and was alive enough to elude you last night and you have hotload and carlos on his trail that deer is as good as found if it is dead.

Sofa King
12-17-2012, 11:53 AM
Odds are you shot a bit too far forward and hit the shoulder blade. we had a an arrow hit the shoulder blade and deflect up and nicked the throat , luckily enough there was enough time for a second shot . Was this a fixed blade or mechanical ? They tend to deflect a lot differently off solid bone .

even hitting the shoulder-blade, wouldn't the arrow have had more on it?
it would have still entered the deer.
judging by the description of the arrow, it sounds more like it grazed the animal.
but, i guess that the snow may have cleaned the arrow some?
i don't know.
it's going to be interesting to hear what they find.
they must be having some fun in there with all the extra snow now.
hope they are successful.

12-17-2012, 12:06 PM
That spray sure looks like it was blown out. If he had blood coming out his mouth it certainly wasn't "nicked". Looks like quite a bit of blood in his bed also.
Wouldn't be the first time a dead deer walked away though. Good luck finding him. Where do you think you hit him and were you in a tree stand?

Sofa King
12-17-2012, 12:08 PM
That spray sure looks like it was blown out. If he had blood coming out his mouth it certainly wasn't "nicked". Looks like quite a bit of blood in his bed also.
Wouldn't be the first time a dead deer walked away though. Good luck finding him. Where do you think you hit him and were you in a tree stand?

that's why i originally said a lung-shot.
the spray was pretty spread.

12-17-2012, 12:31 PM
I think snow holds scent for the dogs... as long as it isn't too deep he should be successful hopefully.

12-17-2012, 01:04 PM
Sorry no pictures as battery was dead but Rod stopped by this morning and picked me up around 9:30 and once we found the last bed with the blood in it his dog was off in a hurry. The dog found a few more blood droppings in the fresh 4-5 inches of snow since last night and we had to back track a couple of times to the last blood the dog found and head out again and again almost always gaining ground with more blood spotted along the way.

I don't know how the dog does it with me out there last night walking though blood and tracking it all over the mountain side. At one point the dog was tracking my foot steps from the morning some 24 hours old.

Anyways it wasn't long and there he was laying in his last bed of the night a few hundred yards from where I last saw him covered in fresh snow. The dog was one happy guy.

The rest as they say is history, gut, drag and loaded him in Rod's truck and he dropped me off at home. Tried to give Rod a bottle or gas money, anything for his time but no way.

If anyone runs into trouble locating a wounded animal don't hesitate to give Rod (hotload) a PM and if he's got the time he's more than happy to help.

Thanks again Rod, I'm sure I would still be out there if it wasn't for you and your dog.

One last thing, it was a lower neck shot just in front of the shoulder.

Hank Hunter
12-17-2012, 01:09 PM
Congrats on staying with it and getting the job done

12-17-2012, 01:15 PM
A great end to the story. Congrats on the buck and thanks to Rod for helping a guy out with finding a downed deer.

This is a much better read that the bickering that often goes on in the forum.

12-17-2012, 01:18 PM
Yeah Rod is a great guy, not too many that would take time out of their day to help and then not take anything for the effort.

12-17-2012, 01:20 PM

Congrats on your first big game bow kill!
Nice work boys!

12-17-2012, 01:25 PM
awesome ending to this thread! hope you can post some pics of your buck later! I would love to se it! congrats

BiG Boar
12-17-2012, 01:26 PM
How close were you to finding it last night? Even close?

12-17-2012, 01:29 PM
I love a happy ending !

12-17-2012, 01:36 PM
Way to stick with it.....

12-17-2012, 01:42 PM
Thats awesome, great to hear you guys found the deer. Nice work Hotload!!

Sofa King
12-17-2012, 01:48 PM
awesome story and ending to it.
i'd be buying that dog a nice big bone for xmas.
dogs are truly amazing.....and their handlers too.

12-17-2012, 01:56 PM
Couldn't have ended better! Congrats on your first bow buck and you have a way better story then just "bang, flop". Excitement, let down, anxiety, trepidation and elation!!

Kudos to dog and handler as well. Great team effort.

12-17-2012, 02:01 PM
Happy ending...:-D

12-17-2012, 02:02 PM
Maybe a box of milk bones are in order. Congrats great effort indeed glad it was worth the effort.

12-17-2012, 02:06 PM
Got to love having dogs available when things aren't going your way. Great work Hotload and pooch on helping out. Enjoy the venison boys

12-17-2012, 02:29 PM
Wicked!! That story is a keeper, right on !!!!!

12-17-2012, 02:33 PM
How close were you to finding it last night? Even close?

Not even close, I circled the last blood I found a dozen times, just enough to give the dog a workout but I was still 200 yards off.

12-17-2012, 03:30 PM
Yes, congrats on finding the animal. Glad it worked out. And thanks for sharing the scenario on here. A guy can be open to criticism on the internet in so many ways. Hopefully everyone learned something. If you bowhunt, you will be blood trailing. I'd suggest the pup deserves some nice fresh venison liver....

12-17-2012, 03:34 PM
Well done! Glad things worked out successfully. Good learning experience also to boot. Congrats on your first bow harvest.

12-17-2012, 03:35 PM
Lets see a pic...

12-17-2012, 03:36 PM
Awesome! Way to go guys, persistance always pays off, good on ya for sticking it out and Rod for being so willing to bring out his dog. Congrats!

12-17-2012, 03:56 PM
That's awesome!

12-17-2012, 04:48 PM
not any dog can successfully track like rod (hotload) and carlos (deutsch-drahthaar). they work everyday at some form of hunting/tracking/retrieving and there was not a single doubt in my mind with the knowledge and personality of carlos, reading his every move is almost like watching a man as possesed, as the dog is at being successful. they are a team in every sence of the term no doubt.
congrats on your first bow kill and hi 5's again rod, goodluck in california and i should have that fox down to ya sometime soon.

12-17-2012, 05:01 PM
nice story with a happy ending. Glad u stuck with it. Kudos, to the dog and it's handler.

Bc Deer Hunter
12-17-2012, 05:21 PM
Really glad evreything worked out!! :) Just shows what a great dog and a handler can do! Congrats on your first bow kill!!

12-17-2012, 05:25 PM
Excellent! Made my day!
Gotta admit I was wishing I was a tad closer last night, and could have put my Wolf Hybrid on the case. He's proven himself more than a few times, and I was very happy to learn you had one even more accomplished taking on the task!

Kudos to you for sticking with it! And a very large Tip Of the Hat to Hotload and his Companion!

Job WELL DONE Gentz!! :-D


12-17-2012, 07:49 PM
PICS or none of it is TRUE!!!!!!

12-17-2012, 07:59 PM
Wow, way to go team! They don't call them snorkers mans best friend for nothing. Any sign of preds around it?

12-17-2012, 08:24 PM
Great ending and cheers to hotload for the effort. Now lets see some pics of the deer. :)

12-17-2012, 08:28 PM
Congratulations on your first archery buck! Sounds like you did well to get the right man and dog on the job. Well done, Rod and Carlos.

12-17-2012, 08:33 PM
Way to go, the rest of them should be easier :-)

The Dude
12-17-2012, 08:34 PM
Sorry no pictures as battery was dead but Rod stopped by this morning and picked me up around 9:30 and once we found the last bed with the blood in it his dog was off in a hurry. The dog found a few more blood droppings in the fresh 4-5 inches of snow since last night and we had to back track a couple of times to the last blood the dog found and head out again and again almost always gaining ground with more blood spotted along the way.

I don't know how the dog does it with me out there last night walking though blood and tracking it all over the mountain side. At one point the dog was tracking my foot steps from the morning some 24 hours old.

Anyways it wasn't long and there he was laying in his last bed of the night a few hundred yards from where I last saw him covered in fresh snow. The dog was one happy guy.

The rest as they say is history, gut, drag and loaded him in Rod's truck and he dropped me off at home. Tried to give Rod a bottle or gas money, anything for his time but no way.

If anyone runs into trouble locating a wounded animal don't hesitate to give Rod (hotload) a PM and if he's got the time he's more than happy to help.

Thanks again Rod, I'm sure I would still be out there if it wasn't for you and your dog.

One last thing, it was a lower neck shot just in front of the shoulder.

Good on you guys! Glad you find your deer, and he didn't become Coyote fodder. Good on Rod for helping you as well!
(Also glad I was bang on about shot placement :D )

Wood butcher
12-17-2012, 08:53 PM
Wow awesome ending to the story! That's really a great thing to do for someone hotload, kudos.
Congrats to all of you.
The dog would get all of the liver from me :-D

12-17-2012, 08:56 PM
Just picked up on this post...I am very happy you got your deer & did not quit right away, and I am very happy to see how other concerned hunters put in their thoughts to help you in retrieving your kill....this is a great story, good on your partners nose too,. congrats...............

12-18-2012, 12:41 AM
Where are your pictures ???

Sofa King
12-18-2012, 12:51 AM
after all this, i want to see a pic of the dog more than the deer.
let's honour that canine.

12-18-2012, 07:25 AM
PICS or none of it is TRUE!!!!!!


Another idiot goes on my ignore list. Why is there no shortage of idiots on the internet?

12-18-2012, 07:27 AM
Here's Rod's (hotload) phone number if any one is in need of his help. 250-769-8002

12-18-2012, 07:40 AM
Good news that you recoverd your deer ,,congrats on getting your first big game animal with a bow..

BiG Boar
12-18-2012, 08:41 AM

Another idiot goes on my ignore list. Why is there no shortage of idiots on the internet?


actually it's true.

You know this is a common expression on here right?

12-18-2012, 09:19 AM
Here's Rod's (hotload) phone number if any one is in need of his help.

Does Rod really want his phone number broadcast on a public forum?

12-18-2012, 09:48 AM
Does Rod really want his phone number broadcast on a public forum?

Actually with a lot of consideration on my part I have put my own number on here at the start of hunting season. I weighed out the advantages and disadvantages in doing so and thought if this would help fellow members retrieve their lost game and lets just see if we can get it done. I know first hand the feeling of shooting an animal and having it run away never to find it again and that particular feeling will be etched in my brain forever. With the all responses from fellow members to a first time bow hunter, and the different views on how the animal was hit, the experience for IGOJUONE turned out to be a positive experience rather than just a total downer. This turned out to be a great thread, thanks everybody for the input............................................. ..................


12-18-2012, 10:10 AM
You're a good man, Rod! Great to have someone like you in our local community who is willing and able to assist in situations such as this one.

12-18-2012, 10:16 AM
Please post a picture... Hows that for non troll?

12-18-2012, 10:26 AM
Three cheers for Rod and his pup. What a guy!

12-18-2012, 12:24 PM
By the way, where did the arrow hit?

12-18-2012, 12:48 PM
...One last thing, it was a lower neck shot just in front of the shoulder.

By the way, where did the arrow hit?

There is your answer.

Stone Sheep Steve
12-18-2012, 12:50 PM
Actually with a lot of consideration on my part I have put my own number on here at the start of hunting season. I weighed out the advantages and disadvantages in doing so and thought if this would help fellow members retrieve their lost game and lets just see if we can get it done. I know first hand the feeling of shooting an animal and having it run away never to find it again and that particular feeling will be etched in my brain forever. With the all responses from fellow members to a first time bow hunter, and the different views on how the animal was hit, the experience for IGOJUONE turned out to be a positive experience rather than just a total downer. This turned out to be a great thread, thanks everybody for the input............................................. ..................


I've just added you to my contact list, Rod! Could have used your assistance a couple of weeks ago.

Nice work!


12-21-2012, 11:18 AM
Where are your pictures ???

Holy *uck, who many are going to ask the same question without reading the thread first.

Anyways for those that would like to see him, take a look, just don't look him in the eyes. After a few days in my backyard the birds might have pecked him over a little.
Well the battery is recharged and the meat is at the butcher but here is a picture of what remains.
My first big game animal with my bow, an APA King Cobra.

Sofa King
12-21-2012, 11:21 AM
awesome deer.
nothing wrong with that for a first bow-kill.

hope there's many more.

12-21-2012, 12:07 PM
awesome deer.
nothing wrong with that for a first bow-kill.

hope there's many more.

Thats right. Congrats..
He'll make a great hat rack. :-D

12-21-2012, 08:18 PM
Just found this thread, first congrats on your bow kill, toughest challenge in the hunting fraternity. Cudos to Hotload, what a great unselfish HBC member and hunter. Enjoyed reading all the "i think this is what happened" comments and then having the proof in the pudding when you found your buck!

12-23-2012, 01:43 PM
Awesome! Congrats on such a nice buck. It's admirable how you stuck with it, and found your kill.