View Full Version : Is this normal?

12-12-2012, 10:20 PM
So our duck pond has been full of ducks for the past couple months, but my buddy went out tonight for a quick hunt and not a single bird was to be seen. Nothin flying by either! Is this normal? Should we give it a rest for a bit? There has been an owl hanging out nearby, could that have spooked them enough to leave? There hasn't been too much hunting pressure on the area this season so far.

12-12-2012, 10:23 PM
Zero wind to get them off the foreshore is some times a recipe for lack of birds up the valley. If there's no wind the little buggers will sit out there, unless your field is FULL of FOOD that they have been pounding on for a while, no concern they'll be back.


12-12-2012, 10:43 PM
Put more corn in there,

They are sure to come back.

Did you have a freeze over? How often do you shoot it? Is it possible someone came and swatted it when they were all sitting on there?


12-12-2012, 11:19 PM
No freeze over, it's possible but not likely someone else came and hunted our spot. Were going to leave it alone till Saturday and I guess we will see if they come back by then

12-12-2012, 11:42 PM
Some times they just migrate. THis time of the year in our area the brids are minimal. Happens every year. We have one field holding a few hundred birds thats it. 3 weeks ago we had 3 feilds holding well over 1000 and every puddle within 50 miles had ducks in it. The reason i asked is someone shot it when all the birds were sitting there, is because blowing out a roost will surely send them somewhere else. I assume when you hunt it, you hunt it when they are coming for a drink mid morning or when they are coming back to the roost in smaller numbers at night. IF you shoot a small pond holding lots of birds while they are all roosting its how you blow a spot out.

12-12-2012, 11:52 PM
We shoot it when they're flying in for the night. There has never been ducks on the water when we've shot. Is this a mistake? Should we change it up and shoot at a different time of day?

12-13-2012, 08:55 AM
We shoot it when they're flying in for the night. There has never been ducks on the water when we've shot. Is this a mistake? Should we change it up and shoot at a different time of day?
My guess is they've eaten it out. K