View Full Version : Crossbow Broadhead Advice

12-08-2012, 01:59 PM
Following this and last season's successful hunts, I find myself now searching for a new broadhead. In short, I was rather unimpressed by the Excalibur Boltcutters this season. Yes, they fly extremely close to my field tips of equivalent weight, and that I do Enjoy...


My Hunting Partner uses a 175 lb 10-Point Bow vs my 225 lb ExoMax.
We had near identical shots on relaxed animals, near identical ranges, and near identical hits.

His animals collapsed with 30 yards on every occasion, and left a HUGE blood trail (to me important especially when there is no snow) from point of impact to where the animal laid.

On occasion over the past two years, the animals I took ran in excess of 100 yards. It made tracking difficult, time consuming, and without many years of experience in doing so, they may have been lost.

All were double lung hits.

The only difference beyond the bows is that I was using Boltcutters and he was using 125 grain 4-Blade slick Tricks.

I did consider the Slick Tricks simply because my Partner enjoyed such success with them. And I do believe they will fly fine from the Exomax given the 6 degree helical Big John was so kind as to install the blazer vanes with. That said, I recognize that the mechanicals offer a MUCH larger diameter cutting surface, and I am rather interested in that parameter. Larger hole should equal more damage and better blood trail... Not?

I have read and heard about both Shwackers and Spitfire Maxx broadheads. But having never shot any mechanicals, I am at a bit of a loss in which direction to go...

Here is my understanding at this point:

While the Shwackers appear to perform very well, there is the issue of dealing with the bands. I am of the Old School mentality wherein the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Rule very much applies. Don't much like the idea of fiddling with the bands and would greatly prefer some type of set-up that avoids this issue.

On the other hand, the Spitfire Maxx does not require bands to hold the deploying blades in place - a positive in my mind's eye. The possible negatives I see with this one is that they do not fully deploy the blades on contact, rather AFTER they have entered the target (opening as they go through, not completely deploying on impact). My understanding is that the results would be a smallish entry wound with a much larger exit (and given the power of the Exomax and the ranges I shoot I believe pass-throughs would be the predominant result). To me this suggests very little blood loss from the entry wound, and the distinct possibility of lung (or other) material blocking the larger exit hole, again providing for little in the way of blood loss for trailing. All fine of course, unless the critter bolts a hundred yards and then I'm back to square one - something I am hoping to avoid by doing my research now...

I also like the look of Excalibur's X-Act mechanical. Wish it came in a 125 grain option as I wish to stick with that weight as my minimum (LOVE the FOC and arrow flight accuracy as a consequence of that with my set-up).

Perhaps I am over-analyzing this? I understand that most modern broadheads will get the job done. Yet that little voice inside my head keeps telling me there simply HAS to be a "Perfect" broadhead out there for my set-up. One that is reasonably simple, will provide for Massive Damage and Good Blood Trails for those less-than-ideal tracking conditions we sometimes encounter...

So I ask each of you that might use either what your thoughts on these two choices are? Pro's? Cons?
I will be looking at 125 grain heads in whichever I choose. And I am sincerely hoping I will find some informed and sage advice here as to just what that choice may be...

Thanks in advance for any and all advice!! Looking Forward to your replies...


12-08-2012, 03:07 PM
Just had another Member suggest Grim Reapers and insist they are "the only way to go".

Getting Information Overloaded at this point...
Making it tough for me to sort this one out!! http://www.excaliburcrossbow.com/phpBB2/images/smilies/icon_eek.gif


270short mag
12-08-2012, 04:20 PM
im not overlly impressed with the boltcutter but I will never shoot the the mechanicals. To week I am also oldschool and dont trust them. If you find something better let me know.

12-08-2012, 04:28 PM
100 grain Stinger single Blade .

12-08-2012, 06:08 PM
Yep... Grimreaper SS is the only way to fly...

Sofa King
12-08-2012, 06:32 PM
noggin, how do you like the excalibur in comparison to the tenpoint?
the tenpoint is a sweet unit, but i like the simpleness of the exo.

12-08-2012, 07:20 PM
Still wrestling with this one, but am leaning towards the Spitfire Maxx as The Solution. Just behind that in my mind's eye is the Grim Reaper head, but I'll likely try the Spitfires first.

270ShortMag: I remember when the mechanicals first came out - I was shooting a PSE Laser Mag in those days (guess that kind of dates me...). And I was extremely dubious about using them. Times change...

Back then I never thought I'd ever be shooting a 225 pound crossbow either. Technology has very much improved both with the bows, the arrows, and of course the broadheads. In my way of thinking, the Most amount of Damage is what is Most Desirable in a broadhead. And I now realize to achieve that i will likely have to go with a mechanical head. Today's crossbows deliver more than enough energy to ensure proper deployment and penetration, so for me the answer is obvious. I understand that there will be the odd time when distance tracking will still be required - shit happens out there after all. And I am well experienced with that. However I REALLY want that to be an exception rather than the rule. You should check into today's mechanicals, they are Tried and True largely at this point, and I honestly believe they can help maximize the Deadly Effects of your crossbow.

Barring that, if you simply do not wish to try them... If I could only choose a fixed head, I would run with the Slick Tricks 125 grain from what I have seen first hand... Better than the Boltcutters by far from what I have witnessed.

noggin, how do you like the excalibur in comparison to the tenpoint?
the tenpoint is a sweet unit, but i like the simpleness of the exo.

Duallie - I'll be very honest here... I actually had to think on whether to answer you or not. I have read a good handful of your posts on this forum, and from that have formed an opinion of you. May of course be mistaken, on-line personalities often differ than that in real life. I am hoping that is what is occurring in your case, and so chose to give you the benefit of doubt in this instance. NOT looking to start a Flame War here, just letting you know directly my perceptions...

My Partner LOVES his Ten-Point. It is a very well made bow, and in the hands of a capable Shooter is LETHAL. It is light, and much narrower & shorter than my Magnum bow. That makes it more maneuverable - a fair bit easier to get around in the bush with, and affords shot possibilities is somewhat tighter conditions.

That said IMO it also carries a few disadvantages. I do not like the 3-stage safety. Too much for one as simple as me to deal with in the Excitement of the moment of the shot. It also has strings, pulleys and cables. There is simply no way you could ever change the string in the field quickly as one can with any Excalibur.

I LOVE my Exomax. It is the most powerful bow made by Excalibur. Fairly light, even tricked out. Extremely simply by design, and I can change the string etc in seconds right in the field. And while this model is apparently hard on strings, I am willing to suck that up for the additional power and quick string changes. The Accuracy of this bow is Incredible! Right out to 60 yards and beyond, you do not dare shoot at the same bulls-eye for fear of a Robin Hood event. Between the Simpleness, the Power and the Accuracy, I am more than Sold. And should anything ever go wrong, Excalibur is well known for the Best Warranty in the Business - which is a comforting thought unto itself.

I guess it all boils down to personal taste. Both are Lethal. Both get the job done. Some like apples, others like oranges...

As for myself, I won't be switching any time soon... Neither He!


12-08-2012, 09:02 PM
I would try muzzy's or mechanical's. I shoot muzzy's with a bow... then again I haven't shot anything yet so...:evil::evil:

12-09-2012, 04:49 PM
I'm Matt's Okanagan bow hunting partner with TenPoint Stealth crossbow. It is my second bow after I used Titan for over 10 years previously. I upgraded last year to model Stealth XLT of 185 lb and 320 FPS with standard 420 grain bolt and 95.5 lb kinetic energy.
It is extreme limb technology and only 12" wide when cocked. It does what I ask it to do and more. Very accurate consistent and maneuverable crossbow I fill up my tags with it no problem. However I can not compare to Nog's bow because his is a cannon, :) and super accurate to add.

12-09-2012, 05:55 PM
Your partner's choice of slick tricks is a good one. I have used them with similar results. In all cases the animal died after a short distance. On average 10 to 40 yrds. As you described, flies like field points and good blood trails. The only complaint I have with them is they are not as durable as I hoped. More often than not, one or two blades would break making the broad head non reusable unless you install new blades again. For crossbows, your decision to go with 125 grain is the correct one. All crossbow manufacturers recommend 125 grain as opposed to 100 grain in order to give more weight forward. As far as fixed versus mechanical. Definitely fixed. Severe cold can effect whether the blade opens properly on impact and if the shot hits a major bone (shoulder or sometimes rib bone), the blade can easily break.

So, my first choice of broadhead is the Montec G5. You can't go wrong with them. Every bit as good as slick tricks, only much more durable. Hope that helps.

12-10-2012, 09:48 AM
You got the speed and KE... Use mechanicals! They put a huge cut on the animal. Spit Fire Maxx, Grimm Reapers, Rage (crossbow model), G5 T3's or Shwackers. U cant go wrong.

12-10-2012, 07:50 PM
I'm Matt's Okanagan bow hunting partner with TenPoint Stealth crossbow. It is my second bow after I used Titan for over 10 years previously. I upgraded last year to model Stealth XLT of 185 lb and 320 FPS with standard 420 grain bolt and 95.5 lb kinetic energy.
It is extreme limb technology and only 12" wide when cocked. It does what I ask it to do and more. Very accurate consistent and maneuverable crossbow I fill up my tags with it no problem. However I can not compare to Nog's bow because his is a cannon, :) and super accurate to add.

LOL! Don't let this man's modesty fool you Gentz! He is an Absolute KILLING MACHINE with that bow of his!
I have seen him make difficult shots appear downright Easy!

Tad got me back into the pointy stick routine. He is one of The Best Partners a fellow could ever ask for! Consistently thinking of his Partner First, and always more than willing to share his time, energy and great knowledge!
My Hat is Off to you Buddy! I owe you BIG TIME for re-kindling the FIRE in me to hunt once again with a bow! And of course for just being the Man you are!

Looking forward to chasing steel again with you this year my Friend, and counting the days until we draw the bows once again!


01-12-2013, 03:49 PM
Don't use the x-act. I find they take energy to open an don't always have pass through.