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View Full Version : 2007 Mainland Hunt

12-05-2006, 08:59 AM
Finally planning on a mainland hunt in Oct-Nov 07. Like to be in an area for elk and moose. Most guys I have talk to around here tell me.. Pink Mnt, Smithers, and places further north. The question I have, does one really need to travel that far (rather use the time hunting instead of driving) to hunt elk and moose?

Any suggestions to an area to set-up a 1-2 week camp and to get meat in the freezer??(stay on the island response will be ignore! ).


12-05-2006, 09:23 AM
Although I know elk and moose populations do tend to grow as you go up North, from my knowledge there are healthy (not as big as northerly) populations of both species in the Kootneys as well, which would allow for a much shorter drive.

Chetwynd and everywhere north from there are good elk/moose country. Your first trip will probably be a bit of mit and miss, but atleast youll see some beautiful country, and might even tag something. Get lots of maps, as there is alot of private land around those townships.

Good luck

12-05-2006, 09:23 AM
The farther north you go the better the odds....this being said, we run into moose and elk in the Princeton/Tulameen area...not often but they are there...

You best bet is to descide how far your budget allows you to travel and make your plans from there.....


12-05-2006, 09:28 AM
If your lucky enough to get an LEH for moose you don't have to travel that far for a decent opportunity, otherwise you'll be stuck hunting spike/forks or calves. The elk populations around PG are growing but if you don't know where to look..you'll need some luck. Anywhere around Hudson Hope/Chetwynd/Dawson Creek/Tumbler Ridge area will produce both species fairly regularily....

12-05-2006, 05:43 PM
Hay odd-6 ,your at the town of hudson hope in 14hr ,can't see a proublum for time to get there ,if you left first thing in the morning you would be there at 11pm that same day :) ,hunter 1947.

12-05-2006, 08:56 PM
Go and hunt the East Kootenays. Lots of moose and even more elk.The only problem is that you have to draw LEH moose tag, but you'd have no trouble getting into elk.

12-05-2006, 09:09 PM
If your doing a 2 week hunt, whats another 6 hours driving, when you can be in way better hunting ground! We hunt chetwynd every year for 15 years, we are usually succesful cuz we know the ground. if you didnt youd need alot of luck!

12-05-2006, 09:11 PM
My buddies have gone up tro pink Mountain this year there are lots of great opportunites. They have all puled out big animals out of there. As for where to go, I advise getting maps and calling up there. The folks up that way are pretty nice. If you live on the island go to clover point cartography for the best topo maps in the province.


12-05-2006, 09:29 PM
Odd 6 just about anywhere you want to go in BC will produce, homework, homework, homework, friends of mine pull elk out of the east every year, myself I am always drawn up north because of the country, there are some nice cabins in the pink mnt area and some big moose. As everyone else has said get maps do your scouting and go deeper than many will and you will be hitting the big guys.

12-06-2006, 05:22 AM
Hey guys thanks for all the inputs!. It is funny how things turn out in life.....One of my new hunting partners called me last night. Seems he remembered having a dear old family friend living near Pink Mountain. Apparently he hadn't seen this friend for years. Yesterday, after using the internet, he found the phone and contacted his friend. Well, this guy owns alot of property near Pink Mountain with lots of game... we have an invite to hunt on his land in 07. I'd be a fool not to drive that far for what seems like an golden opportunity. As stated, beautiful country to look at..might as well fish on the way up:)

mainland hunter
12-06-2006, 09:12 AM
well there's a clear answer hey, good luck on that hunt

12-06-2006, 10:46 PM
beautifull country up there, get off the mains and hit seismic lines etc. It will take time to find "spots", look for mineral deposits etc. There are big boys up there, but it trial and error for the first while.Good luck!

12-07-2006, 05:32 AM
Thats is a good thing that you found a place to hunt ,saves all the time looking for an area that is productive ,good for you. hunter 1947,http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif