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View Full Version : Left handed left eye dom

11-20-2012, 02:32 PM
I took archery lessons for a few years when I was a kid.
The instructor didnt take into account that im left handed and left eye dominant.
Now I draw the bow with my right hand but sight by looking at an angle with my left eye.
Too me it just seems awkward but im steady with the bow on that side now.
If I draw the bow on my dominant side it feels much more natural but my body doesnt seem to be accustomed to it and my arm shakes a bit.
I want to shoot from my strong side and I was wondering if that side can be trained with practice to hold the bow steady ? Its been many years since I have used a bow with either side.

11-20-2012, 06:41 PM
Don't most people draw the string back with their dominant hand? ie left handers pull with left hand and right handers pull with right? If not I have been doing this all wrong for a while now.... Though I'm right handed and can't even imagine trying to draw with left.... Anyways, seeing as your both left handed and left eye dominant, as you have said, it should feel more natural and it shouldn't take long to re-train shooting that way. Just don't think about it too much, just go out and practice and do it. You could practice at home without firing. Just keep repeating the motion of lifting the bow up into ready position, drawing the string back and sighting, then just relax and lower the bow well letting off the string slowly. DO NOT RELEASE the string from your release.

11-20-2012, 06:52 PM
As far as I know the string is pulled with the dominant hand yes. That would make it my left.

11-21-2012, 07:14 AM
If you're left eye dominant, start shooting properly now,(drawing with your left hand, and aiming with your left eye) and in no time, you'll adjust and shoot more accurately. I grew up shooting rifles right handed and was never really accurate, and didn't learn about eye dominance until I started into archery a few years ago. I bought a right handed bow not knowing the difference and couldn't hit shit... Some advice from a buddy who'd gone through the same thing quickly showed me that I shoot far more accurately aiming with my dominant eye. I've since switched to shooting firearms left handed with the same results.