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11-18-2012, 10:59 AM
So yesterday me and the bro inlaw took my daughter out to try and put her on a doe. We go to an area not more then 10 mins from my house as I pull on to the road I want I find its deactivated and its a long ways to where I usually park and walk in to my lil honey hole. Its okay I know of two other ways into the area as I am backing up a quad goes ripping past me so plans change we will head up higher and get into some snow. so we decided to drive in an area I know that has quite afew clear cuts in and we will just watch slashes. Tons of fresher tracks in the new area. as we are driving in I spot a deer up on a hill through the trees. So me and the kid get out and walk the road to see if we can spot it. It turns out to be a doe and a small buck but my daughter must have forgot what she was there to do cuz when the doe was standing broadside at 100 yards she standing there looking at it and talking like shes at school on a monday mornin. Of course the deer take off. we walk back down to the truck where the brother inlaw is waiting. As we get to the truck he points out that my tire is really low. $hit! No spare (i know i know) so we decide to limp home as we know we are only a about maybe 15 kms from town. As we are driving back to town and still looking for a deer I decide as its so early we will go air up the tire and then do a loop road that I know about. After airing up the tire we do the loop an dont see nothing not even tracks. so we come out on the other main road I was gonna head back up to where we seen the doe earlier but changed my mind and drove back towards town and figured we would go the back way into my honey hole. driving along I happen to glance out my passenger window and i see a deer. We get out and as I am putting the clip in i drop it DOH! deer still standing there staring at us quite a ways away. I can tell hes a big buck so I am trying to count points and i cant as he is starring at us straight on. as we are try to id this deer some women drives up and wants to get around us so i told her to go around she didnt like that idea she wanted me to move my truck so i still have my cross hairs on this deer while my brother inlaw moves the truck. all three of us are trying hard to id this deer. we know he is a decent buck as he looks fairly wide and tall but we cant count 4. as another truck comes up from behind us the deer finally turns his head and i m frantically count four. I ask my brother inlaw to confirm but he didnt get a good enough look. The whole time this deer is still standing there watching us! I tell Brian I counted 4 did u see 4? he says no but if u counted 4 shoot him. BANG! I shoot him! he drops in his tracks face first! so we start to walk down to him and i notice theres a road behind where he was standing. so we go down to find him i walk up to him and even though there was ground shrinkage i was happy to see he wasnt just a 4 he was a 4x4 with a sticker and brows! the shot was ranged at 260 yards down hill. the rifle was a 30-06 shooting 165 gr nosler accubonds. hit him in the neck going in and out the middle of his off shoulder.any guesses on scores? i dont think he will score to well but getting this late i decided he would do.



11-18-2012, 11:07 AM
good looking buck bro, love the kicker off it,

4 point
11-18-2012, 12:04 PM
Not much snow on the ground where you got him. What elevation may I ask?

11-18-2012, 12:32 PM
Nice buck! Cool kicker off the side, for a score I'd guess 145-150 ish

11-18-2012, 05:01 PM
Not much snow on the ground where you got him. What elevation may I ask?

i am not sure on elevation but i know i was only like 6 kms from town

11-18-2012, 05:32 PM
Great looking buck, 3kills! Congratulations.

11-18-2012, 05:43 PM
looks like a 140ish buck ..good going .

Sofa King
11-18-2012, 06:00 PM
i am not sure on elevation but i know i was only like 6 kms from town

6 km and not all that high.
sounds like similar area to where i'm roaming.

11-18-2012, 06:05 PM
nice buck three kills. pepperoni and jerky I would think.

11-18-2012, 06:08 PM
beauty buck man !

11-18-2012, 06:27 PM
Nice buck. My buddy and I went through that with a tri-palm bull moose a couple years ago. I only saw two on the one side. No way was I going to squeeze, but my buddy swore he saw 3 on the other side. After some calls, he turned his head and gave up the ghost :))

11-19-2012, 12:51 AM
thanx guys. i really wish my daughter didnt take out early cuz it would have been a great buck for her.

11-19-2012, 06:43 AM
Very nice!

11-19-2012, 07:35 AM
Handsome Buck!
Sounds like a busy area,good on you for tagging him.

11-19-2012, 08:08 AM
Blainer yeah its a really pounded area cuz its so close to town. I dont often hunt it for bucks because of this we only go in there if some one has a doe draw. I was quite surprised to see him.

11-19-2012, 08:39 AM
Great buck, congrats !

11-19-2012, 08:04 PM
Blainer yeah its a really pounded area cuz its so close to town. I dont often hunt it for bucks because of this we only go in there if some one has a doe draw. I was quite surprised to see him.the rut
find the girls,the boys wont be far