View Full Version : QCI trip

1/2 slam
12-02-2006, 01:05 PM
My hunting partner and I have been back for a while. Sorry I havn't posted a story and pictures but November was a really shittttttttty month. My dad died while I was away :( . I didn't find out for 2 weeks. My sisters mother in law died. She was a great friend of our family. And we had 2 suicides at work.
Anyway that all behind now so here's the story and pictures
I started the month in Princeton. Saw a ton of deer. Not many bucks. I turned down a 4 x 4 that was about 22 inches wide. I left there on the evening of the 7th. I knew it would heat up after I left and it did. Another buddy and his kid each got nice ones before the season ended.
My buddy, Rob, and I drove to Prince Rupert on the 8th. We saw a ton of game on the drive up. We got on the ferry on the 9th at 1pm. We were supposed to depart at 230 but we were delayed by a storm. We were stuck, on the ferry, until it departed at 0830 the next morning. Even though the storm was over it was still a rough trip.
Once there we drove out and set uo camp. The area we hunted was an area a friend, from Masset, took us into the last time (2years ago) we were up. It was only accesable by boat then. A road has been punched through since.
The area has been logged for years so there are hundreds of miles of roads. As we were on foot last time we decided to go for a drive the first morning. We found a few areas that were awsome and concentrated on these for the rest of the trip.
The first morning out, in a snow storm, my buddy shot a nice 3 x 4.
We left the camera in the truck so the only photo is from when we got it back.
I ended up shooting a meat buck that day as well (2x2)
The next morning I shot a 4 x 3 at first light.
Rob shot a small 3 x 2 later that day. Not a bad start 2 days 4 bucks . We also passed on 7 other bucks that day.
We tried a new area the next day. I held a lot of promise and only a few deer. I shot a BIG 2 x 3 at noon on an old skidder road I was walking. That was the only buck we saw.
We headed for town the next day. We were going in to hang our deer. Rob shot a 2x2 on the way in.
Once in town we were told that our sailing, on the 16th, would be the last for a while. It seems the boat had a leak. We headed back to camp. While en route we made a stop to let some guys know about the ferry. They were very happy we told them. They would have been stranded for 2 weeks.
We broke camp the next morning and headed for town a day early. Am I glad we did. We woke up to 4 inches of snow in town the next morming.
The route into the area we hunted goes through a high pass. The fellows we told about the ferry almost didn't make it out. They were pushing snow with the bumper of the truck
The drive/ ferry home were pretty uneventful....except the snow storm and driving 30 kmh for several hours.
Sorry about the $hitty pictures.

12-02-2006, 01:08 PM
Sorry to hear of your losses, sounds liek you had a bit of an adventure, though!

1/2 slam
12-02-2006, 01:16 PM
Gate.....It was indeed an adventure. It was a lot of fun. We are probably going to do it every other year.

12-02-2006, 01:26 PM
Sorry to hear of your Losses......:|

Looks like a Great time,
Well done and Congrats 8)

12-02-2006, 01:28 PM
Sorry buddy...I lost my Dad in a car accident on Oct 12th. He was 63 and I miss him.

Nice deer

I see your here in Abby

12-02-2006, 01:44 PM
sorry to hear about all your losses,,congrates on the hunting trip tho.nice deer

12-02-2006, 02:40 PM
lost my dad sept21 this year, sorry to hear of your loss. looks like the charlotte hunt was fun, thanks for sharing your story and photos.

1/2 slam
12-02-2006, 05:53 PM
Thanks guys.

It was a fun trip. The deer are not the size of dogs....if you are a little picky.

12-02-2006, 07:12 PM
Sad news, but an excellent trip. I'd love to make it there one day.

12-02-2006, 07:35 PM
Hi Rod,I am very sorry to hear about your loss,it looks like you had a good trip,what is the total travel time to get to the QCI .Thanks and all the best.

mainland hunter
12-02-2006, 09:33 PM
geez, im sorry for all you guys who lost youre fathers, BC long shot, rod, and quadrakid.
sounds like a good hunt. congrats on the deer.

12-03-2006, 06:08 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss ,my mom passed away a few months ago ,no what your going throug ,congrads on a nice buck ,hunter 1947.

12-03-2006, 12:45 PM
Terribly sorry about your losses.
I am glad you posted the Charlotte deer pics as it drives me nuts when I hear people saying all the deer there are only 50lbs. I always tell them to quit hunting the easily accessible areas as those deer never have a chance to grow up. The world record Sitka still comes from Juskatla Inlet.

12-03-2006, 01:10 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss , i am not looking forward to the day i loose my dad. thanks for sharing your exellent adventure!

12-03-2006, 05:47 PM
Rod, I'm sorry for your loss. This must be a very difficult time for you.

Looks like you had another great trip to the Charlottes. Congrats on the bucks.
