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View Full Version : Our triple header deer hunt

11-06-2012, 12:42 PM
Here is the story of our hunt. Nothing spectacular just a good hunt.

Our hunt started as many Island hunters know, with an early rise, loading of the rifles and a quick drive to the ferries just to sit and wait an hour or more to load. We partook in the buffet breakfast where my hunting partner "P" had his fill of waffles, strawberries and whipped cream. I got stiffed on ham, eggs, hash, hash browns and some har gow and siu mai. Strange for breakfast but the MSG saw me all the way to Hope and beyond.

The drive was uneventful to the Okanagan. That includes the treacherous curves before the big hill down into Princeton. We've often had issues going through there. We smiled as we went past the West Hedley Mall remembering the one time we went in there and the owner greeted us with a "what the hell are you guys doing in here". We got our apples at Maraposa in Keremeos and waved at everyone we say thinking if it was Simon (Similkamen Slayer) we didn't want to be rude.

We arrived at camp with just enough time to get settled in before dark and had a quick supper of fried potatoes and smokies on a bun. A plan for the next day was formed over a couple rum and we were off to bed early.

Friday saw us up on the snow and we had a great day seeing 14 deer but no shooters. I had an LEH authorization but was planning to hold out until later in the hunt to use it in hopes I would see a nice buck instead. Mule bucks were few and far between in this area the last couple years. I guess due to it not being a 4 point only season anymore but any buck. There is not much that can compare to cooking up a fried ham and grilled cheese sandwich on the tail gate of the truck while standing in 8 inches of snow on the first day of a 7 day hunt. You can't buy food like that in a restaurant. Anywhere.


Saturday we were once again in the high country seeing lots of game. 11 in total this day. Mid day we decided to try for WT deer since bucks and does were open and we wanted to give our hill a rest. Down we went to another spot and as we were driving in I spotted a white tail flag. I got out of the truck thinking, if I could, I'd take the deer, buck or doe, to hang and break the potential skunk. The deer was pretty close at about 45 yards but was in somewhat thick cover. I stalked along slowly so I wouldn't spook it and I was amazed it hadn't already spooked. I finally got to a spot where I had a shot and made a clean miss on the first one. To this day I don't know what I did wrong but I'll tack it up to deflection by a branch. That will make me feel better than than believing I had a clean miss at 45 yards. Anyway, the second shot dropped the deer, that turned out to be a spike buck, on the spot. No kidking, nothing.

Here is the spiker. He is great table fare.


Sunday and Monday had us in all kind of weather. Snow, fog, hail, rain you name it. Anything but sun. We continued to see 10 to 14 animals a day including a heard of 5 elk cows running in the fog like spiritual creatures of the mist. Too fast for pics. We put many miles on our boots climbing into areas we wanted to check out and with fresh snow the timing was good for seeing what was walking around. It was a bit crunchy but mid day recon hikes will serve us well in other years. We also spent time in the morning and evening on a few of our favourite ground blinds. All of which produced animals but none with antlers. I was tempted on Monday evening to fill my LEH doe as I sat watching a big girl slowly feeding about 180 yards away but I was still hoping big Wally would poke his head out and give me a chance at him.


11-06-2012, 12:43 PM
Tuesday morning I was back on the same stand before first light and P was farther up the road in another good spot. As the light dawned on the cut block I searched and searched for that big doe, or a buck, but today was my birthday and I was hoping to fill a tag. After three hours in the cold and snow I figured no one was coming to my party so I headed back to the road to meet up with P. We discussed our plan and decided since we were already near the top of the mountain we might as well go to the end of the road and look off the end. We round a corner and P stops the truck. I look down the road but see nothing but a log on the left down about 225 yrds. P puts up his binos and says there's your doe. I hop out, load up and lay prone on my belly in the snow to steady my shot. The deer is facing away from me and I have no shot but the back of her head and I chose not to take the higher risk shot. I wait for a few moments, she steps broadside into the road and I squeeze the trigger. I squeeze the trigger. I squeeze the trigger. Feck......safety is on. I flick it off and squeeze again just before she is gets out of the shooting lane. She rears up on her hind legs, leaps off the the road, down the hill and into the forest. At this point I'm not sure of the shot but we head down to where she was. I see the fresh tracks heading down but no blood or hair. I leave the road and about 25 yards down I see the blood speckling the snow.


We go a bit farther and decide to wait a while before pushing her deep into the woods. A half hour later we follow a very east to follow trail to find her bedded but not finished so I put one more in her to end the suffering. It was a bitch of a pull back to the road up the 35 degree hill but the snow helped. We had a cigar to celebrate then we were back to hunting. We once again went chasing White tails and saw quite a few but a more skidish deer I have never chased after.

Hard to see but the doe is behind the bush.


Wednesday morn. Last day. We went a bit earlier to the mountain and sat in the truck waiting for first light to take us through a few clear cuts since sitting on the stands wasn't getting the job done for us. As soon as we had shooting light we got on our way into the slash. We went part the first bit and into the second when I spotted a huge set of ears, with eyes below, staring right at me through the open window. I reached over and touched P on the arm because I didn't want to make noise and he stopped. I brought my binos up and saw the 3X3 antlers and whispered buck as P was getting out and loading up. In what seemed like a long time, the deer started looking around which usually means he's getting ready to leave. He took a few steps so to try and stop him I made a fawn bleat sound with my mouth and damned if he didn't stop instantly. He looked back at us and boom the 270 put a hole right square in his head. 7:30 am last day of the hunt and we were gutting a nice mule buck to make the hunt a triple header.


We went out again for one more WT to limit out but really at that point, and knowing I was doing all the butchering, my heart wasn't really into another deer at that point.

We has a good ride home the next morning and I've been cutting and wrapping and freezing a lot since we got home. Last bit to do tonight after work. I'm ready for a good sausage making session now.

Buffalo Bills
11-06-2012, 12:45 PM
Nice Job and well done!!!!

Sofa King
11-06-2012, 12:49 PM
looks like a fun hunt.
congrats on the deer.

and it doesn't get much more "right between the eyes" than that.
i don't know what it is, but i just never go for a head-shot.
my main reaction is to aim at the vitals.
and even then, i always wait for the deer to present that shot.
i'd have a lot more tags cut if i went for the kill forst-and-foremost.

11-06-2012, 01:02 PM
Good job Phil. Great pics.

11-06-2012, 01:02 PM
He wasn't very far away and the body was mostly hidden from the shooter. P said when he pulled up on the deer the face filled his scope so he let fly. No meat wasted.

11-06-2012, 01:05 PM
Nothing like a successful hunt Philcott. Congrats... Thanks for the pics and story:-D

11-06-2012, 01:16 PM
Awesome job Philcott! totally successful hunt. congrats

11-06-2012, 01:24 PM
Agreed. Nothing big but we're feeding two families and 3 good sized deer are better than no monster deer in the burger department.

Awesome job Philcott! totally successful hunt. congrats

11-06-2012, 01:41 PM
Awesome - love it!!!

11-06-2012, 01:42 PM
There is not much that can compare to cooking up a fried ham and grilled cheese sandwich on the tail gate of the truck while standing in 8 inches of snow on the first day of a 7 day hunt. You can't buy food like that in a restaurant. Anywhere.

congrats on a great hunt....a trophy in my books is meat for the freezer...anything worth bragging about is just icing on the cake

and there is truth in those words....nothing tastes better than a hard earned meal in the bush

11-06-2012, 01:55 PM
Lots of steaks , roasts and burger!!

The Hermit
11-06-2012, 02:36 PM
Nice going boys! I'm hoping for snow on the Island in a couple weeks!!

11-06-2012, 02:44 PM
Nice going boys! I'm hoping for snow on the Island in a couple weeks!!

Some here already... if you go high enough... :wink:

Great Hunt, Story & Pix Buddy! Congrats!! Thanks for Sharing!

Happy Belated as well!! :-D


11-06-2012, 02:55 PM
awesome pics!!

11-06-2012, 03:33 PM
Really great story and pictures! Happy belated birthday and a big congratulations, Philcott.

11-06-2012, 08:12 PM
Congratulations Phil, glad you read the regs and followed rules on the first one!

11-06-2012, 09:14 PM
Great story congrats on getting the deer.

11-06-2012, 09:16 PM
Congrats on the good hunt and Happy Birthday

11-15-2012, 09:48 AM
I am so glad you had a great birthday Phil! Sounds and looks like you had a awesome trip!!

11-15-2012, 09:02 PM
Hell great birthday day hunting trip congrats to all of you.

11-16-2012, 08:42 AM
I am lucky that I get to now hunt on my birthday. We have three kids and when they were younger I always had to be home so they could celebrate it with me. Now they don't seem to care quite as much. ;)