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10-26-2012, 10:33 PM
Just to understand why people are so f***in rude. My dad and I were coming back from a successful deer hunt today from the kamloops area, when a ford diesel truck with an older camper pullin a toy hauler (also hunters) was lagging behind us a ways. When we got to a steep encline... (I btw had a full size camper pulling a suzuki vitara and was actually doing 90 clics anyways) these two idiots decided they would stick their noses up my tailpipe,and so when I pulled to the right to let them through, the chicken s**t driver decides to flip me the bird as he passed me. My question to these two idiots is... whats the hurry, they were doing at least 130 on some stretches and god knows how fast they were going around the curves. We all want to get back home safe but morons like those two endanger not only their lives but also other drivers, and that to me is un-acceptable.

Sofa King
10-26-2012, 10:45 PM
must be something in the lower mainland water.

10-26-2012, 10:48 PM
If he is driving dangerously, then get License plate, call 911, tell them there is a crazy, possibly drunk driver speeding and driving erratically. He'll get pulled over when he gets close to town.

10-26-2012, 10:54 PM
they were obviously in a bigger hurry then you were...
i suspect there was a women involved in this daily lutacris somehow ;)
any pix of your success?

The Dude
10-26-2012, 11:02 PM
What a harrowing tale of struggle and survival!
We are all glad you made it out OK and lived to tell your tale.

Sofa King
10-26-2012, 11:18 PM
130 is pretty much the average speed on the coq.
but i'm guessing this was in the canyon?
it didn't say, but if they were being held up, it couldn't have been the coq.
they should have been able to wait til a passing lane.
tailgating pissing me off the most i think.

10-26-2012, 11:42 PM
What a harrowing tale of struggle and survival!
We are all glad you made it out OK and lived to tell your tale.
Coming from "THE DUDE" its an honour to be aknowledged:???:

10-26-2012, 11:46 PM
must be something in the lower mainland water.

I don't even live in the lower mainland but I find this insulting.why the juvenile insults?Come all people we all live in the same province.I think you well find dick heads from anywhere.

10-26-2012, 11:46 PM
^^^^ bahahaha thanks for the laugh stugatz;)

10-26-2012, 11:46 PM
130 is pretty much the average speed on the coq.
but i'm guessing this was in the canyon?
it didn't say, but if they were being held up, it couldn't have been the coq.
they should have been able to wait til a passing lane.
tailgating pissing me off the most i think.
Yup the canyon...but what the hell, flippin the bird? for what.BTW... tailgating is BS

10-26-2012, 11:46 PM
haha i love the dudes posts nothing fancy just tells it how it is.... i hate a-hole drivers too but where are you going with this? and i agree you say successful deer hunt lets hear the story and see some pics!!!

10-26-2012, 11:51 PM
they were obviously in a bigger hurry then you were...
i suspect there was a women involved in this daily lutacris somehow ;)
any pix of your success?
Got a couple of two point mulies ....good eating. As far as pics, took them with my phone and gotta let the Mrs download them,nothing spactacular though.

10-26-2012, 11:54 PM
^^^^ bahahaha thanks for the laugh stugatz;)


10-27-2012, 12:05 AM
Not laughing at ur story was laughing at ur post thanking the dude, someone slipped a post in between while i was typing

10-27-2012, 07:51 AM
Amazing ..... Everyone's answer is " take a license plate..call 911"..... Why not take his head off and call the clean up crew? Surprising some people can walk with out a back bone

10-27-2012, 08:09 AM
the left lane is a passing lane. if you aren't passing, move over. be happy as they will get a ticket if a cop sees them. I love when a fast vehicle is ahead of me.

10-27-2012, 08:58 AM
Ford.... First on Race Day..... I do believe we have the worst drivers here in BC..... Minimal police presence ...

10-27-2012, 10:29 AM
the left lane is a passing lane. if you aren't passing, move over. be happy as they will get a ticket if a cop sees them. I love when a fast vehicle is ahead of me.

TOTALLY ...but people doing just the speed limit in the fast lane get the bird from me too...move over!!!!

10-27-2012, 12:03 PM
.... Minimal police presence ...

And that's a bad thing?

10-27-2012, 12:16 PM
Not laughing at ur story was laughing at ur post thanking the dude, someone slipped a post in between while i was typing
No problem, I sometimes dont understand. Just heavy on the sarcasm with "THE DUDE".

10-27-2012, 12:33 PM
People are pretty tough in the safety of their vehicles, especially when they've established their vehicle is faster than yours.

10-27-2012, 12:51 PM
Ya I get that problem too. "Everyone driving faster than me is crazy, everyone driving slower than me is an idiot!"
Its really only a matter of perspective if your crazy or an idiot!

10-27-2012, 12:53 PM
TOTALLY ...but people doing just the speed limit in the fast lane get the bird from me too...move over!!!!

So you're the guy!!!! Glad to know there are transporters amongst us:-D

10-27-2012, 12:59 PM
TOTALLY ...but people doing just the speed limit in the fast lane get the bird from me too...move over!!!!

Some people just dont understand the left lane is the fast lane-doesnt matter if your going over the speed limit, if your in the left lane and people behind u- move over.

10-27-2012, 01:12 PM
Ya I get that problem too. "Everyone driving faster than me is crazy, everyone driving slower than me is an idiot!"
Its really only a matter of perspective if your crazy or an idiot!
Look, all I was saying is there are enough dummies with sportscars in the city thinking they are invincible. And maybe if you own a Corvette or Mustang or Charger, and think you are Vin Diesel, and watch The fast and furious eight times, and and and and....you happen to be a spoiled brat, go ahead be stupid as long as you are the only one to suffer in the end. But with a truck and camper and toy hauler and doing 100+ in the canyon, then you are asking to f**k with someone elses life, then that becomes everyones problem.

10-27-2012, 01:13 PM
whats the best is when you keep catching up to them for hours down the highway cuz other traffic slowin em down...

10-27-2012, 01:25 PM
Some people just dont understand the left lane is the fast lane-doesnt matter if your going over the speed limit, if your in the left lane and people behind u- move over.
Thats why they call it a SPEED LIMIT. If you dont like it move to Germany, you would love the Autobahns I hear you can drive your truck as fast as you like over there.I am no turtle on the road but if you endanger other peoples lives then you get no respect from me.

BiG Boar
10-27-2012, 01:38 PM
What did you do that made the guy give you the finger? People don't just give me fingers while I'm driving for no reason. Sure I've received my fair share of fingers, but I know what I did to deserve them. If you don't know what you did wrong, you probably shouldn't be on the road. I think most people on here would agree with that much.

10-27-2012, 02:00 PM
What did you do that made the guy give you the finger? People don't just give me fingers while I'm driving for no reason. Sure I've received my fair share of fingers, but I know what I did to deserve them. If you don't know what you did wrong, you probably shouldn't be on the road. I think most people on here would agree with that much.
I drove the speed limit, after his nose was up my ass I let him through at the next passing lane. Now, you tell me what i did wrong (if you understood my post) I think you are missing the point, its a discussion about people driving with careless abandon on our highways and my experience with one such idiot. If you didnt get anything from that, I am truly sorry.

BiG Boar
10-27-2012, 02:50 PM
I drove the speed limit, after his nose was up my ass I let him through at the next passing lane. Now, you tell me what i did wrong (if you understood my post) I think you are missing the point, its a discussion about people driving with careless abandon on our highways and my experience with one such idiot. If you didnt get anything from that, I am truly sorry.

Appology accepted.

If some guy gave you the finger for driving the speed limit I'd eat my hat. Never in all my day has that happened to me. Or to anyone I know.

There are plenty of drivers out there though who deserve the finger for either impeding traffic or cutting someone off or being in the fast lane when they should be in the slow lane or doing some other uncorteous thing. The fact that you think he fingered you for driving the speed limit is proof enough to us that you are unaware of how you actually drive.

As far as your point of there being dangerous drivers on the road that is an obvious truth. There always will be.

Obviously I wasn't there.

10-27-2012, 05:38 PM
Appology accepted.

If some guy gave you the finger for driving the speed limit I'd eat my hat. Never in all my day has that happened to me. Or to anyone I know.

There are plenty of drivers out there though who deserve the finger for either impeding traffic or cutting someone off or being in the fast lane when they should be in the slow lane or doing some other uncorteous thing. The fact that you think he fingered you for driving the speed limit is proof enough to us that you are unaware of how you actually drive.

As far as your point of there being dangerous drivers on the road that is an obvious truth. There always will be.

Obviously I wasn't there.
Oh well! I am truly sorry you dont get the point. As far as the apology.... none was given. But if you think you deserve one its all yours if it makes you feel better. BTW I hope you enjoy your hat....STU.

BiG Boar
10-27-2012, 05:52 PM
If you didnt get anything from that, I am truly sorry.

Appology accepted.

As far as the apology.... none was given. But if you think you deserve one its all yours if it makes you feel better.

It made me feel better until you took it back. I thought you said you were truly sorry.

10-27-2012, 06:02 PM
it is true though that there are plenty of crappy drivers on the road and they think they are perfect.

10-27-2012, 07:29 PM
Just to understand why people are so f***in rude. My dad and I were coming back from a successful deer hunt today from the kamloops area, when a ford diesel truck with an older camper pullin a toy hauler (also hunters) was lagging behind us a ways. When we got to a steep encline... (I btw had a full size camper pulling a suzuki vitara and was actually doing 90 clics anyways) these two idiots decided they would stick their noses up my tailpipe,and so when I pulled to the right to let them through, the chicken s**t driver decides to flip me the bird as he passed me. My question to these two idiots is... whats the hurry, they were doing at least 130 on some stretches and god knows how fast they were going around the curves. We all want to get back home safe but morons like those two endanger not only their lives but also other drivers, and that to me is un-acceptable.
sorry but just wanted to play devils advocate here ,you did not say if you were on a four lane why or not as most of the coq is.Yes i agree that you should have been in the right hand as is posted on the hwy every couple of km, I would have waved as you finally let me pass as should have happened earlier.To finger someone is immature and i would have waved to them as well(no not a single finger wave),

10-27-2012, 09:12 PM
There were 2 hunters driving a newer F150 towing a trailer with 2 ATV's on it east of Burnaby today. The edge of the trailer was 2-3 feet into the other lane!

I was pretty happy when I got a chance to pass them. Scary stuff. :)

10-27-2012, 09:56 PM
Everyones a tough guy thrown down the fingers, till u stop at the next gas station and ask them if they wanted to say something to your face, i drive(rolloff disposal truck) for a living and get fingered simply cause my truck is kicking up water or the load i have smells bad, i personally smile and wave now, and feel sorry for people who feel they need to be so rude . People are idiots and well 90% of them wouldnt say it to your face so , try blowing kisses or waving next time, it really gets them going.

The Dude
10-27-2012, 10:16 PM
I do the same thing, laugh and smile and blow kisses.
The 'tough guys' speed off pretty quickly :D

10-27-2012, 10:31 PM
i personally smile and wave now, and feel sorry for people who feel they need to be so rude .

aYup! :wink:



10-27-2012, 10:40 PM
It made me feel better until you took it back. I thought you said you were truly sorry.

Whats next a goodbye kiss?

10-27-2012, 10:48 PM
JEFF B...Yup! you're bang on, coming from someone that deals with that crap you echo the way I felt. I would have loved for that dips**t to have stopped but he must have felt a man to man talk would have not been to his advantage.

10-28-2012, 10:34 AM

BiG Boar
10-28-2012, 07:41 PM
Whats next a goodbye kiss?

I would, but I'm afraid you might soil your pants at the trafic light when I stepped up for the smootch. I'm pretty hairy.

10-28-2012, 08:11 PM
Hey stugats was you a different handle b4 stugats? Just curious? Just say yes or no.
You like Clint quite a bit yah?
Jp -- Moore Gun

The Dude
10-28-2012, 08:13 PM
LOL Jellyman, I was thinking the same thing.

10-28-2012, 09:30 PM
I would, but I'm afraid you might soil your pants at the trafic light when I stepped up for the smootch. I'm pretty hairy.
Its all good, I am not too fussy. I am no Brad Pitt either.

10-28-2012, 09:31 PM
Hey stugats was you a different handle b4 stugats? Just curious? Just say yes or no.
You like Clint quite a bit yah?
Jp -- Moore GunNo...you must be thinking of that guy RENO, he stole my avatar. Well it was either Clint or Rodney Dangerfield

10-28-2012, 09:38 PM
Hey stugats was you a different handle b4 stugats? Just curious? Just say yes or no.
You like Clint quite a bit yah?
Jp -- Moore Gun
BTW...whats with your handle. You obviously a Elvis fan? or is that coincidence.

10-29-2012, 05:13 AM
I like the slow lane, it's my preferred habitat. Can't afford the fuel consumption > 90. Maybe city folks just get way excited when they get on open road, and then maybe they get grumpy because even doing 130 they discover it STILL takes hours to get home. That said, i think i would think twice about excess speed in a ford diesel...


10-29-2012, 05:37 AM
I like the slow lane, it's my preferred habitat. Can't afford the fuel consumption > 90. Maybe city folks just get way excited when they get on open road, and then maybe they get grumpy because even doing 130 they discover it STILL takes hours to get home. That said, i think i would think twice about excess speed in a ford diesel...

amen to that.