View Full Version : Hunter Ethics

10-25-2012, 03:05 PM
There seems to less and less courtesy out there between hunters. I was always taught that if some other hunters were hunting somewhere in an area, you left them to it and went and hunted somewhere else

I can see if someone is older or disabled they would do more road hunting but I was in 7-11 this year and it was hard to hunt with all the guy's just driving around, some right where we were hunting and they saw us they just did not care they just drove right on. Two guy's parked right beside my son who was set up in a real nice spot and left their big truck running and started to cow call out the window??

Sad because that's what they will show their kids that's how to hunt and the kids won't know any better. I was high up with my two boy's hunked down where I had saw a big bull the day before and had agood view of a area down below and in two hour's I saw 23 trucks just driving the roads real slow??

I know alot of guy's will disagree with me but if I could I would not let anyone carry a gun on any ATV and all gun's inside a vehicle would have to be in-cased, in an effort to eliminate road hunting, to me driving around in a vehicle/ATV is not hunting.

Buffalo Bills
10-25-2012, 04:04 PM
Sounds to me that if guys are parking beside you and driving by after they see you that your not far enough off the road and "HUNTING" as you so call it. I enjoy both but maybe like the other million threads on her state."if you don't like road hunters then get into the bush". Just my opinion.


10-25-2012, 04:08 PM
oh ohh..
this oughta get messy.

10-25-2012, 04:08 PM
To each his own.... I hate hunting in road accessible areas (to much company), so I hunt road closures/deactivated areas rather than trying to get ledislation that would eliminate road hunters :)

Nothing to do with ethics, just different strokes for different folks

10-25-2012, 04:17 PM
Let the insults begin, but when you see other hunters set up somewhere goods ethic should tell you to move on, and "Buffalo Bill" my boys were set up at the end of an old deactivated road that we walked into, these guys somehow got in with their truck, but by your comment maybe you think what happened to my boys was ok and you see nothing wrong with what happened,,,sad.

10-25-2012, 04:24 PM
Let the insults begin, but when you see other hunters set up somewhere goods ethic should tell you to move on, and "Buffalo Bill" my boys were set up at the end of an old deactivated road that we walked into, these guys somehow got in with their truck, but by your comment maybe you think what happened to my boys was ok and you see nothing wrong with what happened,,,sad.
You are right some people just don,t give a hoot & are ignorant assholes !

Buffalo Bills
10-25-2012, 04:33 PM
I didn't say it was ok....but if you set up at the end of the road then I don't think you can complain when someone comes in. I don't agree and obviously what these guys did was not cool. If you hunt on or near a raod then all I'm saying is that you can expect crap like this to happen.....
Let the insults begin, but when you see other hunters set up somewhere goods ethic should tell you to move on, and "Buffalo Bill" my boys were set up at the end of an old deactivated road that we walked into, these guys somehow got in with their truck, but by your comment maybe you think what happened to my boys was ok and you see nothing wrong with what happened,,,sad.

10-25-2012, 04:40 PM
Do what you gotta do to be successful, don't worry about how the other guys hunt

10-25-2012, 04:46 PM
nooo i dont agree!! the more guys hunting in their trucks the better for me!! i'm not a road hunter but i dont care if you want to.

10-25-2012, 04:59 PM
That sucks trapperRick. Rude behaviour seems rampant. I have hunted 7-11 many years ago. It became way too crowded so we moved on. Perhaps you should to. I don't road hunt as a rule but I wont slam people who do. It may not be your idea of hunting but to suggest an out right ban is rather presumptous. The road hunters have just as much right to be there as you. If you can come up with a way to get rid of rude behaviour I am all ears.

10-25-2012, 05:00 PM
Road hunting works, plain and simple, if you are not picky about what you shoot, it's a good way to cover ground and see game. If you don't want to see road hunters when you hunt, hike away from the roads, simple. Pricks are everywhere, I was surprised at how much good info and jokes were shared when we bumped into guys on the last hunt, good guys, to contrast attitude can breed more attitude.

10-25-2012, 05:18 PM
I would imagine there's a difference in ethics between those raised in a hunting family and those who aren't.

10-25-2012, 05:24 PM
I can see if someone is older or disabled they would do more road hunting but I was in 7-11 this year and it was hard to hunt with all the guy's just driving around, some right where we were hunting and they saw us they just did not care they just drove right on. Two guy's parked right beside my son who was set up in a real nice spot and left their big truck running and started to cow call out the window??

The only thing i find in 7-11 are slurpies and taquitos i wouldnt waste my time looking for moose there if i was you.

10-25-2012, 05:43 PM
I figure it's one thing if you are still hunting timber and someone parks beside you and begins to still hunt the same patch of timber. Or if you set up a blind or tree stand and someone else comes in and sets up in your area as well. But road hunters will drive look and move on, its what they do. You're just asking for people to bug you if you are set up beside the road. If you don't like it I figure your best getting back into the bush and save yourself the aggravation. As for courtesy, most fellow hunters I have met out in the bush have been very courteous. Its rare that they won't stop and shoot the chit for a bit.

10-25-2012, 05:52 PM
Sounds to me that if guys are parking beside you and driving by after they see you that your not far enough off the road and "HUNTING" as you so call it. I enjoy both but maybe like the other million threads on her state."if you don't like road hunters then get into the bush". Just my opinion.


I have to agree with this. If you are near a road, expect to see people on vehicles. You're not simply road hunting on foot are you?

I would think a true bush hunter, someone that likes to get into the bush and get a feel for the hunt would like road hunters, less competition. I know where I hunt I like how the road hunters have everything pushed into the good spots.

"I know alot of guy's will disagree with me but if I could I would not let anyone carry a gun on any ATV and all gun's inside a vehicle would have to be in-cased, in an effort to eliminate road hunting, to me driving around in a vehicle/ATV is not hunting."Quote

People carry guns on ATV's and in vehicles for more purposes than road hunting. I don't think sitting in a fenced compound on a baitpile is hunting either, as seen on Wild TV, but I don't want to Ban that. If that's the only way someone can be successful hunting, then good for them, at least they're out there.

If someone legitimately spoiled your legal hunt, take it up with them face to face, be a man. Complaining and pushing for more limits for legal hunting, isn't what an ethical hunter would do, they should be pro-active and try to educate the lost ones.

10-25-2012, 06:00 PM
Agreed on all points if you are sitting close to a road expect road hunters !

10-25-2012, 06:50 PM
a few years back i spotted some does walking towrads the road i was on so i drove past ~75yards, hopped out, loaded up and got into position as it was in the peak of the rut. as they got closer to the road they kept looking back into the timber and i could make out a larger deer following them in the thick stuff. A vehicle approached and stopped roughly 150yds away. not wanting to hold them up i waived them through thinking they would just drive by and hopefully not spook up the deer. but as soon as the one guy spotted the does they slammed on the brakes and barrelled out with their guns. nothing but white asses bounding thru the timber. they got back in their truck with me giving them a big WTF as they drove past. They just chuckled and drove on. Only thing keeping me in check at that point is that i had a loaded gun in my hand and didn't want to escalate.

That being said the majority of the time most guys would be much more respectful. I've even had guys flag me down cause the animal they just spotted wasn't what they were looking for and offered to show me where it was. I think its just a loud minority that drives most of us nuts.

10-25-2012, 07:01 PM
I sympathize with you to a point but hunting near roads, whether driving or on foot, you should expect nothing less than to encounter other hunters. There's always going to be guys who will encroach on your space no matter how obvious you make it that you're hunting a particular area.

Someone on here has this as their sig line - "The problem with ethics is that they're like underwear. Everyone's got them, some are just a little shittier than others." It rings true.

Gate said it best. Do what you've got to do to be successful and don't worry about how other guys hunt. Just because you don't like road hunting doesn't mean that opportunity shouldn't be there for someone else. If you don't like it, there's an easy solution.

10-25-2012, 08:42 PM
I think they should ban all people from walking on roads.

Roads were made for vehicles. There are lots of places to walk where vehicles can't go.

And I hate to break it to you, trapperRick, but if you are walking down a road gun in hand with the idea that you are going to shoot something if you see it, you are also road hunting.

10-25-2012, 08:53 PM
Blah, blah, blah, go hunting tomorrow in 7-11, calf season is over!! Expect it to be a gong show! They hand out moose tags in 7-11 like they are halloween candy so expect it! Head out to 7-39, 7-38, or 7-40 for a moose tag, might not be so many road hunters out there??!! Moosin

10-25-2012, 08:56 PM
Somehow they got a vehicle in there??? It ain't a deactivated road if guys are driving trucks in. Cross-ditches are just water control, not deactivation. Tank traps, pulled bridges and recontoured is what deactivated means. Those kind of roads you can't even get a quad in without some serious effort. So, I'd guess you were at the end of a cross-ditched road and expected everyone to read your minds and leave you alone in a heavily pressured area. The person without ethics is the person complaining about other hunters who were just out hunting enjoying the day.

vortex hunter
10-25-2012, 09:01 PM
Well I started my kid young learning hunting He is 3 he enjoys being with me.... I have a hard time walking thick timber with him cause I have to put him in my arms so I walk spur roads with him so I think its fine to walk roads were some people will not go .. I was in the WACK two weeks ago with him showing him a doe I seen a white four door dodge stop see me and the boy they turned right around and left .. Why cause they showed respect for me and my Boy and if your a member on this site and that was you in the truck .. THANK YOU

10-25-2012, 09:02 PM
Technically "deactivated" means when the "natural water drainage patterns have been restored" ( or something close to that ) such that the road permit holder can then hand back the responsibility of the road to the crown....pulled bridges can also fall into this category....but are usually included with tank-traps which are usually the result of the MOE wanting to make an area unaccessible but not wanting to go through the time-consuming process of legislation so they basically use an oblique strategy of telling the licencee that "if you want to harvest area X" then you must make it not accessible afterwards.:mrgreen:

10-25-2012, 09:18 PM
Deactivated.... Cross ditched.... Doesn't matter.... Get off the roads and you won't have this problem. I don't feel sorry for guys that walk roads like this or " set up" on them.....

Ive done it before and it blows...... Find some off the beaten path patches and your laughing and hardly will give much thought to those road hunters making poor ethical decisions out there.

10-25-2012, 09:21 PM
I know alot of guy's will disagree with me but if I could I would not let anyone carry a gun on any ATV and all gun's inside a vehicle would have to be in-cased, in an effort to eliminate road hunting, to me driving around in a vehicle/ATV is not hunting.

Count me in as disagreeing with you. I love road hunters. If they are in their trucks then they're not in the bush! As for more restrictions on firearms... give your head shake! Too many "hunters" put a bunch of stupid restrictions on what they believe is and isn't hunting by some bullshit standards they come up with. Don't we get enough pressure by the antis to have to deal with this crap from within? Do we need to advocate for firearms restrictions on top of hunting restrictions?

10-25-2012, 09:31 PM
I did a bit of road hunting north of 7-11 in 7-12. It sucked ass!! But I did get out into the bush, and I did meet some nice folks while I was hiking behind a "Deactivation". It is what it is, I wasn't mad that they were in there with their 60k fancy smasy Dodge with a very loud cummings engine. I just wished them well and walked out towards my truck chuckling all the way! It was funny he was complaining about not seeing any animals this year, but I heard his truck coming for 5 minutes??!! This area holds animals, I know because my trail cams tell me they are there! It is thick second growth, and the critters now have the advantage in this area, good for them, I need to up my game then! Challenge accepted critters!!!! Get out there with your kids again Trapperrick, and head a bit farhter in the trees, you will find the critters, and no trucks!!!! Moosin

10-25-2012, 09:35 PM
Somehow they got a vehicle in there??? It ain't a deactivated road if guys are driving trucks in. Cross-ditches are just water control, not deactivation. Tank traps, pulled bridges and recontoured is what deactivated means. Those kind of roads you can't even get a quad in without some serious effort. So, I'd guess you were at the end of a cross-ditched road and expected everyone to read your minds and leave you alone in a heavily pressured area. The person without ethics is the person complaining about other hunters who were just out hunting enjoying the day.

Just what I was thinking - Agree 100%