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View Full Version : Fletching type and patterns - your fave?

Franko Manini
11-30-2006, 01:49 PM
What is your preferred fletching for bowhunting?

Material - natural feather or plastic?
Pattern - three or four vanes, offset, straight, helical?
Oh and what the heck - what's your signature colours?

Why do you like this combo?

Back when I was actively shooting (say, late '80s) the hot thing was four vane, helical, offset, 4 inch, feathers.

Bow Walker
11-30-2006, 07:36 PM
Mine are Blazer vanes (plastic), florescent red and plain white, set for a right helical (as much as a small Blazer can be set at a helical anyway) and only three vanes. Cock vane - red, hen vanes white.

I set the vanes as far back on the arrow as will clear the string angle at full draw. This setup has done me well for quite a while now. You know what they say......"if it ain't broke...."

I get the stabilization of the arrow, and the steering/control that I need from this configuration so until something else is proven as being better I'll stay with this.


11-30-2006, 08:46 PM
I myself use plastic vanes. Unfortunately most arrows are fletched with duravanes.( I hate those flimsy things!!!! ) If I'm getting the shafts fletched, Bohning vanes.( if I can find them ) They're a tougher, more durable plastic. As far as how many....3 and the coloring is hen vanes white, and cock vane.... something that is really bold in color(fluorescent)
The length are usually 4", offset or sometimes r.helical.I like the bold color w/white because if I don't get a pass through, my arrow stands out when I'm following the blood trail.( I usually spot it before I walk upon it lying on the ground )

11-30-2006, 09:44 PM
Five inch duravane full helical spin, cock feather green and a pair of whites, get that broadhead spinning hard.:lol: Duravanes are weaker rubber but not as noisy when walking in the thick brush. especially when really cold out.