View Full Version : 2 Moose in 5-13B

10-22-2012, 11:08 PM
Hi everyone,
I have enjoyed reading some of the other stories so I thought I would share mine. We were lucking enough to get a group hunt for 2 "any bull" in 5-13B from October 1 to 14th. Two of us left Vancouver on the 1st to drive and meet 2 other friends. We arrived at our camp site in the dark and set up our tents etc. First thing Tuesday morning my cousin and I started out in the truck and immediately started seeing mule deer. After trying to sneak up on a couple of young bucks with no success we were driving out an old logging road and came around the corner to see a nice little 3 pointer standing on the road. I jump out of the truck and check it in the scope but I am not sure it's a bull (my first moose hunt). I tell my cousin to check and sure enough it is. I fire and it drops right there on the road. Time is 9:30 am talk about beginners luck. We field dressed it and then my cousin goes back to get the other guys. Moose was in the cooler in Quesnel by 5:30 pm.

We continued to hunt the area and saw moose everyday. Cow, Calves and two bulls. Both bulls were 600 to 1000 yards away so no shot. My cousin and his friend left on Wednesday due to truck issues, so it's now left to me and my friend from Vancouver. Sunday we are driving an area where we had saw cows for the last 3 days when my buddy spots something. Sure enough there are two moose along the edge of a cut about 600 yards away. One is a nice bull. We discuss options and decide to do a stalk up a road we had walked the day before. We get into spot behind a blow down and sure enough there he is at 170 yards. The only problem is that he is looking right at us. By now the my buddy has his gun up and we are hoping for a shot. He turns his head and bang. He went about 3 steps and dropped this was at 6:15pm. He ended up measuring 47 inches at the widest part which I am told is a big moose for the area.

As you recall, this is my first moose hunt and mine dropped on the road. Thus, I had no idea how much work a big one 500 yards from anywhere was!!! Fortunately, we had made friends with a family camping where we were and Jake had offered to help us if we got anything. My friend drove back and got him while I started the field dressing (I don't think Jake realized what he was getting into).

They arrive at 7pm and we start rigging a snatch block and cable to try and pull it out. Unfortunately, our cable was way to short so we had to tie several ropes together. We finally got enough length to reach the moose only to have the rope break on the first attempt. We cut the moose in half and after a couple of attempts get it moving. Once we get both halves to the road we quarter it and load it into Jake's truck. It is now 3 am and we head back to camp for a couple of drinks. We were so tired that we left the head in the woods over night. Hence the pictures in the day with Jake's kids.

Monday we packed up camp and headed to Jake's place (did I mention Jake is my new best friend!) to skin the quarters so we drop it of at the butcher Tuesday(their closed for thanksgiving Monday.

For moose hunting I have learned that shooting is usually the easy part. I am also going to get my own gear as some of the ropes my friend had were not up to the task.

All in all it was an incredible week of hunting. Bumping into a guy like Jake who worked his x$$# off was very special. We gave him a quarter of the large moose and I hope to hunt with him again.


10-23-2012, 06:12 AM
Great moose and story ! Welcome to the site im sure Jake will enjoy the meat from you guys

10-23-2012, 06:33 AM
What a gorgeous bull! Wow!!

10-23-2012, 07:08 AM
Congratulations and welcome to HBC.

Good moose and it was really decent of you to share the meat with Jake.

10-23-2012, 07:27 AM
Good on you to share your rewards!!!! Great story, welcome to the site!!!

10-23-2012, 08:12 AM
Great hunt guys congrats on your success. Pulling the trigger is definitely the easy part! Pretty awesome of Jake to help you guys out like that, that's what hunting is all about

10-23-2012, 08:13 AM
Thanks for the story and pictures of a couple nice looking bulls.

The next time you get a moose, use the gutless method (use the search engine on the site, lots of discussion). It will save you time, money and your back and knees.

PM me if you have any questions.

Congrats on the two moose.



10-23-2012, 08:21 AM
Attago on the easy hunt, tough to reenact that one I bet.
Kudos for giving up someof the meat, that goes above and beyond

10-23-2012, 08:28 AM
Two nice bulls! Congratulations. :-D

4 point
10-23-2012, 08:58 AM
Man two moose like that makes one think moose hunting is easy...except for the game retrieval part. Good going guys.

10-23-2012, 09:05 AM
That's a skookum swampdonkey. I know the area.

10-23-2012, 10:38 AM
congrats, thats a successful first moose hunt! thanks for sharing your experience and pictures.

10-23-2012, 10:52 AM
Way to go!! Got some good eatin for the winter! I like the drop tyne on the bigger guy, I got one very similar to that this year, measured the same too!

10-23-2012, 11:44 AM
Where abouts in 5-13b?

10-23-2012, 05:25 PM
Wow,nice bulls. I love the rack on the big one.

10-23-2012, 07:16 PM
Thanks for the story and pictures of a couple nice looking bulls.

The next time you get a moose, use the gutless method (use the search engine on the site, lots of discussion). It will save you time, money and your back and knees.

PM me if you have any questions.

Congrats on the two moose.



Thanks and thanks for the introduction to the gutless method. I may try it on a deer this fall. I am heading out the last 3 days of October around Princeton to introduce some friends to hunting.

10-23-2012, 08:22 PM
Congrats on 2 nice bull moose. Shooting is the easy part for sure. The real work starts after. I am definitely going with the gutless method if it is not close to the road