View Full Version : Area closed????

10-19-2012, 05:12 PM
Hey guys

was at polder on the weekend and the signs around said the area was closed due to conservation work in the area. I called the number and left a message but no one got back to me. Called again same deal. Ducks unlimited eh...
Is the area closed?? I want to do some hunting there instead of driving a ton in the other direction.

10-19-2012, 05:30 PM
Boundry Bay (S,SE winds) and Brunswick Point (W, NW) are just as close ... better gunning if you get the wind.

10-19-2012, 07:02 PM
They are doing drainage work out there. They were working on the dykes a few weeks ago but I don't know where they are working now.

10-19-2012, 07:12 PM
Pitts actually alot closer for me. Especially when getting up that early. :)

10-19-2012, 07:22 PM
I was out there on Wednesday, and saw some signs, but they appeared to pertain to areas of the marsh we couldn't hunt in anyway. If anyone has been there recently, and noted changes, please let us know, as its a bit of a drive for some of us, and it would be good to know in advance: :)

Big Lew
10-19-2012, 07:32 PM
Probably not a hoax put up by other hunters....as "Dano" said, there is ongoing work on the dikes. I was on the dikes east of Neaves Road several days ago and saw quite a crew with heavy equipment working. A Senior Federal Fisheries Officer was there as well making sure environment safeguards were in place and working. I heard from other dike walkers that a exclusion zone was being put up to keep the curious out of the work area, so it makes sense that they would want hunters well away from the sites as well.

10-20-2012, 09:44 AM
I walked through the south part last Sunday. I saw the sign that said area closed, but no mention of closed to what.Hunting? General public? So we walked around. Did not observe any disturbances to the dykes in the hunting -permitted areas.

10-20-2012, 12:35 PM
Found this online. "may conflict with duck hunting in some areas" bahhhhhh

yamadirt 426
10-20-2012, 02:02 PM
I like what they said about our hunting money goes toward that

Big Lew
10-20-2012, 03:09 PM
If the area is still posted as 'closed,' those of you with a canoe or car topper, chest waders, and a goodly number of decoys still have the option of crossing over to the mud flats and setting up about 1/2 way or more up the flats close to the west shore. I don't go anymore, but used to do very well. I used to either hide behind an old snag out on the flats, or behind my canoe. I would set my decoys in a 'J' and sit beyond the bottom of the 'J'. It's important to position the decoys in the wind so they seem to be swimming to the bottom of the 'J'.

10-20-2012, 03:57 PM
I guess you're talking about the mud flats up and across from the boat launch at Grant Narrows.
Dad and I would hunt there with his buddy Bill Watney back in the early '70's. We got the odd goose (and there weren't many geese around back then) and usually took some ducks home too. I'll always remember the time dad took out Bill's boat to get a bird and the outboard motor fell off out over the mud flats. It was an old Seagul, dad and Bill went back out at low tide to get it and found it in 3' of water,...... low tide was 3am in the morning!
Old Bill could call ducks without a call, it sounded like crap next to him but the ducks would sure come in whenever he called out to them.
Thanks for refreshing my memory of that hunting place, not many guys hunt the river anymore, if any of the guys here go out be sure to check the special area map because the area downstream of where BigLew was refering to is closed along the west shore and so are some of the islands. I think the shore directly west of where he was talking about is IR (we hunted there back in the '70's........ I didn't know it was IR back then).

If the area is still posted as 'closed,' those of you with a canoe or car topper, chest waders, and a goodly number of decoys still have the option of crossing over to the mud flats and setting up about 1/2 way or more up the flats close to the west shore. I don't go anymore, but used to do very well. I used to either hide behind an old snag out on the flats, or behind my canoe. I would set my decoys in a 'J' and sit beyond the bottom of the 'J'. It's important to position the decoys in the wind so they seem to be swimming to the bottom of the 'J'.

Big Lew
10-20-2012, 05:35 PM
Yes, that's the place. I actually set up quite far from the shoreline and about 2\3 to 3/4 up the flats, just before it starts to deepen slightly. I stumbled upon the situation when using the flooded flats during the sixties for extreme exercise training to strengthen my legs and back. I would walk the flats from one end to the other in one to three feet of water while pulling my canoe along behind me. It can be quite scary crossing over from the boat launch before daylight if there's nasty foaming waves.. Once you make it to the flats, the seas are pretty calm. We shot a few geese as well, but mostly widgeon and pintail. We would only shoot mallards if they came in large flocks....the singles and small bunches were usually fishy.

10-20-2012, 09:16 PM
I've been stopped by CO last week for check up and after all formalities were done I asked him about this closed area. He mentioned it's OK to hunt in permitted areas.