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View Full Version : how do you pick a GOOD place to put up a tree stand

10-16-2012, 06:39 PM
in the next week or so my main focus is going to be putting up my tree stand in preperation for the rut....I would have like to have been able to do more scouting earlier in the year and had a few of my cams to help me pick a spot but work and my leh moose draw in a region 7 hours away from my house has been limiting my time.

My question is other then game trails what should i look for as to picking a spot......im thinking i want to focus on white tails. im going to put out my cam, some rock salt and a lick as well as a bag of cobb from buckerfeilds.

I know what area i want to put it up in but I have to go out of town for two weeks for work returning in mid november so i really only have one shot at picking the right spot. Any help will be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Thanx as always


10-16-2012, 08:00 PM
i would find a good food source and setup near the corner or a trail to the field or area the deer may be using. if your hunting with a rifle-setup so that you can see long distances, cuz u can always leave the stand and spot n stalk. watch wildtv- gotta be a few treestand locations on there by our friends south of the border.
good luck

10-16-2012, 08:13 PM
usually putting a stand between bedding and feeding areas is a good bet, around the edges of swamps where deer naturally travel is also not bad, the camera is going to be a good tool finding these travel corridors, if going for whitetails try rattling, can be productive. Make sure where ever you end up putting your stand you have clear shooting lanes where you think the deer are going to present themselves however make sure to keep an eye out behind you, they always show up in the most random spots where you least expect them too. sit in the stand as long as you can,

good luck just my 2 cents

10-16-2012, 08:20 PM
Good posts above. Find a route that is used between bedding and feeding areas, and place the stand in a tree that presents good shooting lanes all around. It can take alot of research finding a good spot. Trail cam is your best friend in this case. Set it up earlier in the year, and monitor what you have passing by. Can save alot of wasted time.
