View Full Version : Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce the undisputed...

10-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Deer spooking champion of the WORLD!!! I think tonights spooked deer was number 14, but it could have been 15 every once in a while I get a two for one deal. I have to say I've worked hard for this title, I've been out night after night stepping on the right twigs, getting hung up in the loudest brambles and even occasionally losing my balance and taking a tumble. Seems that 20 yards is my magical number it's usually the distance I get flashed the old white poop shoot, at this point I'm really looking forward to some rain or at least the opportunity for a stalk at about 200 yards. If there's anyone out there who thinks they are more worthy to bear this title I would definitely like to hear why. A tree stand is definitely going to be in the budget for next year though.

10-07-2012, 08:19 PM
Same thing with we in spooked 10 deer and 5 were bucks. Best one was I saw one set up for a shot and heard my dad and brother talking and thats when the buck bolted, he then stopped 15 ft I front of them. Still working on getting my first deer but oh we'll days like this I will never forget for the rest of my life!

10-08-2012, 11:12 AM
I was sneaking through the bushes, 2 steps stop look for 5 - 10 minutes. repeat, repeat, repeat, then all of a sudden all hell brakes loose. I snuck right up into a group of dear bedded down. Scared the poop right out of me, deer all around me, buy the time I saw the buck it was to late. Talk about a jump start for the heart...........LOL

10-08-2012, 11:27 AM
I move like the ninja

10-10-2012, 06:27 PM
In black pyjamas? I wear camo ;)

Jack Russell
11-02-2012, 04:35 PM
Ha ha, this is a funny thread. Tree stands are fun, but a ground blind situated in an elevated location would also work well. You sit, the deer move to you - as long as you stay put, you are virtually invisible. When you decide to draw depends on your patience and the animal's "vector" of travel.

Anyway, we've all seen our fair share of hind quarters running away. I was merely responding that a tree stand is not a necessity - fun to have, but not a necessity.


11-02-2012, 09:45 PM
I got home from quesnel on Halloween. Saw a couple hundred deer probably... I think I spooked all of them lol. We saw 5 bucks the first evening but they were all smaller 2 and 3 points. We knew of 3 much bigger deer in the area so we passed. Didn't see another buck till the last day, but couldn't get a shot. I did manage to spook a nice 4 point at about 300 yards. Watched him bed down then tried to stalk along a fence line to get within range... got to about 3oo yards and 15 does busted me lol