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View Full Version : Bforce750's season 2012

09-22-2012, 02:55 PM
Well here it goes, I started scouting for elk in some of my favorite areas August 1st and pepared for the openening day of bow season .I placed my cameras on the same game trails and salt licks as I did in previous years and decided to let them sit for a couple weeks. 2 weeks later I decided to go back and check my cameras and was pretty dissapointed to find one of my cams lying face down:(...but after viewing the pics my spirits were up again. I had some great looking animals on there , a few small 6x5 bulls and a real mature 6x6 ...an elk I would probably shoot every year if given the opportunity. So after viewing my second camera I was shocked to see I had nothing but a dead battery, no pics and strangley the camera was turned and facing away from my lick :???:. To make a long story short my hunting partener and I found out some fellow "hunters" were deleting are pics and turning our cameras upside down on the trees :evil: ...lets say we cought them in the act and gave them a few choice words lol....Anyway after a few stumbling blocks we were back in action and were ready for openinng day.

September 1, 2012
DAY 1...Well after getting about an hour sleep it was opening morning finally lol ..I dont know about u guys but I cant ever sleep the night before a opening day lol. The morning was a pretty un-eventful with no action or movement other than last nights dinner :shock: The wind was swirling and it was just too warm so we decided to give up and try again in the evening, hopefully get some responses to our calls. After a much needed nap it was about 5:30pm and headed back to my spot ,the 15 min drive from my house seemed like it took for ever lol. After the long drive I was back in action again but the conditions were poor , wind swirling everywhere and very hot and no responses again...day 1 was over but my hopes were still up
DAY 2...BUST kind of like day 1

DAY 3...It was a chilly morning only 2degrees above ,my hunting partner and i decided we were going to another area I had scouted and only short drive as well. On our our way up the mountain we spotted a pretty good group of cows about 1200 yards across a canyon right out in the open..We sat and glassed for about 15-20 mins but there was no bull to be found so we continued on but saw only a couple deer and a few chickens. We both made the decision to go back and glass the group of cows we spotted earlier and Im glad we did..as soon we put up our glasses we spotted a bull doing circles and was bugling pretty good. We soon found out there was 2 bulls and the one was a dandy ...we were wondering what our next step was but the elk decided for us and started to move in our direction..we quickly made a 1000 yard dash down the canyon to head the elk off and intercept them hopefully, it worked out perfect. After calling back and forth in the timber 1bull was coming in strong and so close i went to full draw...then there he was!!! perfect broadside shot quartering away and I let one rip.......lets just say I made a non life threatening shot :-( and the elk ran off...so I quickly cow called and he came running back!!!! but to my partner this time.... he center punched him at 5 yards!!!!! Fatal hit. The bull only ran about 50 yards and here he is .....

pic coming soon

09-22-2012, 03:05 PM
nice work, can wait for the pics... glad you caught the guys messing with your cameras

09-22-2012, 03:37 PM
So after viewing my second camera I was shocked to see I had nothing but a dead battery, no pics and strangley the camera was turned and facing away from my lick :???:. To make a long story short my hunting partener and I found out some fellow "hunters" were deleting are pics and turning our cameras upside down on the trees :evil: ...lets say we cought them in the act and gave them a few choice words lol

D'oh!! I knew I shoulda come out to cranny this year. There woulda been more than just "words" if I were out there with you Ryan. I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

TIKA 300
09-22-2012, 05:03 PM
nice work, can wait for the pics... glad you caught the guys messing with your cameras

X2,great you caught the guys also !

09-24-2012, 08:06 AM
sorry for the wait ...another little story and my elk to follow

09-24-2012, 08:09 AM


09-24-2012, 08:58 AM
Elk # 2
After a few days of calling and a couple encounters my dad joined me from the coast and we were getting ready for opening day of rifle season. We were seeing some really nice bulls pretty much everywhere we went...the season was looking pretty promising.
September 10......

It was here!! That morning my dad, bro-inlaw and I decided to spend the morning in the areas we were spotting a few elk, it was just coming on light heading up the the mountain and we stopped at a landing I had spotted some elk earlier in the season. As soon as we put up the glasses we spotted a real pretty bull , he had a huge frame , really wide and was standing with about 6 or 7 cows just at the edge of the timber. After taking a quick peek we were making a play, the bull had already spotted us though. As we moved in closer bugling back and forth the elk went silent.....these older bulls that have seen a few seasons catch on quick...we were busted!!! By the time we were in good shooting range the herd had slipped into a tight timber draw and we decided to leave and try again later without chasing him around too much.
So a couple hours later we decided to go up high and check some other areas my bro-inlaw had scouted and had seen alot of cows and one really nice bull on his trail cam. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon and were checking the camera, right away we noticed a nice bull was there earlier that morning ...this was him



09-24-2012, 09:55 AM
We were pretty excited to see the bull was in the area and we decided to call but the darn wind was everwhere and a storm was blowing in. After an hour of wind,rain and crazy snow storm we headed back to the truck soaked and chilled to the bone. About 30mins later we were headed to the opposite side of the mountain to see if the elk were there. The storm had setlled down and the sun was shining around 3:00pm and I spotted a spike bull on the low side of the road , so we shut off the truck to glass..After a couple mins of glassing I decided to throw a bugle to see if the rest of the herd was in the area, right away we got a response at the edge of the timber and close!!!Game on..my bro-inlaw and I headed up an old cut and my dad walked down the old road.We set up quickly and bugled but the bull was moving away slowly so I decided to go to him while my bro-inlaw hunkered down a couple hundred yards behind calling. After a few mins of hiking through the alders I spotted the cows and the bull was bugling lower, I quickly got a clear shooting lane as the cows were feeding up....I was pumped!!! Not even 30 seconds later the bull was in clear view and stopped so I let one RIP!!!! The bull fell flat on his face but tried to get up so I gave him another for good measure lol...done deal..It was about a 250 yard shot with my 270 WSSM




09-24-2012, 10:01 AM
This was the same bull on the trail cam by the way....doesnt take them long to travel from one side of a mountain to the other

09-24-2012, 02:32 PM
Great looking bulls way to go. Wish I was there stuck at work for at least 1 more week before I can make it back home.

09-24-2012, 02:50 PM
Great story and pics

09-24-2012, 03:12 PM
Great story and pictures. Fantastic animals! Congratulations.

09-24-2012, 04:46 PM
nicely done! great story and elk