View Full Version : Question re: buying tags....

Doe Eyes
09-19-2012, 05:21 PM
So...I was in Campbell River on my way up to Sayward when I thought I would mybe buy another deer tag. Since it was after hours for the local outdoor store, I stopped at Canadian Tire to pick up another tag. She get the cards out then asks for my hunter ID card...um..I dont have it...I only want a tag. She says nope and shows be the BCGov handout that states I must have my ID card when purchasing a license...but I already have a license...I only need a tag...nope...no tag for you.
Anyway...long story.
So..do you need your Hunter ID card to purchase a tag?

09-19-2012, 05:26 PM
If you had your current licence with 1 deer tag with you,it shoulda had the hunter number written on there.I've been able to get additional tags on my licence,more deer,bear,moose,no problems once this years licence was issued.Me thinks she didnt know that it was there????

Doe Eyes
09-19-2012, 05:31 PM
Oh no..she knew it was there...because I made it perfectly clear I had a license...even had some tags already in it...I did end up getting tags but I think it was just to get me out of the store.
She was adament that that was the law...I said "your wrong" and things just went downhill from there...

09-19-2012, 05:31 PM
Nope .....

09-19-2012, 05:47 PM
Oh no..she knew it was there...because I made it perfectly clear I had a license...even had some tags already in it...I did end up getting tags but I think it was just to get me out of the store.
She was adament that that was the law...I said "your wrong" and things just went downhill from there... You should of gotten the manager. She was probably a anti.

09-19-2012, 05:47 PM
"BCGov handout that states I must have my ID card when purchasing a license"
- Which is 100% right

But you are buying a tag, and a tag is not a license. Once you have your license you can purchase additional tags at anytime. i buy them all the time without my card at the town hall.

09-19-2012, 06:11 PM
I had this same issue at the BC Access centre in Campbell River. The lady would not give me a Tag with out seeing my hunter number card. I told her that I have never had to produce that in the past and would probably just drive over to the River sportsman and get one. She said they should not give me one either ....... they did.

09-19-2012, 06:39 PM
Probably just honest ignorance, playing it safe. Not everyone lives hunting.

Doe Eyes
09-19-2012, 06:56 PM
I actually took the handout off the wall and read it to her...she didnt get it. Everyone else that was in the line behind me got it. I have never had to show my ID card when buying tags either...anyway...carried on to Sayward where I got a nice 2 pointer!

09-19-2012, 07:15 PM
A 2 point? You know the rules, pics please :-)

09-19-2012, 09:54 PM
A tag is a license, the technical term is a "species license", there is no such legal thing as a tag. I would argue she was right and you were wrong (I am not a lawyer).


The hunting regulations are one of the most poorly written pieces of junk legislation in existence so I doubt it would hold up in court if someone legal-ish decided to bust your balls about it.

09-20-2012, 05:44 AM
I just went through the same thing at Wall Mart in Vic where i have been getting my license for a #of years, he would not give me a license without my hunter #card, so I went to a local store in the west shore and got the license and 1 tag and they did not ask for the card.Went back to Wally World and confronted the same employee and he said that was just him being overprotective!! I asked him to call his manager but they never showed.Went back the next day and got 3 more tags,different employee and no one wanted to see my card .Go Figure!!

.330 Dakota
09-20-2012, 07:28 AM
I actually took the handout off the wall and read it to her...she didnt get it. Everyone else that was in the line behind me got it. I have never had to show my ID card when buying tags either...anyway...carried on to Sayward where I got a nice 2 pointer!

She didnt WANT to get it,,,cotrol freak or anti,,,take your pick

.330 Dakota
09-20-2012, 07:28 AM
I actually took the handout off the wall and read it to her...she didnt get it. Everyone else that was in the line behind me got it. I have never had to show my ID card when buying tags either...anyway...carried on to Sayward where I got a nice 2 pointer!

She didnt WANT to get it,,,control freak or anti,,,take your pick

09-20-2012, 08:14 AM
I have been told numerous times that you must have you hunter number card to get any license or "tag" I just always thought that was the law? I carry my hunter number with me at all times with my license and tags just seems common sense to me? I have actually had a CO ask for the hunter number card before, he said that he often checks hunter number or actual ID because there is nothing preventing someone from finding or stealing someone elses license and tags and filling that rather than his own but he thinks less likely they would have the license and tags and hunter number, but that may have been because I often don't carry my wallet and actual ID around with me in the bush.

09-20-2012, 08:25 AM
I had a similar problem at service bc . I wanted to get a caribou tag in PG before we headed into camp . Agent would not sell me species license without hunter number .Even though I had a License and LEH authorization with hunter number on it , So I asked " What if I had lost my hunter number ? She then issued me a replacement HN and then sold me a caribou tag .

09-20-2012, 11:02 AM
She is probaly making minimum wage and is unsure of the rules regarding this, and is simply doing her job. Do her rules state she needs to see it?. And why not just carry your hunter number card and avoid this all together.
But, I think where the confusion exists is in the term hunting licence. Is that the book or tag? I guess it depends on your interpretation.

4In order to purchase a hunting licence, a
BC resident 14 years of age or older must
show their valid Hunter Number card (see BC
Resident Hunter Number section page 6).
4You may be asked to produce photo identification
when purchasing a hunting licence.

09-20-2012, 11:52 AM
That same thing has happened to me at the local Wally Mart. Even the manager didn't want to sell me a second bear tag. Till she realized it was her that sold me the first one. I don't buy tags there anymore.

09-20-2012, 12:17 PM
A tag is a license, the technical term is a "species license", there is no such legal thing as a tag. I would argue she was right and you were wrong (I am not a lawyer).


The hunting regulations are one of the most poorly written pieces of junk legislation in existence so I doubt it would hold up in court if someone legal-ish decided to bust your balls about it.

I agree ... to the letter of the law the cdn tire girl was correct ..... however that said ... most retailers have enough common sense that if you have general licence ... then you are good to go .....

at the end of the day its about as stupid law in my mind as having to show your Pal to buy ammo ... but not having to show it to buy Powder, Primers, and pills