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View Full Version : elk hunting tips

09-08-2012, 10:46 PM
hey how it going everybody
off to a good start for this hunting season???
hey just looking for a hint or 2 about elk hunting
never done it before but im set on doing a pack in trip this year
obviously u need a spot so i decided on the purcell wilderness conservancy park and the area around it
if anyone has been there i wouldnt mind a hint or maybe some tips on how to hunt elk or places to look

09-09-2012, 09:04 AM
thats a big area to go on foot, you will need a few guys at least if hiking.

09-09-2012, 11:42 AM
Very, very, very tough country.
There's only two directions you can go...straight up .....or straight down.
Habitat is easy to find, just hard to get to.
Primarily 3500 - 5000 elevation mark.
Look for the slides with alder, you will find elk.
Good luck.

09-12-2012, 08:51 PM
thanks for the input there. maybe im kind of stupid to try it. might give it a shot though. is it pretty bushy down in the bottoms were the trails are.
not really looking for an easy trip just looking for a place too go were i have a chance at seeing game and not tons off other hunters. but maybe its a
little extreme