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View Full Version : First Bow Kill Sept 1.2012

09-02-2012, 04:31 PM
Finally after 2 years of hunting with the bow during bow season I harvest my first animal.

Started 6am, I went to one spot where my stand is. Didn't see any critter that morning and I waited until noon to come down and head home for lunch and then back up there for the evening. I came down at 12, walked to the truck and started home. I drove by a friends farm and saw 2 bears in his field. I drove down the drive way and walked to his house. Knocked the doors and buddy Victor answer and said to him, " I see you have a couple buddies in your field would you be okay I stalk one and harvest one. He said well shoot them all because they are tearing up my corn and blueberries. I told him well I only have 2 tags but rather take one now and maybe another one a diffrent day.Had the okay to go in his field and the hunt started.

I started to crawl in the grass with my bow and range finder.Started at 74 yards and got up to 50 yards away from the bear. The wind was right at the time and I need to get to at least 40 yards to make a shot. I only have my 3 pins sighted for 20,3040 yards. I rather get close to 30 yards so i waited for the bear to walk closer. Felt like forever waiting for it to move, that time judging it, and picturing where I am going to shoot it and just watching the bear.After 20 mins the bear further away took off into the thick and the bear i was stalking pop it head up and followed.I used my wind indicator and the wind was on my back. Thinking they busted me and they took off. I slowly walked to the area where Vic told me to head to that there was the kids play house with a tin roof to climb on top and sit there, thats where they come in and out. I asked prior when was the last time the kids played in there he said its been years. I went to the play house in the bush and climb on top. Sat on a plastic pale and waited. Looking down there was 7 diffrent bear scat all around the area. Even bear hide inside the house all over the corners and floor. Thinking this is where they rest during the day. Not 10 mins later I see pine needles and branches fall beside me at a tree not 15 feet away away. Then i heard chopping and puffing sound that I knew had to be a bear. I look up and see a bear right above me. Well.......I was shaking, sweating...and h*ly shite..a bear..Then it got so mad it took a leak down the tree. I thought the cloud open up and it was pouring. I got the camera out after that and filmed it. It isn't a long video but i think its funny. The bear came down after and I drew my bow back to take a shot but branches were in the way to I slowly took it back and put the bow down. The bear came down the tree a little bit and saw me again and went straight to the top. So I sat there quietly and waited. I was going to sit there until it got dark.
Couple hours past and I waited and still the bear up in the tree. 7pm came along and started thinking well that bear won't come down because it knows I'm around. Not shortly after I heard some crashing on my right. I slowly peek around the tree from the stand and saw another bear walk right out in front. 15 yard shot I drew my bow back, had my 20 yard pin on him and all of a sudden had a seconds guess. This bear was too small, about 1 to 2 years old so I brought back my arrow and that bear looked up at me with a thank you smile for not shooting me and it turned and ran. As soon as it went around the corner another bear came out, the same size as the one I drew on and both ran around the back from me did a complete circle and came back with in 40 yards. All of a sudden I heard another crash on the other side and this big black bear came out chasing those 2 young bears huffing and puffing and chopping and growled at them. Both young bears ran off harder and went into the thick. Now this big bear stopped chasing them and ran towards me thinking it knows Im here. It stop, and walked closer to my right and stop at 12 yards. I quickly thought if those were its clubs those bear wouldn't run, it has to be a boar. At 12 yards away from the stand I drew back the bow, the bear would stop so I whistled and it stop and drew a Grim Reaper broad head to its side and wack. I saw the arrow hit the spot, saw the arrow go all the way threw and blood was pouring out.
I waited for 30 mins maybe to hear a death moan and nothing. I slowly got out of my stand knowing that there was still a bear up in the tree above me and went to the spot where I shot the bear. Found my arrow and a thick blood trail to my bear. It was a 60 yard walk to the bear and was not a hard find. Arrow was in tack and covered in blood and met my bear. I did another little video and looked at the bear it was a nice respectable male bear roughly in the 3-4 years old. After thinking now I know why he chased those smaller bears because this was his spot. And that bear in the tree was maybe the mother but wouldn't come down because I was around and the young ones were probley the cubs looking for her. So in a way I did them a favor.

At the end of the day I did a favor for the sow, the young cubs and my buddy. Better yet I took my first animal with my bow and that was a rush. Now the hard part. I do have some videos and picture to prove because I know this site and story needs picture but need help posting them. Also in the video I do say the word girl, or sow but I knew it was a boar when i shot because it chased those young bear but because I was in the bush alone and knew the sow was still up in the tree I had sow on my mind worried she must be coming down soon after me leaving to find her cubs. And for you guys questions me with the pics, take closer look and find its pecker and hair black b@lls.......

The Dude
09-02-2012, 04:58 PM
Did you put the pics and vids on yor computer yet? I can help you with that too.

Step by step on doing the Photobucket thing: http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?75851-A-step-by-step-guide-to-posting-pictures-%28with-pictures

How to post pics and vids on both HBC and Photobucket: http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?46270-How-to-post-pictures-on-HBC

09-02-2012, 05:09 PM
Congratulations! Sounds like a great first bow kill.

09-02-2012, 06:23 PM
Nicely done. I've been chasing a couple bears in my area but haven't had a chance at them. Can't wait to see your pics!

09-02-2012, 09:11 PM
I just got home and uploading the pics and video on photo bucket and it's taking a while with the videos please stand by

09-02-2012, 09:22 PM
Great story with a great ending. Dont worry about the pics. Im sure we will see then soon.................

09-02-2012, 09:40 PM
Great story sounds good enough for a hunting show !! Looking forward to the pics and video.

09-02-2012, 11:52 PM
I hope this works, videos and pics are up


09-03-2012, 12:57 AM
What a great Bow Bear, it is addicting and I bet you can tell now that there is nothing like it...Congratualtions

09-03-2012, 07:29 AM
Nice bear and good story! Any bear taken with a bow is worth 2x the size IMHO.

Love the emotion in your voice, thats a great moment.

09-03-2012, 07:42 PM
Great story and huge black bear. Good Hunting!

09-03-2012, 07:43 PM
congrats, its a beauty!!
Good Job!

Grumpa Joe
09-03-2012, 08:03 PM
Good job Chris! Still looking for my first animal with a bow (I have the same set-up as you, PSE Brute). Had a near miss myself on Saturday, 20 yards, no clear shot through the 10' trees, full draw for about a minute before wind swirled and busted me. Quite the adrenalin rush.

09-03-2012, 08:08 PM
Yeah it was such a rush. Even when I drew back on the younger bear then decided not to shoot the blood was rushing. A feeling I think I can get addicted on

09-04-2012, 09:29 AM
Great story and congratulations on your first bow kill.

09-04-2012, 08:19 PM
Good for you Dude, watching this i could feel the hunt Congrats and thanks for sharing.