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View Full Version : Interesting Black Bear Interaction in Manning

08-12-2012, 11:42 AM
I was told this story by my dad yesterday, which he was told from a friend. His friend was hiking in Manning by himself recently on a skinny trail cut into the side of a mountain, steep on both sides, too steep to go up or down, only along the trail. He encountered a black bear travelling towards him, at first they both stopped, then the bear started coming again, he started talking, the bear stopped briefly then started coming again. He yelled and waved his arms, the bear stopped and then started coming again all the while at a walking pace. Finally he blew his whistle, the bear stopped, he blew it hard again, there was a fallen tree on the trail between them which extended out over the side of the cliffy trail, the bear ran to this tree and climbed out to the end of it. The man took the opportunity to skirt by the bear on the trail. He looked back and after he passed the bear climbed back and carried down the trail. I thought it was a pretty interesting bear interaction story and thought I'd share it.

Camp Cook
08-17-2012, 09:58 PM
Interesting story and one of the reasons I do not hike in parks = can't pack a gun... :)

08-17-2012, 11:58 PM
It's a park all animals have the the right It didn't challenge them it had the right