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View Full Version : Stone Sheep Hunt 2012

08-05-2012, 07:16 PM
Well just got back from my opening week sheep hunt. I'll let you know right now we came out lighter than we did going in, so you won't see any dead ram pictures :D

I spent the week hunting with my brother, it was his first sheep hunt. It was a great trip and am glad to have shared the experience with him. Although I'm pretty sure he thinks I am crazy and unfortunately I don't think I've found myself a sheep hunting partner lol! But I wouldn't trade the week for anything.

It was also the closest I have come to killing a ram, and the first trip I actually saw legal rams! We made our way in a couple days before the season opened, it was a long miserable hike as the bush was soaking wet from the thunderstorm the night before. We saw a few sheep on the way in and eventually found the area we wanted to hunt. On the day of the 31st we set up in a awesome looking bowl, hoping something would find it's way to the steep grassy hill, and around 4 o'clock in between dozing off I looked up to skyline to see a couple rams making their way out to feed!

3 rams made their way out and we determined one to be legal by curl but would be a squeaker. I have never been so excited before. The new Zeiss spotter sure makes identifying/ageing sheep a lot easier! We kept watching and before long a 4th ram appeared and as he stood skyline I could immediately tell he was above the nose and a much better ram, and the one I wanted to kill.

We kept watching the rams, thinking that more would slowly filter their way out to feed. It was getting late and a couple of the rams bedded down, I was now getting really excited, I kept thinking I am going to go to bed and in the morning kill my first ram :D

Well that never happened as something ruined my plans. I was glassing around to make sure I wasn't missing any sheep when something caught my attention on the skyline a couple hundred yards up from the sheep. I put the spotter up and and to my dismay it was people! It didn't take me long to notice the wrangler jeans, trench coat and cowboy hat to know it was the guide and wrangler. I knew they would be hunting the area but was hoping not to bump into them….

Well I figured it's not the end of the world, there was no client with them and if we were up early enough we should have no problem beating him to the sheep as we were camped up high and I was sure they were camped in the valley bottom. Also I was pretty sure they did not see us.

But then he did something I still am scratching my head at…. He left the wrangler in the rocks and slowly started making his way closer to the sheep??? We were both easily within 600 yards of the sheep from our glassing points on opposite sides of the bowl and had an excellent view of the rams which were not bothered and relaxed. He had no client with him and the season wasn't open until morning, why is he stalking closer!?! Well as if it wasn't bad enough to try and get closer, he did what I've read on here never to do, He walked across the ridge skylined!

It didn't take long for the big ram to notice him and spook. Shortly after the other 3 followed, and then another 3 busted out from the rocks we had not seen yet, with 2 banana rams and another legal ram. The rams made their way past my brother and I within 150 yards, where we sat and watched in disbelief, and where we also got really good conformation a couple were in fact legal. they continued right on past, across the valley up the other side and over the mountain, long gone!

What the hell just happened!?!? I couldn't believe it 10 minutes ago I was getting ready to put my ram to bed and now there's not a sheep in sight!

The guide made his way back to the wrangler and over the mountain side they went, we never got to talk with them or saw them again. The only thing I can think of is that from his vantage point he was not able to see the one ram that he spooked, but it just seemed so odd to try and get closer, when there was nothing to do until the morning. So we set up our tent and went to bed feeling very dejected.

We hunted the next couple days but never came close to anything else, we saw more sheep, including more rams, but nothing big enough, or within reach. On the last night I did spot another ram that looked to be legal, but it was a long ways a way, very high up and in a spot that did not look accessible for a human.

But as disappointed as I was/am with the outcome it was a great hunt/week to have spent with my brother, and I can't wait to get out and give it another go. I have August 29th-Sept 5th off work and am looking for someone to go for another hunt, if anyone is interested shoot me a pm.

I'd also like to thank the guys on here who helped me out with info, tips, and last minute gear. You know who you are, and I appreciate it!

A couple things, I did not see the opening "gongshow" as everyone describes, in fact there were very few vehicles parked along the highway in "sheep spots" There were a few at 442 gravel pit and macdonald but other than that seemed fairly quiet. On our hunt we did not see any other residents, just the guide and wrangler.

I bought the "In reach" unit from delhorme and iridium and paired it with my iphone. It worked great! Was nice to be able to have 2 way texting communication while in the mountains, and would recommend it to anyone.

Pictures are below: I broke my camera before my trip so borrowed one and it sucked for pictures through the spotting scope, I only managed one or two useable pictures, it's too bad because I could have got some good shots of the sheep & guide with my camera.

08-05-2012, 07:19 PM
Arrive at our destination at midnight.

Trucking through the soaking wet bush.


Creek Crossinghttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/578794_10151054444822088_679152250_n.jpg


08-05-2012, 07:20 PM
Tyler at the sheep bowl

Me at the sheep bowl, they walked out right behind me

08-05-2012, 07:22 PM


The shooter! Excuse the shitty photo, lots of excitement and crappy camera.


Raining and socked in, stuck in the tent all day!

08-05-2012, 07:24 PM


08-05-2012, 07:25 PM
After the hunt we headed up the highway, always wanted to check out the hot springs.

Sheep on the Highwayhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/385500_10151054453442088_970058015_n.jpg

Relaxing at Liard Hotsprings, sore backs and legs!


Dinner at Toad Riverhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/555653_10151054455732088_1979148940_n.jpg

nature girl
08-05-2012, 07:41 PM
I am glad you had a great trip. And to share it with your brother.
I have a feeling the guide may of known you were in the area and maybe he thought he;d chase the sheep over the hill for his $$$$ clients. But I could totally be wrong here.
Hope you find a partner to go on another sheep hunt with.

08-05-2012, 07:45 PM
Great story and pictures.

08-05-2012, 07:56 PM
There is only one thing that truly makes me jealous with envy on this whole website and that is stone sheep hunting stories! Good one. Too bad about missing the chance on a ram.

Call of the Wild
08-05-2012, 08:13 PM
Well I’m happy you have fun and saw some rams bud. Very unfortunate the hunt didn’t turn out as planned. Nice pictures and best of luck for later on in the season.

Thanks now I’m more anxious to go!!

08-05-2012, 08:22 PM
My brother thought the same thing! But while I was watching him through the spotter he was taking his hat off and crouching trying to get low and be sneaky. Maybe it was an act! lol

I have a feeling the guide may of known you were in the area and maybe he thought he'd chase the sheep over the hill for his $$$$ clients.

08-05-2012, 08:37 PM
Great pics and trip you had. i also was thinking same thing about the outfitter, spooking them out cause he knew you guys were there.. Anyways thx for sharing the pics..

08-05-2012, 08:41 PM
Great pics real nice spot you have there.Good luck next time.

08-05-2012, 08:49 PM
Hey, great story and photos. You made it into some awesome country and back out again. The trip was a success.

08-05-2012, 08:58 PM
Maybe the guide has been in the bush too long as was going a lil coo coo??
Nice camera pix of them rams tho- at least you know your in the right area..
Just think how much bigger they are going to be next time you see them ;)

olharley guy
08-05-2012, 09:22 PM
Hey, great story and photos. You made it into some awesome country and back out again. The trip was a success.

X2 my thoughts exactly. Hopefully you will find a partner to go with you and maybe the guide will have chased them back over the mountain to you when you get back there. LOL

Did he same as you -took 5+ years for the first one and then they came easy after that. Later

08-05-2012, 09:57 PM
Thanks for sharing the pics and story!! I can't wait to get out for stones next year!!!

sheep.elk.moose fanatic
08-05-2012, 10:21 PM
kYLE awesome job on the story and pics .....your on the road to success............... hmmm late season hunt.........?

08-05-2012, 10:39 PM
Great pics and write up Kyle!!! As mentioned before....there is a ram in your future!!! Glad you liked the pack......doesn't look like you had much in it?

Bear Chaser
08-05-2012, 11:31 PM
Good story and pics Kyle.
How were the mosquitos at Liard?

08-05-2012, 11:36 PM
Good story and pics Kyle.
How were the mosquitos at Liard?

Mosquitos were horrible all week, but at the hot springs they seemed manageable, didn't bother me while I was soaking anyways!

08-05-2012, 11:36 PM
Great pics and write up Kyle!!! As mentioned before....there is a ram in your future!!! Glad you liked the pack......doesn't look like you had much in it?

I may have pulled that pic from the back of the camera on the way out, minus a whole bunch of food :D

08-06-2012, 12:06 AM
Pretty clear what the guide was doing, he obviously knew you were there. When you get the opportunity, just return the favor.

Good luck in September.

08-06-2012, 08:40 AM
Great pictures Kyle. Glad you found some good rams. I agree, i think the guide knew you were there somehow

08-06-2012, 07:26 PM
I agree, i think the guide knew you were there somehow

Seems to be the general consensus! I think I was being a little naive.

08-06-2012, 07:32 PM
Seems to be the general consensus! I think I was being a little naive.

Sounded more like you were taking the high road - good on ya for doing so. Great story and pictures. Good luck on your next trip. Looking forward to the rest of the story.

08-07-2012, 09:45 AM
The country is waaay too big for that to be a completely random event. That outfitter has a nasty reputation as well. Likely flew over you, saw the rams, radio'd the guide and wrangler and they set off from the other side of the drainage to push your rams out. No guide is that stupid to do what he did there.

Good times sheep hunting though. Nice to know you had a great time and were above playing their stupid game.

I know some guys who would have reacted "differently" that day........600 yards doesn't take long to cover ;)

thanks for the thread!

08-07-2012, 10:33 AM
Looks like a succesful trip anyway Kyle, too bad about the guide harrasing you. Just enjoy the trip is all you can do.

08-07-2012, 11:11 AM
haha I lived in fort nelson for a summer while working in 2005 and I remember my trip to those hot springs, as well as dinner/lunch at that place with all the hats. . .

great story and sounds like you had a great trip!

Good luck on your second attempt later this month!

08-07-2012, 02:52 PM
Great pics Bud. Glad to see all the work payed off with some rams spotted. It sounds like the guide may have screwed you on purpose for sure but I do know when I worked out of that camp for the same outfitter he never condoned anything like that so unless he has changed the guide was probably acting on his own(think I may do some digging). Anyways that part is a shitty deal no matter what the reasoning but looks like and sounded like in general it was a good trip.
Your putting in great effort and it wont be long before you are rewarded with a great ram!!!
I have to admit that Ireach was pretty cool seeing where you guys were at and getting updates!

08-07-2012, 04:40 PM
That outfitter has done the same thing to friends of mine on a couple if occasions

08-07-2012, 06:33 PM
Like I said I worked for him and when I guided for him that wasnt accepted and done. And at that time he never even flew near the sheep area unless way high. Was one of his strict theories to keep the plane away from the sheep. But guys change for sure so anything is possible. Most times when this happens its the guide being insecure about his abilities and thinks the residents will out do him. In the end all it does is make everyone hunt harder. Usually is always blamed on the outfitter whether he has an knowledge of it or not. Just like any plane seen in the air is automatically the outfitter doing illegal activities.
Either way its a shitty deal that happened to the boys and ill be personally talking to the outfitter about it once he gets back to Alberta because either way it needs to be brought fourth. May even be able to dig it out of a few buddies who is guiding in that camp this year.

Duk Dog
08-07-2012, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the update on your adventure. Regardless of a ram hitting the ground or not it sure sounds like a blast to me. Good luck on your future hunts.

08-08-2012, 10:13 AM
Which outfitter are we talking about? I have heard the same type of thing.

08-08-2012, 12:10 PM
Which outfitter are we talking about? Drinkall? I have heard the same.

Nope . And there has never been an outfitter no matter how law biding or resident friendly that it hasnt been said about. As long as there are outfitters and residents in the same areas it will be brought up.

08-08-2012, 01:19 PM

Sounds like an awesome trip! Way to get out there and get after it!

Question for you...

"I bought the "In reach" unit from delhorme and iridium and paired it with my iphone. It worked great! Was nice to be able to have 2 way texting communication while in the mountains, and would recommend it to anyone."

Do you mind telling me a little more about this product? Seems like an invaluable piece of gear, though I can't find a ton of info on it. I read that it can be paired with Android, but you mentioned you used it w/ an iPhone. Is there an app that you have to download?

Thanks for taking the time and congrats again on a great trip!

08-09-2012, 05:08 AM
Great story as for the pictures thanks for sharing us members on you sheep hunt ,connecting on any hunt is just a bonus its the memories of the hunt that is the most important ,if the guide outfitter did wrong what comes around goes around ...