View Full Version : 3d nationals at silver star

08-03-2012, 08:20 AM
I saw the guys setting up this event at the mountain while I was working this week, looks like a real fun and challenging event as all the targets are spread throughout the skiruns. As well quite a few of the targets are right off the hiking trails so people can watch safely.

08-05-2012, 10:32 PM
A quick update from silverstar after two days of shooting.

All in all the clubs that got together to put this shoot on deserve a big thanks, excellent venue, things have been remarkably problem free considering an event of this magnitude.

There are 3 loops,

A loop is up via chair lift and does a lap around the top of the mountain.

B loop runs out and down towards the old yellow/comet chair then comes back up.

C loop which I have not shot yet is off the farthest parking lot from the village.

Shots are challenging but reasonable lots of Light into dark/dark into light shots.

A fair number of the "usual suspects" are here from around BC, by luck of the draw I got paired up with a few of those usual suspects on day one and day two.

Largest number of shooters apear by my eye and talking with people to be from Alta/Sask/Manitoba. I have seen a few Ontario shirts, Quebec shirts, and have heard of a pack of maritimers roaming about.

I skipped the banquet last night but heard very good reviews on the whole thing.

As to results...up to day two http://silverstar3dnationals.com/Results.html


08-07-2012, 12:39 PM
Great course and Venues .... My hats off to everyone involved
I am however dissapointed in my performance .... I guess I should practice yardage more instead of sitting in conferance rooms.

Some great shots and great scenary .... If a shoot were to be held there again ... I will be back to it

08-08-2012, 05:35 AM
What class was everyone shooting in?

08-08-2012, 06:51 AM
hats off to kevin and leon excellent event going to be tough to beat this one

08-08-2012, 08:21 AM
Here is the link to the results

08-08-2012, 09:34 AM
best setup shoot this year, only my opinion but been to a few alltogether.i, too must work on yardage, specialy dark to lite and versa. threedhunter(definatly will be back )

08-08-2012, 02:48 PM
The whole experience was excellent, highest praise for everyone involved with organizing the event! Banquet was definitely worth attending as well.

Got to meet new people, put names to faces and see some beautiful country.


08-08-2012, 05:45 PM
By far the best shoot i have been to. Our young shooters sure took center stage .

08-08-2012, 08:30 PM
Congratulatins to the CREW for a well organized and run event as well to the friendly Resort Staff . The chosen venue was amazing and I feel for the organizers of following Nationals . This is my last Nationals and what a splendid event to move on .
I did well then the heat and elevation of the top run took its toll . Had great squad partners and in particular Peter who demonstrated why he recently won a World Title with his Recurve .

08-11-2012, 12:04 AM
The 3D Nationals were awesome. I wish I could say the same for my shooting though. The "C" courese kicked my butt and I ended up 17th, 47 points behind 1st in my class. I too need to spend more time estimating range. I'm always in awe with the top shooters in their ability to not only shoot well but to estimate distance so accurately.
My hat's off to the clubs that set up the event and to Silver Star for letting the event take place in their back yard..
I wore the HBC "colors" or ball cap for the most part but only saw Greybark during the shoot..

Now I'm furthering my education at the target Nationals in Victoria with a hunting set up :)