View Full Version : Cow and twins on trail cam

Slinky Pickle
07-22-2012, 03:33 PM
I went in and checked my trail cam today. When I looked at the videos later on my laptop, the time stamps of 3 moose videos showed that the last video was taken 3 minutes before I triggered the camera when I checked it. I took the 3 videos and compiled them into a single one for Youtube. In the first part of the video they are listening to me come up the main road in my Jeep. In the second part they are listening to me walk in from the vehicle to the camera. In the last part they turn and walk away. Although there were fresh tracks all over when I got to the camera, I never heard or saw them. I guess I need to work on my "Spidey Senses".

Sorry for the background noise on the camera. I'm not too impressed with that myself.


07-22-2012, 05:17 PM
cool video,, more moose as long as a wolf does not get them,, thanks,,:razz:

07-22-2012, 06:02 PM
Pretty nice video if you turn the sound down. You never know how close you are to animals in the woods.