View Full Version : cabelas

07-14-2012, 10:36 PM
so cabelas is pretty close for me i am trying to get some info on what we as canadians can bring back into canada . i would like to buy a scope and a hunting knife

The Dawg
07-14-2012, 10:36 PM
Knife yes. Scope no

07-14-2012, 10:44 PM
i read knifes under 30 cm was a no did not see any thing about scopes . what web site did you read? i would like to read that please

07-15-2012, 12:08 AM
anything that is a gun, goes into a gun, or is attached to a gun requires a US export permit which takes a few weeks,
after you get a CDN import permit... I bought a scope online from Webyshops.com a year ago, took a month to get it.

Hunting guy
07-15-2012, 12:39 AM
anything that is a gun, goes into a gun, or is attached to a gun requires a US export permit which takes a few weeks,
after you get a CDN import permit... I bought a scope online from Webyshops.com a year ago, took a month to get it.
how much did the permit cost you? and did you need a USA export permit?

07-15-2012, 07:56 AM
i may have miss read the criminal code (84-117) but a scope is not a prohibited device or part .where is the info that say's other wise

07-15-2012, 08:08 AM
The import in to Canada is not the problem but the export from the US is
it's in the ITAR

for reference I use the annotated version http://www.ndia.org/Resources/ExportImportComplianceResources/Pages/AnnotatedITAR.aspx

Hank Hunter
07-15-2012, 08:32 AM
Scopes are taboo, you need to read US law, not Canadian.

07-15-2012, 09:33 AM
i may have miss read the criminal code (84-117) but a scope is not a prohibited device or part .where is the info that say's other wise

Has nothing to do with the Criminal Code. It's the US that have decided that scopes are prohibited from exporting out of their country without an export permit. Canada doesn't care that you're bringing a scope you bought from the US but the US sure does.

.330 Dakota
07-15-2012, 09:36 AM
bury it in your suitcase,,,declare the knife,,,seperate receipt,,,no worries,,,or mail it to yourself

slayer B
07-15-2012, 09:42 AM
I think it would think it would be easier just to order through Cabelas canada, but that said there are a few mail order companies north of the border to compare to. Happy hunting!

.330 Dakota
07-15-2012, 09:47 AM
I think it would think it would be easier just to order through Cabelas canada, but that said there are a few mail order companies north of the border to compare to. Happy hunting!

Good point Slayer....I found that Cabella's USA isnt the great deal it used to be. Some of the Canadian distributors beat them consistantly on some items. Bass Pro in Vegas has the odd amazing deal though.
Bought my son a pair of Leupold binos,,,reduced from 350 to 180 a few years ago..

07-15-2012, 10:03 AM
thank you that web site really clears that up OMG

07-15-2012, 11:44 AM
Americans inspect packages also, if you have access by car to Cabelas expect to be searched, they take license numbers of Canadian plates and show up at border crossings. If it can be bolted to or attached to a firearm do not try to bring it across PERIOD! The US homeland security considers you a criminal and the items taken out of the USA can be used in a act of war against them. They take this threat very seriously. Lots of discussion on here about this topic.

07-15-2012, 02:23 PM
i don't really get it do they not know we sell scopes in canada?whats the big deal.

07-15-2012, 07:05 PM
Webyshops.com, the guy there said you need a Cdn import permit, which took two days online, then you forward
the import permit to the retailer, in my case Webyshops.com, and they applied for the US Export Permit, which takes about
a month. No charge for either permit, the Yanks are just anal about anything that is a gun, or is attached to a firearm.

07-15-2012, 07:16 PM
My 2 centavos is you purchase it from anyone of our sponsors or US affiliate in Canada it's not worth the hassle with this boarder stuff, from are neighbour allies who treat us like the other guys.

07-15-2012, 09:18 PM
Americans inspect packages also, if you have access by car to Cabelas expect to be searched, they take license numbers of Canadian plates and show up at border crossings. If it can be bolted to or attached to a firearm do not try to bring it across PERIOD! The US homeland security considers you a criminal and the items taken out of the USA can be used in a act of war against them. They take this threat very seriously. Lots of discussion on here about this topic.

I doubt they are checking license plates at Cabelas as you would see the a million stops before the border as a ton of Canadians buy all sort of stuff there. I have heard of a few guys that went to Gun shows that have been stopped (not by random) before they got to the border. So they must stake out the gun shows.

I have personally been to the Post Falls store twice and the Lacey one about three times and bought stuff every time and have never been stopped. Regardless I have never bought anything that attaches to a gun so no worries even if I was stopped.


07-15-2012, 09:27 PM
Buy in CANADA. Problem solved. The grass is never greener on the other side the fence, and yes I've shopped in the states and I don't see any savings.

07-15-2012, 10:30 PM
I'll be buying some projectiles in the States via Vancouver Airport, so may have to do my homework.

07-16-2012, 01:56 AM
Heyblast, I got a Bushnell Elite 4200 in 3-9X40 through Webyshops.com about two years ago for $210.
Wholesale Sports had that scope on for $385 at that time...tell me again how you can't save money shopping
in the US, on many things? :-) How's your retail business doing, Heyblast? :-D

Hunting guy
07-16-2012, 07:23 AM
Check out the price of powder and bullets some time when you are down there.

07-16-2012, 09:26 AM
Sorry but I work to hard for my money not to take advantage of far better pricing in the US. I have purchased a number of items that I needed and saved anywhere from 20%-60% off the Canadian prices for the ones that were available in Canada. Some items I have purchased were not available without paying exorbitant shipping charges as well. I always try to price things here first as I would love to buy Canadian but most times I can't. With the dollar being so close and Cabelas as well as other stores being a short drive away it just makes sense. My wife and I make a mini 2-3 day vacation out of our trips as we can get rooms down there at very reasonable rates. With the liberal amounts allowed to come back duty free we usually save enough to cover some or all of our costs. If Canadian suppliers bring their prices in line I will shop Canadian.

07-16-2012, 10:25 AM
I just bought a pair of binos from Cabela's US that were listed at $1200 with wholesale sports and $900 on sale with Cabela's Canda....with shipping, duty, taxes and exchange it's $850 to my door. Saved close to $200 on the Cabela's canada sale price and $500 over wholesale sports...Saved $300 on a spotter a few years back as well.

07-16-2012, 10:43 AM
Leupold scopes bought in US will not have warranty through Korth, so I've been told.