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View Full Version : what do u fill ur deer feeders with?

07-12-2012, 10:14 PM
so i'm new to the whole feed station/ trail cam thing, so im just trying to find out what is the best feed to fill the feeder with? and should i leave a salt block around and if so what colour? or is there other ways to hole the deer(game) around the camer?

07-13-2012, 10:24 AM
My opinion, others may differ....

I don't think it really matters what type of feed you put out, when teh critters find it they will eat it...

I tried sweet feed in a feeder.... )corn/oats/molasses etc).. no action for a week then they ate it all in about 2 days (3 deer)... replaced it with flatted oats, again they left it for a week and then 1 buck was the only critter showing on the trail cam... The fat little bugger ate the 50 lbs by himself in about a week...

Others have tried corn cob, grain, you name it....

You just got to try something and see the results, each deer has their own preference... Luckily feed is fairly cheap $10 for a 50 lb bag usually...

I had dumped out crates of old apples a few years ago (which some guys say work well) and all I attracted was wasps...

Salt - any colour works, again depends on what the critter likes...

07-13-2012, 01:23 PM
peanut butter

07-13-2012, 01:37 PM
we set up our feeders around this guys sheds,


07-13-2012, 08:03 PM
Cut apples, the DO work!

07-14-2012, 11:27 AM
Cut apples, the DO work!

ive heard apples and apple juice poured on stumps

07-14-2012, 12:08 PM
now im starting to get hungry :lol:

07-14-2012, 05:29 PM
cracked corn!.. its all i ever use!!.......just picked up 2 bags today!

07-14-2012, 09:10 PM
Lamb Creep Feed - has high protein so helps those boys grow their racks. Closest feed I could find to nutritionally match deer feed made for optimal buck nutrition. Of course for it to have an effect on their horn growth you have to feed lots and start early in the season.

I know the elk LOOOOOOOOOVE it! The Deer like it if its been rained on once or twice then its gone real quick too.

Apples work great, dont even have to be cut, but 1 doe will eat 7 lbs of apples in 1 night by herself. :-P

Moose Guide
07-14-2012, 09:46 PM
Just plant a garden and try to fence them out!!!

07-14-2012, 10:05 PM
Usually put out salt, but find after end of Sept they change their diets and stop the salt licks and switch to fattier foods.

mikek blacktail
07-16-2012, 09:12 AM
ive been told that the molasses kills fawns,not sure if its true but a guy who feeds deer at his place told me this...

07-17-2012, 10:25 AM
So I bought a bag of "gob" for the feeder, see how they like that and I think i'm going to try the peanut better instead of the salt block and see how it all works

Stone Sheep Steve
07-17-2012, 11:15 AM
I like to get them hooked on Rack-attack...then slip in some strong sedatives for opening day.
Pick the biggest one and let the rest recover.


11-03-2012, 01:32 AM
I like to get them hooked on Rack-attack...then slip in some strong sedatives for opening day.
Pick the biggest one and let the rest recover.


Roofies (Rohypnol) for deer hunting! I love it!

11-03-2012, 02:45 AM
I find that the solid block Trace Mineral salt works the best in July and Aug but when Sept Oct rolls in the deer elk like the blue color more then the brown trace mineral salt,,,as for the feed I keep the two of them beside each other.

I use the Cob mix ,,it has 4 selections in it works the best ,,but be aware the ravens if they pick up on the feed mix it will all be gone in a few days with nothing but raven pictures on your trail cam ,,same goes for black bears ,,black bears when they find the trail mix sometimes they will sleep right by the feed mix till its all gone ,.

One year I had 390 pic of this one black bear it stayed there by the Cob mix till it was all gone ,,,good luck with your set up..

11-03-2012, 06:11 AM
I don't use a feeder, but, I do dump grain and sliced apples, in front of my trail cam.. Just does on the cam except, one mulie bucks ass and balls..

11-03-2012, 07:03 AM
Rufies for deer.... we may have a loop hole here. then venison would be like turkey dinner, mmmmmm. nighty nighty

11-03-2012, 07:53 AM
I like to use a bag of rolled barley and one of rolled oats, I will throw a salt block down as well. I have tried apples and sunflower seeds as well with little success. The apples and seeds attract the birds ( magpies and ravens ) and the racket they make attracts coyotes. So I have learned to stick with the grain and I like to wait for late fall/winter so I don't have bears eating all my bait.

11-03-2012, 12:42 PM
We use COB feed (flattened corn, oats and barley) mixed with molasses. Available at most feed stores for 12 clams per 40 or 50 pound bag.
Even in farm areas, this stuff is like Crack Cocaine to the deer :twisted:
Once they are on it, they are Hooked! Have had them eat an entire bag within an hour of being dumped!
We don't use a feeder, simply run a line or two of the mix out in the clearing in front of the blinds.
The caution of course is that it is even More Addictive for bears.

As for salt, here's a little trick for you all:

Everyone knows that salt blocks work well but there is a problem with how effective they can be. Deer can get their fill of salt pretty easy and may not return for some time wanting more. An old trick I use is to take a woman's nylon stocking and fill it with about two pounds or so of salt. You then hang the nylon from a tree limb high enough the deer can't reach it when rearing up on it's hind legs. Clear about a 3 foot in diameter area directly below the hanging nylon to bare dirt.

After a few mornings the dew will harden the salt in the nylon into a pretty solid lump. Every time it rains the salt will leech out onto the ground directly below. This allows deer to get their salt fix but they generally can't get enough completely satisfy their appetite for the stuff, and so it keeps them coming back more frequently.

I've used this trick for years and have seen it start to work almost immediately. You'd be amazed at the hole they'll dig in the ground to get at the salt. When I first hang one I'll take a spray bottle of water with me and get it started right away by giving the salt filled nylon a good soaking. It's cheap, I just use coarse salt, it's very effective, and can be hung anywhere there's trees.

Been using this trick for years, and it is indeed Very Effective. C&P'd this description from another site, but it well explains the basics...


PS: Apples are also Excellent! Happen to have 3 apple trees in the yard, so have lots for free. This season the deer have now eaten about 25 bushels worth. More sitting in the bin in the back of the truck, waiting for the next run...

11-03-2012, 12:58 PM
For a salt lick I find they hit the blue ones the hardest. I placed a half block in a spot about 3 or 4 years ago, it was finished that first year but they still come back to that same spot and lick the dirt. There is about a 2 foot wide hole that is about a foot deep there now!

I placed some apples about 2 weeks ago. After about a week only a few nibbles. Checked yesterday and couldn't find a single apple, they picked it clean.

06-30-2013, 09:52 PM
Well deer food of course.

06-30-2013, 11:59 PM
some great advice, can't wait to try some out this season

07-01-2013, 08:19 AM
how do you guys keep bear off the bait?

digger dogger
07-01-2013, 08:42 AM
I use salt for the spring/summer, and the odd apple here and there, to keep them interested.
Then in early october I put apples by the dozens after the bears have headed up hill.
Once a bear finds your spot, it's all over, they come back year after year.

07-01-2013, 12:13 PM
I have found a good old fashion No hunting sign beside the camera brings in the biggest and best

07-01-2013, 03:02 PM
I have found a good old fashion No hunting sign beside the camera brings in the biggest and best
lol i beat that works like a charm, i have c.o.b and salt out know but if that does work i'm going to try the no hunting sign:)