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11-11-2006, 05:31 PM
I know we have all do it checked out game through the scope. Now if you know what it is im alright with that i do it all the time. But what pisses me off is when you come apon another hunter and they proceed to check you out with their scope that means your pointing the muzzle at me. Now unless you want a bullet flying over your head id refrain from doing that. It happened to me in princeton this year while walking through a slash with my wife i had spotted a hunter coming up from the other side now because of this we headded out to let him continue his hunt. I point him out to my wife and we head out. I then notice him catch a glimps of us walking out. Now 2 adults walking out not in full camo are pretty easy to know what they are especially when your inside 100yards. I had to get the wife to take her rifle off her shoulder and started to wave at this guy because he dropped to the ground and was watching us through his scope. i told the wife that he'd better be a good shot cause the next bullet would be right in his scope. Has anyone else come across this ?

11-11-2006, 05:45 PM
Has anyone else come across this ?
It has happened to me WAY more times then I care to think about......and that's just the ones I saw doing it...

Not a Good feeling to stand there waiving your arms hoping he Realizes you're not a Sasquatch......Dummies:mad:

I was in the Local Gunshop awhile back and some Fella was looking at the 20x Variable scopes for his "deer rifle".......I asked what he needed that on a Big Game rifle for ?
His Reply.....
"I like high power scopes because then I don't have to bring my Spotter or Binos for checking out Far away cut blocks and stuff when I'm hiking."

Nice thought isn't it ? What could I say to that :|

11-11-2006, 07:43 PM
its happened to me. way to many times like i always do get in to spot early. parking the truck off the road letting others know i'm in place. End people walk in to the block or clearing using there rifles as bino's looking for me or deer. i had one guy thinking it would be good to have his kid using his scope to look for me. well i got sick to my stomach so i stood up and waved them off.


my god i think its time to invest in a tree stand so at least i have a fighting chance from the inbreads that hunt.:mad:

11-11-2006, 09:23 PM
It's hard to say. It would certainly make me nervous - but I don't know anything about the guy doing the looking, or the danger level. Maybe he, like me, carries his gun without a shell in the chamber, and the danger level is 0; and the gun for all practical purposes is just a big monocular rest... Maybe he's loaded and doesn't even have the safety on and I'm within an inch of my life as he looks at me - I just don't know, nor have any way of knowing.

I would say, that because of that not being able to know, that doing such a thing is an absolute no-no in terms of etiquite.

11-11-2006, 10:23 PM
Had it happen once that l am aware or and it's a freaky experience....you don't know whether to try and be as conspicuous as possible or disappear. As mentioned, dangerous and a major no-no.....

11-11-2006, 10:43 PM
I was scoped out once, the first year i ever went hunting, it is a scary experience, when i did my firearms test, the whole main idea is to assume every weapon is loaded. I prefer not to look at anything through the scope unless i plan on killing it, and i would expect most other people to do the same. Pointing a firearm at someone is completely unacceptable, Also thinking that is acceptable to be teaching new hunters to do this is irresponisble.

11-11-2006, 10:45 PM
Got scoped by a road hunter while sitting in my tree stand with my bow at Rock Creek, I will never bow hunt there again during rifle season. Also I would never scope anything unless I was sure it was an animal, but it does happen all to often.


11-11-2006, 10:56 PM
I will never bow hunt there again during rifle season.There in lies one of the reasons, respect for bow only is so important.

I have been scoped twice. The first time, my Dad just about kicked the sh*t out of the guy. Certainly gave him a stern talking to. The second time, I walked straight up to the guy and said "WTF".

It would certainly make me nervous - but I don't know anything about the guy doing the looking, or the danger level Danger level? Please, How do you think the guys in Afganistan feel? A rifle is only dangerous in the hands of something that can pull the trigger. Someone scoping you, is putting YOUR life at risk.

It isn't ok, it isn't accetable and if its happening with any regularity people need to get the message. Somehow.


11-11-2006, 11:02 PM
Danger level? Please, How do you think the guys in Afganistan feel? A rifle is only dangerous in the hands of something that can pull the trigger. Someone scoping you, is putting YOUR life at risk.

It isn't ok, it isn't accetable and if its happening with any regularity people need to get the message.

I didn't say it was ok, nor did I say it was acceptable. I said, there exists the very real possibility that the guy doing the scoping has a gun with no bullets in it, in which case I'm not in the least bit of danger. But I don't know that (and if the guy's an idiot, maybe he don't know the status of his gun either), so yeah, it would raise my hackles same as yours.

11-11-2006, 11:09 PM
If the gun is empty still doesn't give you the right to scope some one. It is some thing that should never be done, period.


11-11-2006, 11:13 PM
If the gun is empty still doesn't give you the right to scope some one. It is some thing that should never be done, period.

I never said it did! I agree, it's a huge no-no. I was simply making a comment on the practical reality of the situation.

11-12-2006, 12:16 AM
easy Bro I wasn't making any refrence towards you i was just stating a fact out load.


11-12-2006, 12:37 AM
When there is a lot of hunting pressure on the road and I'm up on a hike, i usually bring out my blaze orange. Better safe than sorry.

11-12-2006, 12:39 AM
one year at our moose hunting spot we meet this guy at a friends cabin. His name is Guy (gee) and he has the thickest glasses you've ever seen and one "googley". He is also packing a .375HH for open calf season...
Fast forward a couple days later and I walk out onto a FSR after a morning hunt. There is buddy boy w/ the googley eye and his friends loading up a moose about 250 yards away. Guy runs for his gun after seeing me and brings it up to his shoulder...looks at me for a while...then brings it back down.
After I confronted him about it he says, "Calm down it wasn't loaded!"
This is one of the few times in my life where I didn't punch somebody and should have.

11-12-2006, 12:42 AM
After I confronted him about it he says, "Calm down it wasn't loaded!"
This is one of the few times in my life where I didn't punch somebody and should have.
Punch ???..........I'd have kicked him in the Nut$ :biggrin:

11-12-2006, 01:49 AM
I didn't say it was ok, nor did I say it was acceptable. I said, there exists the very real possibility that the guy doing the scoping has a gun with no bullets in it, in which case I'm not in the least bit of danger. But I don't know that (and if the guy's an idiot, maybe he don't know the status of his gun either), so yeah, it would raise my hackles same as yours.

Didn't they ever teach you to treat every gun as if it is loaded? The person holding the gun may know it isn't loaded but the guy in the crosshairs doesn't.

11-12-2006, 07:48 AM
I didn't say it was ok, nor did I say it was acceptable. I said, there exists the very real possibility that the guy doing the scoping has a gun with no bullets in it, in which case I'm not in the least bit of danger. But I don't know that (and if the guy's an idiot, maybe he don't know the status of his gun either), so yeah, it would raise my hackles same as yours.BJ, I wasn't challenging your statement, rather using it to reflect my personal opinion. Peace.


11-12-2006, 05:46 PM
I was scoped out while about 200 yds up on a shash. Four guys in a car stopped and all jumped out. The next thing I saw was all of them were leaning across the hood and back end of the car. I think they saw me move. I always thought that is why they sell binos. Nobody has been shot by a pair yet to my knowledge.

11-12-2006, 06:34 PM
Didn't they ever teach you to treat every gun as if it is loaded? The person holding the gun may know it isn't loaded but the guy in the crosshairs doesn't.

Yep, I went to the same school of firearms safety. Which is exactly why this practice has to be consdiered completely and totally unacceptable.

Apologies to all if I got a bit defensive - I just thought from the comments that some of you had taken my original comment the wrong way.


11-12-2006, 09:14 PM
I had the opportunity to tune up two fellows who,rather than use their expensive binos(each had a pair around their necks),used their scopes...
After some rather firm and easy to understand words with them,I'm sure they saw the error in their ways.....
What would an RCMP officer do in that situation in the bush when he was along with a C.O. checking hunters ????
Don't think he would have many pleasant things to say either..
Very silly practise to use if you ask me.....
But,stupidity takes all forms...

11-13-2006, 07:57 AM
I was scoped out while about 200 yds up on a shash. Four guys in a car stopped and all jumped out. The next thing I saw was all of them were leaning across the hood and back end of the car. I think they saw me move. I always thought that is why they sell binos. Nobody has been shot by a pair yet to my knowledge.
Same exact thing happened to me once,I was sitting on a log and just rolled backwards off it and bellied down,4 assholes scoping me the whole time.

11-13-2006, 12:27 PM
I won't hunt with a certain individual because he doesn't use binos and checks out game with his scope. I don't want to be anywhere near him.

11-13-2006, 06:26 PM
Great firearm safety discussion! I was taught at a young age to only aim your firearm-after confirming with binos-what you are about to shoot and drop successfully. After being shoulder to shoulder this past weekend in the Empire Valley I'm very temtpted to get a blaze orange toque/and or vest!

11-14-2006, 05:45 PM
Using ones binoculars instead of a scope is not a wize thing to do. I would say that concensus of opinion favours the use of binoculars. Common sense favours the use of binoculars. It is not a nice feeling having a gun pointed at you. :sad:

11-14-2006, 06:26 PM
Using ones binoculars instead of a scope is not a wize thing to do.

This must be a typo?

11-14-2006, 06:32 PM
Often it seems that "hunters" that do this have better optics on their guns than the binos (if any) that they carry. That's one of the consequences of cheap optics IMO.

Also, with all the antler restrictions we now have, I think it should be mandatory for people to carry binos while hunting. It would force their use for better game identification (ie fewer illegal animals shot and left) and promote safety.

I think I'm more likely to forget my gun at the house than my Leicas when I head out hunting in the morning! :rolleyes:

11-14-2006, 07:55 PM
This must be a typo?

Oops, Using ones scope insted of binoculars is not a wize thing to do.

11-14-2006, 09:45 PM
A good thread, one could imagine that if a person is putting the scope on you and then scans over to see your partner with his pointed back, bet that would give him something to think about:lol: Before I get pm's, its wishfull thinking not reality! I know if I know that its an animal 110%, i use my scope,no questions asked, if you can't clearly make it out, well use your binos, thats what they're for, man this is just common sense and hunting etiquite!8)

11-15-2006, 10:05 AM
Got scoped by a road hunter while sitting in my tree stand with my bow at Rock Creek, I will never bow hunt there again during rifle season.


What's the rational? Would it have been different if you had your rifle in your treestand with you? So you could shoot back?

What about a predator hunter with a rifle in December during bow season? Aren't you worried about them? I'd be terrified.:lol:

Seriously, you guys need to find a better exscuse.

11-15-2006, 10:06 AM
As far as this whole thing goes get a license plate, report it. The COs will straighten these people out REALLY FAST.

Gun Dog
11-15-2006, 10:29 AM
As far as this whole thing goes get a license plate, report it. The COs will straighten these people out REALLY FAST.Not many hunters strap a licence plate to their ass. I'm just reading 25 years of Deer and Deer Hunting and in one of the pictures the hunter has a large ID pinned to his back. I guess that's the law in some places.

11-15-2006, 10:42 AM
Not many hunters strap a licence plate to their ass. I'm just reading 25 years of Deer and Deer Hunting and in one of the pictures the hunter has a large ID pinned to his back. I guess that's the law in some places.

HAHAHAHA! That's funny.

Guess what I was thinking is that most hunters don't venture much more than an hour from the truck. Finding their vehicle and ensuing license plate number shouldn't be that big of a deal if you're that concerned.

11-15-2006, 12:51 PM
It's never happened to me personally,
but that is pretty stupid,
a hunter's ethics and manners is the most important,
you learn muzzle control in CORE for crying out loud,
If a muzzle is pointed at you you should repot it

oscar makonka
11-15-2006, 09:19 PM
a hunter's ethics and manners is the most important,
you learn muzzle control in CORE for crying out loud,

From what I see going on in the field is that there are a whole lot of people who aint learning anything from the CORE program. Guess it's kinda like getting a drivers licence, pass the test then turn into an idiot.

11-15-2006, 09:24 PM
Goat Guy I stated I wouldn't bow hunt R/C during gun season because there is to many guy's running around in trucks or on quads looking to blow something away. It's scary when in camo walking through the bush, I do rifle hunt as well but wear a blaze orange vest, so even the dumbest guy's shouldn't scope you. I've only been scoped hunting with a bow during gun season but who's to say it won't happen during gun season.

I wonder about your mentality about making comments about shooting back or having to worry about predator hunters during December, and why should I have to come up with better excuss why I won't hunt some area after getting scoped by some clown?


11-15-2006, 10:11 PM
Actually, pointing a rifle at another human being is a Federal Offence under the Criminal Code of Canada, and can result in a fine of $2000 (I belive) or a jail term of up to 5 years!

Not only is it a complete azzhole thing to do, it is illegal (not to mention very unsafe)!

It has happened to me ONCE that I know of... VERY unnerving!


11-16-2006, 02:59 PM
What do you do if you are being scoped. Start waving madly or hit the deck and take cover?

Never happened to me that I know of so far.

11-16-2006, 08:35 PM
Goat Guy I stated I wouldn't bow hunt R/C during gun season because there is to many guy's running around in trucks or on quads looking to blow something away. It's scary when in camo walking through the bush, I do rifle hunt as well but wear a blaze orange vest, so even the dumbest guy's shouldn't scope you. I've only been scoped hunting with a bow during gun season but who's to say it won't happen during gun season.

I wonder about your mentality about making comments about shooting back or having to worry about predator hunters during December, and why should I have to come up with better excuss why I won't hunt some area after getting scoped by some clown?

Merely pointing out the fact that it makes absolutely no difference what weapon is used/what season it is, getting scoped can happen. Seems to be the opinion of most bowhunters that during the bow/junior season for some reason you invariably run into this high time of risk, whereby you could be scoped, or even worse, shot by a junior hunter. Just making sure things are clear. :lol:

11-16-2006, 08:57 PM
All this stuff would be moot if all you rifle hunters out there would get a bow... =). But seriously, I was bowhunting Empire valley a few years back on a long weekend - it sounded like a shooting gallery - no exaggeration...on the Saturday - three or four shots every four or five minutes...no joke at all. I'm with CooperSscat, time to get a high-visibility vest when hunting in rifle land.

11-17-2006, 04:28 AM
All this stuff would be moot if all you rifle hunters out there would get a bow... =). But seriously, I was bowhunting Empire valley a few years back on a long weekend - it sounded like a shooting gallery - no exaggeration...on the Saturday - three or four shots every four or five minutes...no joke at all. I'm with CooperSscat, time to get a high-visibility vest when hunting in rifle land.
Find somewhere else to hunt. I haven't seen another hiking all year --- spent 30+ days since Sept without another boot track.

All us rifle hunters do hunt with bows for the most part. I hunt with only two guys that I hunt with that don't shoot bows. Off the top of my head the other 5 do.

11-18-2006, 10:17 PM
This has never happened to me personally but a similar situation has occured with my dad when shots were actually fired.

Dad and his hunting partner had shot a spike buck below the road. They did the usual thing, cut your tag then go down and gut it, drag it back to the road. While they were gutting the deer, another spike buck walked out of the trees above them. A person appears on the road, spots the buck, and proceeds to shoot at the spike. Dad and his partner hit the deck while the 2 or three shots flew by over there heads.

This is not quite the "spotting hunters with scopes", but more the "know whats behind your target"

11-19-2006, 01:26 PM
I know we have all do it checked out game through the scope. Now if you know what it is im alright with that i do it all the time. But what pisses me off is when you come apon another hunter and they proceed to check you out with their scope that means your pointing the muzzle at me. Now unless you want a bullet flying over your head id refrain from doing that. It happened to me in princeton this year while walking through a slash with my wife i had spotted a hunter coming up from the other side now because of this we headded out to let him continue his hunt. I point him out to my wife and we head out. I then notice him catch a glimps of us walking out. Now 2 adults walking out not in full camo are pretty easy to know what they are especially when your inside 100yards. I had to get the wife to take her rifle off her shoulder and started to wave at this guy because he dropped to the ground and was watching us through his scope. i told the wife that he'd better be a good shot cause the next bullet would be right in his scope. Has anyone else come across this ?
Yeah, that hunter needs to check his hunter's ethic's and gun safety rules. Why doesn't he go out and buy himself a pair of binoculars. Or better yet hang his guns up If he can't follow the few basic rules when it comes to firearm safety.

11-19-2006, 01:59 PM
This may have been said already, it is illegal to point a firearm at another person, period. The loser's who do it should be reported,charged and convicted. Get their plate,document the time,place etc and phone it in.:mad: :mad:

11-19-2006, 02:00 PM
This may have been said already, it is illegal to point a firearm at another person, period. The loser's who do it should be reported,charged and convicted. Get their plate,document the time,place etc and phone it in.:mad: :mad:
I Completeply Agree

04-14-2007, 03:00 PM
I'm on here because I want to hunt BC one day, but Isn't Blaze orange mandatory? And here in Ontario, it is illegal to use your riflescope as binos; and you must have at least 400 sq. inches of Blaze orange, including your head.

04-14-2007, 03:05 PM
I'm on here because I want to hunt BC one day, but Isn't Blaze orange mandatory? And here in Ontario, it is illegal to use your riflescope as binos; and you must have at least 400 sq. inches of Blaze orange, including your head.

nope Blaze Orange Isnt Manditory

04-14-2007, 03:21 PM
nope Blaze Orange Isnt ManditoryMan you guys got-it easy. It even has to be a specific frequency of orange! It can't be just orange, it's gotta be day-glow, 10-mile cloth!
My buddy almost shot a CO at daybreak in a brown Parka with a black dog! A guy in Quebec murdered a CO before daylight with a crossbow about 10 years ago and got-off. It was the first North-American accidental crossbow death in like 200 years! This stuff's not funny.

04-14-2007, 03:29 PM
I think if you check you'll find that wearing blaze orange has no proven effect on hunter accident numbers in Canada or the USA. Idiots shoot other people by accident all the time. Whether they wear blaze orange or not.

04-14-2007, 04:12 PM
Personally, i would rather no be seen by other hunters. I have heard all sorts of stories from forestry workers being "scoped" because hunters see the red vests out in cutblocks and want to know what it is.

04-14-2007, 04:25 PM
im with you mattb,i dont want to be seen if i can help it.90% of the time i hunt where i know nobody else is anyways .and the day i have to dress in orange is the day i shut er down.

04-14-2007, 04:34 PM
I boiught a new 40X Tasco for my rifle, so I could use it as binoculars. It's awesome!! No carrying binos anymore!

Silent Wolf
04-14-2007, 07:28 PM
I cant belive people would do that sort of schit. I have had someone scope me from a disstance, some might not like what I did to when I noticed the A-Hole Scoping me, my rifle came off my shoulder and was zoned in on him, he dropped his barrel quick. I dont go for that schit.

I have herd of guys getting into a fire fight, whats the point:evil:

To when I took my CORE my instructor told me about his buddy that had it done to him, he was able to get out of the way and circle him. He got up to the person, and said my that is a nice gun, mind if I take a look at it. The A-Hole said sure, then the guy smashed it over a tree, then punched the guy out and then he phoned the cops.....

They invented Bino's for a reason.

I pack my small set with me 12x50's, just change the straps to a camera strap and you will not notice them around your neck.


04-14-2007, 07:33 PM
Every person commits an offence who, without lawful excuse, points a firearm at another person, whether the firearm is loaded or unloaded: and is:
a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or
b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction (a fine and/or six months imprisonment)
Reference: subsections 87(1) and (2) of Part 111 of the criminal code

.30 Rem Shooter
04-14-2007, 07:46 PM
What the hell is wrong with people? I usually have at least two pairs of Binos in the truck with me and never point my rifle at anything unless I know what it is. But then again as Chilko would put it I don't have any much in the are of auntie dad and uncle mom in the family tree.

04-14-2007, 08:13 PM
40x Tasco! Laughed my ass off!

04-15-2007, 05:17 AM
You would never catch me looking throug my gun scope at any hunters ,except what i am going to take like an elk or deer ETC. hunter 1947.

04-15-2007, 06:58 AM
I never scoped another hunter. The "well, it isn't loaded" is the most ignorant statemnet. How many "unloaded" weapons have killed someone? How many people have their finger on the trigger during this "scoping" of another human? You point a weapon at someone you have the means to kill.

04-15-2007, 06:19 PM
It happened to us this fall. My two sons and I were walking out of a trail onto a powerline right of way when we see some guy walking down the access road. We were in full camo and we thought we would see if the guy noticed us, so we froze on the edge of the bush. He's getting closer and closer and we think it's pretty funny that he didn't see us yet, he's no more than 100 yards away and it looks like he'll walk right on by. Suddenly when he's only about 70 yards from us we noticed that he sees something. In one motion he takes his gun off his shoulder and looks through his scope at us. The boys are diving for cover and we are all yelling at the same time. I just froze, I didn't want him to think something was getting away and fire a shot at us. Well luckily for us he sees that I'm not a moose and takes down his gun. I'm yelling at him what the he** do you think you're doing? His answer " I thought you guys were a no shooting sign, but you're alright." Then he just keeps on walking.
We seen the same a** later the same day riding around on a new quad, guess he didn't have enough money for binos.

04-15-2007, 07:39 PM
Well my recommendation is make small talk with the guy.. find out his name, where he hunts....how's it going all that..big smile....then later tell the RCMP he pointed a rifle at you..

04-27-2007, 06:24 PM
As a retired US Marine I don't think you all need to guess what my response would be to being scoped.

Cheers and Happy Hunting: Eaglesnester

09-16-2015, 06:19 PM
here's another one that happened to me. I walked just off the rd along some powerlines i'm about 80 yards off the main rd. I notice 2 does 20 yards ahead of me heads down feeding. Its Nov. so i'm crouched down going to wait this one out waiting for that buck. 10 minutes in a car comes flying up the rd hammers on the brakes. so I stand up so they can clearly see me. My mistake as the does were now on the rd still about 20 yards directly behind me. 2 guys jump out scopes on the hood pointing at me and then the driver puts the gun through the window also pointing at me. I lost my F^&#$&^ mind started walking towards them yelling. As you'd guessed they quickly jumped back in their shit pile car and fled. wasn't able to get a plate #.

09-16-2015, 06:46 PM
It's hard to say. It would certainly make me nervous - but I don't know anything about the guy doing the looking, or the danger level. Maybe he, like me, carries his gun without a shell in the chamber, and the danger level is 0; and the gun for all practical purposes is just a big monocular rest... Maybe he's loaded and doesn't even have the safety on and I'm within an inch of my life as he looks at me - I just don't know, nor have any way of knowing.

I would say, that because of that not being able to know, that doing such a thing is an absolute no-no in terms of etiquite.

Didn't anyone ever teach you always treat every gun as if it were loaded. How does the person it's being pointed at know it's not loaded.

09-16-2015, 07:03 PM
Canadian Criminal Law: 87. (1) Every person commits an offence who, without lawful excuse, points a firearm at another person, whether the firearm is loaded or unloaded.

09-16-2015, 07:05 PM
Technically it would be legal to engage the guy doing it....not saying you should but if you are the guy using your scope instead of binos you if he get yourself into some real lethal trouble.....and the other guy would be backed by courts in self defense....but like I said....i would recommend it

09-16-2015, 07:12 PM
If I see someone aiming a scope and gun at me, they get one warning shot from me. Only one.

A firearm and scope pointed directly at me, I'm assuming he or she is going to take a shot.....at me.

Binoculars are how you look for game. Not a scope. Period.

09-16-2015, 08:04 PM
wow really? If I ever had a gun pointed at me mine would be pointing right back.

09-16-2015, 08:24 PM
It's a total and utter douche-bag move - period.

I have a better scope than I do binos, so rarely, once I've spotted an animal that needs further investigation, and the coast is clear, I'll cross-reference with the scope. I'm even reluctant to do that, but it happens rarely.

A couple of very good friends of mine scope with their rifles. Always have to bite my tongue about it, but really feel like saying "wtf is your issue, dude"? I'm sure they would never purposely scope a person, but it could happen by accident while they're scanning terrain and unknown objects, etc. Not cool.

09-16-2015, 09:32 PM
I boiught a new 40X Tasco for my rifle, so I could use it as binoculars. It's awesome!! No carrying binos anymore!


Just put whatever you are trying to ID in the bottom right corner, so that if you decide to pull the trigger while trying to ID you won't possibly hit what you are IDing with a ricochet. Simple!

09-16-2015, 09:45 PM
I put two scopes on all my rifles so technically I am using binovision every time I put my gun to the shoulder. Seriously though, Guns and scopes are for one thing...dispatching an animal.

09-16-2015, 09:52 PM
Well my recommendation is make small talk with the guy.. find out his name, where he hunts....how's it going all that..big smile....then later tell the RCMP he pointed a rifle at you..


That's integrity right there at it's finest.

How about Nut up?

It's shameful that people even think that way now-a-days.

09-16-2015, 10:06 PM
Didn't anyone ever teach you always treat every gun as if it were loaded. How does the person it's being pointed at know it's not loaded.

Better re read the post hes saying its NOT ok to point a rifle at some one ! Besides the post is like 8 years old i am sure he has learned a lot since then ! :roll: lol RJ

09-17-2015, 04:30 PM
Was talking to a guy at my work about hunting,his story is why not to scope.He just had his trigger adjusted on his 7mm, seen movement on a cut block as he swung the gun to look didn't realize his finger was on the trigger and accidentally squeezed off a round,said that scared him from ever doing that again.My concern is people riding around with loaded guns on their quads.

Gr8 white hunter
09-17-2015, 04:39 PM
Shoot your gun off and leave.

09-18-2015, 09:10 AM
scope me!! first one is going over your head. next one between your eyes. scope only what your going to shoot.

09-18-2015, 09:24 AM
A good thread, one could imagine that if a person is putting the scope on you and then scans over to see your partner with his pointed back, bet that would give him something to think about:lol: Before I get pm's, its wishfull thinking not reality! I know if I know that its an animal 110%, i use my scope,no questions asked, if you can't clearly make it out, well use your binos, thats what they're for, man this is just common sense and hunting etiquite!8)

my thoughts too....IMO when stalking game you need to practice shouldering your rifle and acquiring a target every once in awhile (while avoiding fogging your scope with your breath)-it is something that I feel should be practiced...but as others have said it better be a safe direction (no person)...I like to use a big stump or rock to do it...

09-18-2015, 09:27 AM
From what I see going on in the field is that there are a whole lot of people who aint learning anything from the CORE program. Guess it's kinda like getting a drivers licence, pass the test then turn into an idiot.

the one thing they taught in the bc course was looking down the barrel from the business end? WTF.....I could not do this because it goes against all my previous training....I will remove the bolt and look down the barrel not the way they showed me

09-18-2015, 10:39 AM
These are the two things that really bother me when out hunting;

Being scoped


idiots with guns, shooting at targets with no BACKSTOP, where did your bullet go?

09-18-2015, 11:55 AM
the one thing they taught in the bc course was looking down the barrel from the business end? WTF.....I could not do this because it goes against all my previous training....I will remove the bolt and look down the barrel not the way they showed me

A light works good too.

I'm not a fan either, but with a lot of guns, you can't just crack them open, or remove the bolt.

09-18-2015, 10:42 PM
I was just talking about this with a CORE instructor today. The place he works at got a call from a man who had been using his scope instead of binos, and he ended up scoping a CO. He was being brought up on charges under the Criminal Code of Canada... aka Jail Time or serious community service time at the very least.

09-19-2015, 07:46 AM
Happened to me in Princeton also, I fingered the guy and he quickly dropped his rifle, i was really nervous when it happened and lost it,

09-19-2015, 08:03 AM
Scoping another person is just rude! It shows a complete lack of respect and class IMO. And it sure pisses a guy off!!! Just don't do it! About 15 years back, north of Bills Puddle, three of use were scoped several times by the same guy. (we actually talked to this f#$^%r on the way in and worked out a plan so we could hunt the area and not overlap - I even said to the guys after that this guy was a dick) After the third time he scoped me I went looking for his truck. I found it. Nice ride but there was no air in the front tire? I checked the spare underneath and it too had no air in it? Very strange indeed...

09-19-2015, 08:31 AM
I carry binocs ,anyone who goes with me has binocs or I suppy a pair.
My friend was scoped in his groung blind and my son was scoped walking up to his tree stand!
I assume everyone is an idiot!
I stress safety and the use of binocs, not your rifle scope to every hunter I run into.
They may think I am an asshole,but I am a live asshole.
Try to stay hidden and out of sight,trust no strangers,unless proven safe!

09-19-2015, 09:09 AM
A light works good too.

I'm not a fan either, but with a lot of guns, you can't just crack them open, or remove the bolt.

maybe i am wrong but i think they showed me to check it without opening the action first ....maybe they assume i have already cycled it cuz that is what they/i do before handing it over or as soon as i get it ...memory is a bit foggy after so many years but that 1 thing stuck with me as going against my previous training

09-19-2015, 09:32 AM
You should also treat a unloaded gun as if it was loaded, Regardless if you checked it. When you take the course the gun or rifle should have been deactivated. Part of the barrel at the breach cut out. You can see if loaded. without removing the bolt lever or what ever else you took the course with. I had an idiot scope me one day. I unloaded my rifle and scoped him or her back. They left in a hurry. I am under the impression that they did not like to be scoped. weird.

Shawn Smith
09-19-2015, 04:54 PM
I'm amazed at the stupidity of people I was still hunting a stretch of road I was able to see approx 80 yards in both directions of the road it was a spot that deer were using as a travel route. I had a truck pull up 50 yards from me and one guy gets out and goes into the bush the driver then pulls up and stops to chat. I asked him what the hell he was doing dropping the guy off so close to me his response was well I guess you have a little competition. I proceeded to fly off the handle telling him that what they were doing was totally unsafe and simply disrespectful. I told him how efn stupid it was to drop someone off right where I'm hunting I could end up getting shot or shooting his buddy due to not knowing where he was in the bush. He didn't see the dangerous nature of the situation so I completely left the area didn't want to be any where near a couple of complete idiots. I tell you if they weren't a couple of old men I would have shit kicked them. I'll do the same to anyone I see scope me I'll just walk up to them and they will wake up and find their rifle smashed to shit.