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11-11-2006, 10:34 AM
all week we have been hunting mulies in kelowna.there have been a ton of guys and the hunting is slow.we see one guy everyday roaring up and down the main road in a car.he drives up 8km turns around and back down 8 km.the guy doesn't have a truck,thats cool.we stopped to talk once when he is out with his habachi(lol,spelling)on a piece of plywood on the hood of his car.he has a double barrel shot gun on the roof."you huntin grouse" i asked with a smirk."nope,me huntin big buck"(french accent).well friday we get snow,and lots of it.this dork is still roaring up and down the road.the last 3 km of the road are fairly steep and he sliding all over the place and not stoppin for anything.we see him at around 2:30 on a flat spot.he stop and is shivering like a dog $hittin razor blades."well,how ya makin out?" i ask."me just shoot huge buck,he stand in middle of road and i shoot,then he run into bush,man there was blood and everything".i asked where is the deer.the dork couldn't find it.the guy was shooting deer with a shot gun and using SSG's not slugs.it was 50 yrds away.it ran down into the bush,he chased it back to the road then he lost the tracks.keep in mind we had around 8" of snow and he lost the tracks.i did end up lookin for the deer but never did come across it.the guy tracked it for 10 min. and then continued roaring up and down the road.i know most guys are good in the bush but,WOW,i'm still shakin my head!!!!!!

11-11-2006, 10:38 AM
This world is not short of idiots! Too bad they can hunt to. With that much snow why couldnt you find the deer!

11-11-2006, 10:44 AM
Not, moving AWAY from discussing on running shots, i can agree that this was an unethical move byt the "french guy" - shooting a deer at 50 yards even with a slug can be a little bit sketchy, unless youve got a shotty tuned for it, but a double barrel shogun?

Also, he said "there was blood and everything" - in 8'' of snow you should beable to see that blood untill you get to the deer, unless he just filled his coat with lead. Unfortunate.

11-11-2006, 11:02 AM
i followed it for about 300 yrds straight up hill.there was one tiny drop of blood every 40 or 50 yrds.then the blood stopped and walked through an area that was covered with tracks.i tried finding more blood but nothin.i figured if he went up that steep hill and with no more blood,he couldn't have been hit that hard.

11-11-2006, 11:22 AM
should this guy be in the bush??????

Roaring up and down a "main" road in a Car is not what I'd call in "The Bush" ! :lol:
But having said that Yep there are All Kinds of People found in every activity we pursue.......some are Smart, some are Not :|

Too bad for the Deer:-(

11-11-2006, 11:33 AM
What a looser !!! Send him back to QUE. or ONT.

11-11-2006, 12:02 PM
If he hasn't broken any laws or regs, why shouldn't he have every right to hunt in any manner he chooses which isn't illegal?
That being said, l personally wouldn't hunt in the same fashion, but l will defend this fellows right to do what he wants as long as its all above boards.
When l judge another hunters actions because it doesn't "seem" ethical or right to me, l think it opens the door for others to condemn my activities based on there perceptions of right and wrong (often irregardless of what the law says). Think of the anti-gun type folks who have somehow have an "enlightened" sense of hunting and how they view our group.........

11-11-2006, 12:41 PM
If he hasn't broken any laws or regs, why shouldn't he have every right to hunt in any manner he chooses which isn't illegal?
That being said, l personally wouldn't hunt in the same fashion, but l will defend this fellows right to do what he wants as long as its all above boards.
When l judge another hunters actions because it doesn't "seem" ethical or right to me, l think it opens the door for others to condemn my activities based on there perceptions of right and wrong (often irregardless of what the law says). Think of the anti-gun type folks who have somehow have an "enlightened" sense of hunting and how they view our group.........

Very well said 416. Dont know if he broke any laws with what he shot the buck with?

11-11-2006, 12:48 PM
Very well said 416. Dont know if he broke any laws with what he shot the buck with?

He didn't break any laws to my knowledge, although I sometime think there should be a law that states that if you hit a big game animal, and know it (ie. blood on ground) One should at least have to spend the rest of the daylight hours pursuing it. But, that being said, it is perfectly legal to burn up and down the "Main" road and blast a buck with ssg. You as the hunter should know that 50 yds is sketchy at best. I for one have no problem with the way this man hunts, but I do take issue with pursuing a wounded animal for a mere 10 minutes

11-11-2006, 01:17 PM
Thats why Mark uses a 300 win mag for turkey hunting,you dont have to follow a blood trail. P.S really nice buck Mark :lol:

11-11-2006, 01:26 PM
lmao, I too use a .300 win mag for all my hunting!

(Well, ok, not turkeys! :D)

11-11-2006, 01:57 PM
416,you are right,he didn't break any laws.but think about common sense.steep hills,8"of snow,slick roads,in a car with summer tires.if the guy wants to hunt in a car,no big deal,if he wants to use a bouble barrel shot gun,what ever,but i do have a problem people that don't use common sense.he put everyone in danger by driving like a maniac.to me,he shouldn't have been up there in a 2 wheel drive vehicle.

mainland hunter
11-11-2006, 03:30 PM
he did break a law in only following up for 10 minutes.

11-11-2006, 05:53 PM
he did break a law in only following up for 10 minutes.
Exactly.........Noone cares that he's Road Hunting with the Family wagon or using a Double gun.
It was his Lack of making an Honest effort to retrive an animal he'd Obviously wounded.......but rather went right back to "hunting" :|

11-11-2006, 07:37 PM
i don't have use for "road hunters" and someone thats hunts big game with a shot gun. get with the program buddy and hunting alone...hmmmm
just asking for trouble.

thats my two cents like it or not:frown:

11-11-2006, 07:45 PM
If you wound an animal arnt you suppose to cut you tag?

11-11-2006, 08:53 PM
If you wound an animal arnt you suppose to cut you tag?

Page 17 of the regs under retrieval states: No person shall kill, cripple or wound without making all reasonable effort to retriever and include it in his/her bag limit....

In our hunting license booklet there are specific instructions on tag cancellation but it starts out by saying "immediately upon killing....blah blah, nothing about wounding and cancelling tags
There may be something else, but l didn't see it.

i don't have use for "road hunters" and someone thats hunts big game with a shot gun. get with the program buddy and hunting alone...hmmmm

Our regs DO state shotguns are permissible to hunt big game without being plugged and single projectiles (slugs) only........ (pg.17 under legal hunting methods)

11-11-2006, 11:58 PM
416,you are right,he didn't break any laws.but think about common sense.steep hills,8"of snow,slick roads,in a car with summer tires.if the guy wants to hunt in a car,no big deal,if he wants to use a bouble barrel shot gun,what ever,but i do have a problem people that don't use common sense.he put everyone in danger by driving like a maniac.to me,he shouldn't have been up there in a 2 wheel drive vehicle.Hey dude, since when is it up to you to decide what a person drives............anywhere? I drive a car and yes I put my four point whitetail in the trunk to get it home(man that sounds bad), but that is because a car is all I have right now. And I'll be damned if having a car is going to keep me out of the bush. Now stay on your side of the road!;-)

11-12-2006, 12:05 AM
Hey Night Owl,Do you own a double barrel shot gun,and speak french ? :grin:

11-12-2006, 12:28 AM
Nope and I don't drive in winter with summer's on either;)

11-12-2006, 12:58 AM
I think the main idea here has to do with ethics. Anti-hunters are always harping on wounded animals. A guy driving around shooting at random animals, and then not putting any effort into retrieving it(whether it was legal or not) is exactly what causes people to become angry at hunting, calling it cruel. If we want a continuation of our sport, we cant accept behaviour like this

11-12-2006, 09:05 AM
I agree with you Browningmirage but ethics are a personal thing and everyone has a different concept of values, that is why the laws and regs governing our actions in the bush should be the yardstick our behavior is measured by, not emotions based on our own sense of right and wrong.
With the limited amount of info about this incident, its hard if not impossible to draw any sort of unbiased conclusions.
As for the anit-hunting clowns.......they don't know, don't understand, and don't want to....an attitude similar to some of our own shooting fraternity sometimes when it comes to passing judgement based on emotions and limited knowledge.

11-12-2006, 08:44 PM
416 hit on the head, whether or not u agree with his "style" we as hunters and gun owners have to stick together.

11-12-2006, 09:08 PM
Im sorry but if I saw someone out in the bush in a car stuck in the mud or snow, or high centered I would probably drive right by, especially if they had a french accent LOL.Seriously you can get an old beater 4x4 for the price of some winter tires.

11-12-2006, 10:04 PM
Ok man, don't stop to help someone in need. It's your choice. And if the guy stuck is in a truck you would help him and this makes you a good guy right? Every man for himself right? This world's f'd imo.

11-13-2006, 09:49 AM
I once spent 3 Hours of my time pulling a Fella in a Minivan out of the ditch.....he had his Wife & kids and was Looking for a Christmas Tree in 2 feet of snow with bald tires :lol:
At any rate I was glad to help and would do it again, hopefully he remembers and passes it along someday.

Again I don't think the Majority of Folks have a Prob with this Hunter's mode of Transport or his weapon of choice.......
The BIG issue was "Did he make a reasonable attempt to recover a previously wounded animal ? "
Seems pretty obvious he did not, that's what Sucks about this story:|

11-13-2006, 10:07 AM
If the guy shot a deer standing in the middle of the road he did break a law. It is unlawful to discharge a firearm or hunt within the road allowances of all numbered highways and any two lane or greater public road in BC. And if you guys want to side with this moron under the guise of hunters sticking together you are nuts. If we do not police ourselves who the he** will defend hunting. I would report the idiot in a second.

11-13-2006, 10:10 AM
nightowl,i really don't care that he was driving a car.if thats all he has,welllll thats fine.what i'm sayin is with the conditions,he shouldn't have been up there in a car.if he would have ended up in the ditch,we would have had to help him out(yes,i would have helped).that would have taken away from my hunting for a bit,and that would have pissed me off,lol.i have pics of my grandfather with a huge mulie tied to the hood of his car.thats the only vehicle he had.he use to park when the roads got bad and walk his a$$ off.Browningmirage,pretty much summs it up.it all has to to with ethics and common sense.

11-13-2006, 10:21 AM
We should ALL defend Hunting!!! But there comes a time to draw the line ...Ok so what he was hunting in car LOL!! some ppl can't afford the 50,000 Ford 4x4, so they use a Datsun LOL! But when we as a group see another member shoot and wound a deer or animal and doesn't look for that animal then we as a group need to report this action to the C.O. to investigate it, sheesh!! maybe the guy never had a Tag or Even PAL for that matter. just my 2 cents, and Yes Onesock we do need " To Police ourselves" there are only so many C/O's and they need our help as a group.

11-13-2006, 03:08 PM
I help people all the time. But just because a belly boat floats doesnt mean it the right choice for sturgon on the fraser!IMO same goes for a car in the bush in late fall.

11-13-2006, 06:36 PM
So Nykoma what is it about "road hunters" you object to ???? I am 61 years old and can't hoof it thru the bush the way I used to and with all the blocks up here now because of the mountain pine beetle it is by far the best way for me to expand the odds for me to have a successfull hunt. So please inform all of us what you object to about "road hunters " Mike

11-13-2006, 09:54 PM
What does speaking french have to do with any of this argument? Care to explain?


11-14-2006, 03:15 AM
Don't worry about it Avalanche. The guy that made the french accent comment is just a REDNECK. You are bound to run into 'em.:mad:

11-14-2006, 08:00 AM
And if you guys want to side with this moron under the guise of hunters sticking together you are nuts. If we do not police ourselves who the he** will defend hunting. I would report the idiot in a second

And you certainly are entittled to your opinion....but please don't lump "ALL" hunters in the same group that require baby sitting... maybe the circles travel in, but most hunters are responsible enough to abide by the rules and regs for bush conduct! You make it sound as if every person left to their own designs would be breaking laws and that hunters can't be trusted unless constantly scrutinized... maybe in your world, but don't include all hunters in that group, unless you have hunted with them all and have first hand experience.
And its not a matter of sticking together because we are a group ........from what has been said of incident, there isn't enough info to pass any sort of judgement, yet it seems some are quick to do just that with out knowing all the circumstances.....

11-14-2006, 08:27 AM
416- He shot an animal in the middle of the road!!!!!!!! Do you let this go? If I see anybody dragging a dark cloud over our sport you bet I will turn them in. You have no idea of the circles of hunters I travel with but if you don't think we should police ourselves maybe you are the one that needs watching. C'mon, you see somebody break the law you stand up for what is right!!!!

11-14-2006, 08:29 AM
Speaking French or hunting out of a car have nothing to do with what is right or wrong.

11-14-2006, 08:51 AM
The biggest problem I have here is that he didn't seem to put any effort into the retrieval of the animal.
As far as hunting with a car, who cares. I don't own a truck, but luckily can usually borrow one from work whenever I need to. I blasted a decent 5 x 4 mulie last year, gutted it, skinned it, wrapped it in a tarp and threw it in the back of my car. Haha, and that was a small hatchback Honda Civic. Although, if the road conditions require a 4x4 truck, then you shouldn't be out there in a car....maybe park at lower elevations and do some walking.

11-14-2006, 11:47 AM
If the guy shot a deer standing in the middle of the road he did break a law. It is unlawful to discharge a firearm or hunt within the road allowances of all numbered highways and any two lane or greater public road in BC. And if you guys want to side with this moron under the guise of hunters sticking together you are nuts. If we do not police ourselves who the he** will defend hunting. I would report the idiot in a second.
You're right - if this was on a public road. I got the feeling that it occured on a logging road. Most logging roads aren't public(including FSR's and company roads)

11-14-2006, 12:37 PM
sounds like the stupid hillbilliy has never been out of the bush if you ask me !!

11-14-2006, 10:10 PM
If the guys hunting a logging road, the method of transportation really is irrelivent (should be insured), now at close range the 12 ga will do but it wouldn't be my first choice and for being french, well who cares. The whole thing is that he didn't seem to put the effort to retrieve his game, was he lazy or maybey he simply didn't know how (blood and snow???).
As far as I'm concerned, no laws were broken, just not peoples preferred hunting method, I've seen a few doozies in my previous hunts but whatever, you either can talk to the person or hold it in and bitch about it:lol:

11-15-2006, 12:22 AM
The story sounds like the fellow did not know what he was doing, only that he wanted to get a deer, so here he is in his car with his shotgun, probably doesn't own a truck or a rifle but he is hunting, as far as tracking the animal I believe it was stated that he tracked it for ten minutes as well I believe it was stated that the blood trail ran out after three hundred yards, sounds to me like he made a decent effort. AS far as using a car I would like to point out that my driveway is on a hill, the MAJORITY of 4x4's that try and come up when it is icy have to stop and lock in the hubs, however my wifes front wheel drive car makes it up with no problem, while it sounds like this fella was not hunting in the way the majority of us do, I believe he was making the best of his situation and to the best of his abilities, hopefully he will learn ( as we all have) from his mistakes and continue to enjoy the outdoors as we all do8-)

11-15-2006, 01:20 AM
The story sounds like the fellow did not know what he was doing, only that he wanted to get a deer, so here he is in his car with his shotgun, probably doesn't own a truck or a rifle but he is hunting, as far as tracking the animal I believe it was stated that he tracked it for ten minutes as well I believe it was stated that the blood trail ran out after three hundred yards, sounds to me like he made a decent effort. AS far as using a car I would like to point out that my driveway is on a hill, the MAJORITY of 4x4's that try and come up when it is icy have to stop and lock in the hubs, however my wifes front wheel drive car makes it up with no problem, while it sounds like this fella was not hunting in the way the majority of us do, I believe he was making the best of his situation and to the best of his abilities, hopefully he will learn ( as we all have) from his mistakes and continue to enjoy the outdoors as we all do8-)

.........well said

11-15-2006, 03:43 AM
Yep good one Deaddog!:)

11-15-2006, 09:07 AM
Oh my bleeding heart.........Fu?K that looser!Is this guy someones relative or buddy that some folks need to defend him? The facts are there. Now some nice buck has face winter with a couple of BB holes in it. And the next time you take a day to go hunting you'll have to pull this guy out of the middle of the road were he'll be spun out so you can continue. I call a spade a spade. Fu@k that looser!

11-15-2006, 09:32 AM
For what its worth, I've had to help out a lot more SUV's and little pick-ups than I have cars; Just helped a guy in a Four Runner 3 days ago as a matter of fact. Guys who hunt from cars seem to know their limitations, where the SUV crowd seems to think the "4x4" button will get them out of any situation.

The first few years that I could legally hunt by myself, I did it in a 92 Sunbird with good mud+snow tires. I went a lot of places in that car and did plenty of hunting. When the snow got too deep or the road to rough, I hunted on foot, which in hind sight was the best thing that ever happened to me. The bottom line is, I'll never judge anyone for what type of vehicle they hunt out of, as long as they stay on their side of the road.

I'll agree that the guy in question could have probably better matched a weapon to his skills, but plenty of animals are wounded every year with high power(even magnum) centerfires as well.


11-15-2006, 09:45 AM
I wouldn't judge a book by its cover. My guess, no mentor, no money and probably a CORE instructor that isn't pulling their weight. Bad apples in every bunch. If the guy only tracked it for 10 min I would have grabbed his plate number and called the COs, they'll tune him in in a hurry.

As mentioned above I've seen many a 4wd grease up a road, often because they want to see how far their truck will go in 2wd.

11-15-2006, 10:05 AM
I'm not gonna comment on the guy or his skills or gun, except to say it seems as if he needs some improvemnt there, but I recall before I had a truck I had a 1982 Datsun 210 station wagon.

Cross ditches? I carried two long planks in the back. Slept in the back too and brought deer home on the roof rack.

11-15-2006, 06:25 PM
Don't worry about it Avalanche. The guy that made the french accent comment is just a REDNECK. You are bound to run into 'em.:mad:

REDNECK???? soooooo,what's your point? ahhhhhhhh,i heart your feelings.

11-15-2006, 06:42 PM
...it was stated that he tracked it for ten minutes as well I believe it was stated that the blood trail ran out after three hundred yards, sounds to me like he made a decent effort.
Sorry but IF you Shoot something and Obviously "Wound" it.
You Owe it to Yourself and that Critter to Spend more then 10 Minutes looking for it......hardly a "Decent Effort" :rolleyes:

11-15-2006, 07:10 PM
416- He shot an animal in the middle of the road!!!!!!!! Do you let this go? If I see anybody dragging a dark cloud over our sport you bet I will turn them in. You have no idea of the circles of hunters I travel with but if you don't think we should police ourselves maybe you are the one that needs watching. C'mon, you see somebody break the law you stand up for what is right!!!!

i odn't htink this was a paved road, it was a dirt road, and legal.

11-15-2006, 08:30 PM
I believe it was stated before that the animal in question was tracked for about three hundred yards and then the trail was lost in some other tracks, while this fellow didn't do things perfect or even close to what we would like to see I don't believe he is a "loser", yes using shot depending on what size (#1 is legal) should not of been done and for that he should be reported, but it sure seems easy to pick apart others when you are typing from behind a computer!! I believe each one of us has some faults that others would not like8-)

11-16-2006, 02:22 AM
For what its worth, I've had to help out a lot more SUV's and little pick-ups than I have cars; Just helped a guy in a Four Runner 3 days ago as a matter of fact. Guys who hunt from cars seem to know their limitations, where the SUV crowd seems to think the "4x4" button will get them out of any situation.

The first few years that I could legally hunt by myself, I did it in a 92 Sunbird with good mud+snow tires. I went a lot of places in that car and did plenty of hunting. When the snow got too deep or the road to rough, I hunted on foot, which in hind sight was the best thing that ever happened to me. The bottom line is, I'll never judge anyone for what type of vehicle they hunt out of, as long as they stay on their side of the road.

I'll agree that the guy in question could have probably better matched a weapon to his skills, but plenty of animals are wounded every year with high power(even magnum) centerfires as well.

ROI think we all agree the guys choice of weapon here sucked. The guys effort after the kill sucked! Even if it was a dirt road and legal, he shot it IN the road, which sucks. About the mode of transportation............So what he drives a car and he's french, who gives a rats ass. Judging someone by what they drive or their accent is simply ignorant. Last fall I recall clearly bootin' it up to my favourite Whitey spot 40Km from Kelowna. I come around this sharp corner and there is a Mazda B2600 jackknifed in the ditch being winched out by a 4Runner. You shoulda seen the look on their faces as I cruised by in 3 inches fresh stuff up the cutblock in my car lol. Little do they know I got pretty gnarly meats on the back.8)

11-16-2006, 07:31 AM
Gatehouse- No one says it is a dirt road or a gravel road for that matter, just that it was shot on a "main road". Main road to me means just that, a main road. Do you shoot critters standing in the middle of a main road? I know quite a few gravel roads that are under the jurisdiction of the MOT and cannot be hunted from.

11-16-2006, 09:16 AM
Gatehouse- No one says it is a dirt road or a gravel road for that matter, just that it was shot on a "main road". Main road to me means just that, a main road. Do you shoot critters standing in the middle of a main road? I know quite a few gravel roads that are under the jurisdiction of the MOT and cannot be hunted from.

I saw this same guy a few times, so I know where he hunts, and the road is a "main" but is really an overgrown, one-laned, unmaintained FSR with no MoH jurisdiction. He was perfectly legal shooting the animal as it stood on the road, despite any danger to the guy coming around the next corner. He did break the spirit of the law in making "reasonable effort" to find the animal after he hit it, but I'm certain the COs would have a tough time convincing a downtown liberal judge what "reasonable effort" is.

What really sucks is that there is a wounded animal out there because of someone's poor judgment and ill-preparedness. Hopefully some other hunter found him and managed to put him down. :frown:

11-16-2006, 10:42 AM
Gatehouse- No one says it is a dirt road or a gravel road for that matter, just that it was shot on a "main road". Main road to me means just that, a main road. Do you shoot critters standing in the middle of a main road? I know quite a few gravel roads that are under the jurisdiction of the MOT and cannot be hunted from.

I would think that if it was a "non shooting" road, that woudl have been mentioned in the initial post, since everyhting else was fairly detailed.