View Full Version : Too Damn Funny !!!!

11-10-2006, 11:40 AM
:lol: Read this on Huntshoot, Too Funny Thought you'd enjoy it, Thanks StoneChaser

Road Hunting for Dummies: A How to Guide to Easy moose meat!

Moose are the largest ungulate in North America, and despite their large size and clumsy demeanor, are quite intelligent (and very tasty). By following these easy steps, you too will acquire the skills to keep a full freezer of tasty, organic, healthy moose meat:

1.The first mistake made by rookies and guides is WALKING!!!!! All RESIDENT hunters know that Moose can tell the sound difference between 2 and 4 legs…. So don’t even try to fool them.

2.Calling is overrated also (another trick attempted by guides, mainly to impress their clients … PLAYING THE ROLE!!). Nothing calls to moose more than a good loud Diesel, or a moaning buncher head… HUNT THE FRESH LOGGING!!!!!

3.BE READY!!!! Rookie road hunters often take much too long to load and dismount, you’ll have to quicken the pace.

4.Leave that engine running! Shutting off a truck alerts the moose and promotes running.

5.Camo is not needed, instead, get some good non chaffing joggers and a good comfy T-Shirt, stay comfortable.

6.Patience, Patience, Patience!!! It may take up to an hour per moose if you are just beginning, so be patient….. Rome wasn’t built in a day either!!

7.Most importantly, put the blinders on. Look strictly on the main road and on the centerline of side roads. If he ain’t straddlin’ the line…. Let’em walk… packing is for wannabes and guides!

With these 7 simple steps, you’ll become the hero among friends, and despised among guiding camps around the country. Good Hunting

11-10-2006, 12:12 PM
AMEN! - road hunting is the best. way too many hero commando types out there thinking they deserve a medal for playing war games with the deer.

11-10-2006, 02:35 PM
good list, must have been published in the vancouver sun, as all the hunters I met on the road this year were from Surrey and maple ridge? long live the Blue Tarp!~