View Full Version : compair these two handheld units

Dutch Ppoacher
06-19-2012, 01:15 PM
GPSMAP® 62s https://static.garmincdn.com/en/products/010-00868-01/g/cf-lg.jpgand

eTrex® 30 https://static.garmincdn.com/en/products/010-00970-20/g/cf-lg.jpg

these units seem to be very simular in advertized ability.
if they have the same ability the etrex is the better do to price

the only differance i can see is button placement on the unit

Can someone shed some light on these two and the differance in capability?


06-19-2012, 04:38 PM
Not those exact 2 models, but I've ran my 76CSx(Very similar to the 62) alongside an Etrex HCx(Very similar to the 30), and the bigger screen is a big asset. Buttons on the side suck too, IMHO, but I did like the toggle lever, which is what the 30 appears to have.

Not sure of the price difference in the units you have posted above, but I'd personally get the 62s over the 30.

06-19-2012, 05:13 PM
the 62s, will find and hold the saits better then the one with out the antena,
i have never lost a signal with the 62, it can stay deep in ur pack, and will still be locked on when you pull it out.
Ive only owned a 62st, never had a etrek30...

06-19-2012, 07:51 PM
Exactly the 62 has the external antenna and the etrex has an internal one.
Other differences
-62s has 5 hours more battery life
-62s has a picture viewer
Although the newer Etrex's are improved by far over the first ones put out the old 60 series and the new 62 series were the most popular and held there signal the best over any other Garmin model.

06-19-2012, 08:58 PM
I like the 78 better. I've owned a 12,72,76cs,276, and used my brothers 60 and 62. I use em for work. The 276 is my all time favorite but cumbersome and discontinued.

06-19-2012, 09:50 PM
I've had the 60csx for years and it works well and reliably, the antenna is a good one.
The battery life is also pretty decent...when I replace it I'll most likely go with the top 62 model.

06-20-2012, 05:03 PM
if u run iluthuim (spelling???) bats you can get a lot more then 5 hrs, and also run bat saver will add lots of life
im always playing with mine when hunting, and can get 2 days out of 2AAs no problem
and im always playing with it, seeing how far i went how fast i was, what my gain in feet was, etc, etc, etc

Dutch Ppoacher
06-21-2012, 07:12 PM
i appreciate the replys, i ask as i had heard that the 30 and 62 where quite simular and wanted a little clarity


Mountain Hunter
06-22-2012, 09:50 PM
The 62 is a little bigger and heavier but, as people said, has better battery life, better antenna, & better screen. The little E-trex is OK, especially if you are super weight and size conscious.

Depends on how much you want to use the gps, if you want to use it often and not only navigate but measure distances, refer to topo maps, etc. then go with the more robust 62. If you only want to use it now and again for a logging waypoints for back up to maps, an emergency, or interesting waypoints while backpacking then you may want the e-trex.