View Full Version : Energy options while sheep hunting

06-13-2012, 12:08 PM
I was wondering what everyone uses to help out with energy while sheep hunting . I've picked up some e-mergence c drink but never re)ly tried them yet . What othe options r u guys useing

06-13-2012, 12:24 PM
Fill your pack with RockStar cans, Bro. Hardcore! Knockon! ;)

been using some of the gels they sell at running stores. work very well for a quick hitting energy boost, but hard to find them without any caffeine these days. you're sweating your bag off humping up a hill, you don't need any more help getting dehydrated. Taking some powdered Glutamine and having a big drink of that at the end of the day really helps my legs recover for the following day.

06-13-2012, 12:50 PM
Dried fruit, nuts and lots of water. Gummy candies for quick sugar boosts. Emergen-C's a good electrolyte replacer if your sweating a lot but provides little energy. Nuun tablets have the same effect.

Doing some endurance exercise well before hand will teach your body to efficiently burn fat instead of just the limited amount of Glycogen stored in the liver and muscles.

06-13-2012, 01:08 PM
soldier fuel bars, Powdered Gatorade mix(water is heavy and generally readily availible) ... Pedialyte is another good one as it has less sugar and more electrolytes than sport drinks do.

06-13-2012, 01:11 PM
Two words ----


and no spitting...you gotta "gut" it...

In my experience, regardless of what your quarry is.... Mental toughness (and will to go on) is almost as important as body toughness... Pasta is always a good filler....

06-13-2012, 01:12 PM
i don't sheep hunt [yet] but snickers and cheese is my go to energy combo with hot black tea.

06-13-2012, 01:15 PM
Hammer Nutrition products are realy good, They are on the expensive side but they work. I'm doing the ride to conquer cancer this weekend and I've been using the Bananna and Chocolate Gels for training and I will be using them for the ride also... running and cycling stores have a lot of products for energy and elecrolytes...

06-13-2012, 01:33 PM
I pack peanut butter dipps granola bars and I take lots of naps :)

06-13-2012, 02:16 PM
I do quite a bit of cycling and find it best to try out a variety of products, some work better for some people. Also a thing to consider they all don't taste the same. Currently my faves are shot blocks and the jelly belly sport beans as they have all the important stuff and dont taste nasty, nor need to be finished on the spot. Just my 2 cents, oh wait i better make that a nickle.....

06-13-2012, 03:47 PM
I try to eat lots of pizza and beer before the trip, you know, to carb up.

06-13-2012, 04:04 PM
Some old school ultra distance runners still swear buy flat Coke and Snickers bars.

06-13-2012, 04:10 PM
Whatever you do, try it before you go. Having to choke something down gagging all the way for days on end is not my idea of fun. Granola bars, jerky, dry pepperoni is pretty much all I eat when backpacking during the day. I have my granola for breakfast and my freeze dried for dinner.

06-13-2012, 04:39 PM
I try to eat lots of pizza and beer before the trip, you know, to carb up.

Toad River Burgers and Cinnamon Buns from the center of the Galactic Universe (tetsa river)

Jerky, M&M's (peanuts), RitterSport bars, Clif Bars, Banana Chips, Dried Apricots, Landjaeger, Trail Mix....

06-13-2012, 05:32 PM
GU Chomps and Hammer Gel Raspberry get my vote, both worked well in the last 3 marathons I've run.

06-13-2012, 05:42 PM
Some old school ultra distance runners still swear buy flat Coke and Snickers bars.

Some old school Distance swimmers swear by a pot of coffee and a pack of Rolaids ....

06-13-2012, 06:08 PM
Protein powder mix with breakfast (not so much for energy but good for the muscles), powdered milk for a little extra protein. Variety of dried fruit along with trail mix, jerky, and cliff bars usually works for me. Also bring some powdered potatoes and instant stuffing to throw in with your Mtn House supper, makes a good carb load up at the end of the day.

A product called Sqwinchers is a good alternative to gatorade as it's way more concentrated and you dont have to pack nearly as much. 1 little pack the size of your pinky will do a liter of water. Pretty much all sodium and potassium. Worked well for me.

06-13-2012, 06:29 PM
last sheep hunt I used 5 hour energy shots The stuff works good, without the sugar/caffine rush and following crash of other juiced up drinks. pretty easy to stash a half dozen in the bag for a pick me up when you need it.

Eating right is more important than having the best energy potion though. I find I do best if I drink tons of water and eat high carb dinners (spaghetti ect) then snacking regularily on trail mix, dried fruit and the like. I also believe in taking a multi vitamin all the time (hunting or not).

I am going to try a protein (powder) based recovery drink on my next hunt just as a supplement to my normal fair

does anyone know a quick fix for cramping muscles? is there a mineral or vitamin you can take to fix it faster? I think I remember someone telling me there is something you can take to help...

06-13-2012, 06:37 PM
If you're using the gels, you need plenty of water or you'll dehydrate. Also, avoid glucose-based products when you're very fatugued. I've seen guys go into hypoglycemic shot with that stuff - - not cool in a remote location!

To be honest, you're better off eating complex carbs that break down evenly over time. Also, don't let yourself get too energy depleted. Keep the fuel levels up by eating little and often through the day. Frequent handfulls of granola or apple chips or whatever when you pause through the day will keep your energy up, instead of the energy spikes and troughs caused by long gaps betwen larger meals. And always water, water, water! The water, especially (along with the salts in the granola), will also assist with your alertness level. My favourite packaged complex carb is a baked potato. Stick it in your pocket (good hand-warmer, too!), take a bit when you need to. Doesn't go rancid through the day. Hey, each to his own!! :-D

06-13-2012, 06:47 PM
Drinking lots of water helps prevent muscle cramps (not always possible in the mtns though). A potassium supplement/drink mix helps, as do dried bananas and kiwis.

Stertching is also something that lots of guys overlook when backpacking. Take 5 or 10 minutes in the morning, and night, to stretch your calf muscle and quads/hamstrings. Also after a hard stretch of hiking - usually you're sitting and glassing for long periods, never hurts to take a few minutes to stretch. Not only helps prevent cramps but you'll be less stiff and sore and your muscles will recover a little quicker.

06-13-2012, 07:05 PM
does anyone know a quick fix for cramping muscles? is there a mineral or vitamin you can take to fix it faster? I think I remember someone telling me there is something you can take to help...

Magnesium pills... any health food store

06-13-2012, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the info guys. Picked up a few new things in this thread. Keep em coming.

06-13-2012, 11:28 PM
If you want to go all out on a minimum of weight or bulk, check out the Wilderness Athlete products. No gimic, this stuff works. All anyone needs in a small package. Only problem may be the longing for something to fill the void.

cramps may be a result of calcium, magnesium, or potassium shortage , but nothing a balanced diet won`t supply
Most often dehydration is the culprit.

06-13-2012, 11:46 PM
Cliff shot blocks are the best bang for the buck at the moment if your worried about weight which I am. But you need water to make them work.

06-14-2012, 06:48 AM
where can you get the Wilderness Athlete products in canada or do you have to get them from them directly

06-14-2012, 07:13 AM
......heart and determination.....And some Gatorade powder

06-14-2012, 07:20 AM
Mexican Marching Powder

06-14-2012, 10:48 AM
Any of the energy bars, power gels, shot blocks or what have you all require half to 1 litre of water to accompany the diet to be effective each time you eat one. Even more effective is to eat the protein bars starting a couple weeks prior to your departure so your body can adjust and get used to the intake.

At the end of the day, sufficient water intake is important along with physically being ready 'before' your trip along with a dose of psychological toughness. Gatorade powder, emergen-C, nuun tablets, electrolyte powders etc are all fine and do help in varying degrees as well as add flavor to the bland water you need to get into your system daily.

06-14-2012, 11:29 AM
When you have nothing left in your gas tank a 5 hr energy will get you back to camp or off the mountain......

06-14-2012, 10:16 PM
Leave some whiskey in camp. That will motivate your arse to get back there. Drink a bit of it and have a nice sleep. Things will look better.

Seriously though. The fast energy stuff was not around twenty years ago and is not an easy exchange for physical condition or mental strength. One or two of the gels in your pocket for getting you up and going are okay, just don't rely on them for daily usage.

How many record book rams, billies, bulls and bucks were packed off a mountain in times when "regular food" was the only choice??

06-14-2012, 10:41 PM
When rigs were wooden , men were steel and sheep were nervous ?

06-15-2012, 07:09 AM
where can you get the Wilderness Athlete products in canada or do you have to get them from them directly

Order it online:


i spend a bit of time wandering the mountains and feel qualified to state that this sh!t works.....

06-15-2012, 07:27 AM
I am going to check out WA looks like good stuff.

06-15-2012, 08:42 AM
Load the HBC "Female Appreciation" thread into your iphone/ipad/ipod and wake up to it every morning or whenever your feeling low energy. Isn't that what everyone does normally?

06-15-2012, 08:55 AM
Order it online:

www.wildernessathlete.com (http://www.wildernessathlete.com)

i spend a bit of time wandering the mountains and feel qualified to state that this sh!t works.....

They don't list the ingredients on the website, but you can probably by a similiar, if not better product from any good health food or sports supplement store. Probably not with the hunter targeted packaging though.

06-15-2012, 10:54 AM
Actually they do list it. Click on the 'nutritional info' button

Their product line has changed a bit I see. They used to have bars as well as the powder meal replacement powder. The multi day box kits used to be easy to deal with, no fuss packaging, no powders.
Not sure why the change.
I see now B Martin is involved with them too. pros and cons

06-15-2012, 11:28 AM
Hearty dense bread, quality salami, and hard cheese. Throw a good nut mix in there and you're done. There is wisdom in Blackbart's words.

06-15-2012, 11:42 AM
Muscle Milk chocolate powder is a great pre and post workout supplement that can be bought local at London Drugs.Chocolate milk is considered to be one of the best post workout drinks available and it is cheap.Read the following as info not gospel http://www.dairynutrition.ca/scientific-evidence/experts-summaries/chocolate-milk-and-post-exercise-recovery



32g Lean Protein
Lactose FREE
20 Vitamins & Minerals

When MUSCLE MILK® was first introduced, we attempted to emulate human mother's milk, one of nature's most anabolic, complete and balanced foods. In doing that, MUSCLE MILK created a new category of protein products, while setting a new standard for both taste and performance. As a result, MUSCLE has become America's favorite protein drink.

PRECISION PROTEIN BLEND MUSCLE MILK contains a precise blend of proteins designed to create the optimal environment for exercise recovery and muscle growth. This precision protein blend contains rapid-releasing whey and slower digesting micellar caseins from milk protein isolate/concentrate plus calcium and sodium caseinates. This creates a constant supply of amino acids, the building blocks of muscle tissue.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT KIND OF FAT! The LEAN LIPIDS™ used in MUSCLE MILK are more likely burned for muscle energy and heat than stored as fat. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), the pre-digested, fast-burning fats help provide the caloric energy needed to fuel exercise and recovery. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids from canola and sunflower oil provide essential omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.

CHOOSE CARBOHYDRATES WISELY Low-sugar, high fiber complex carbs are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle. The starch-based complex carbs found in MUSCLE MILK supply energy to the body in the form of glucose. Glucose is the only energy source for red blood cells and a preferred energy source for anaerobically exercising muscles.

Since we founded CytoSport™ in 1998, we've been dedicated to working with sports scientists, coaches and trainers to redefine protein enhanced products for active lifestyles and serious athletes - supporting performance when it matters.
Over the years, we've expanded to create a comprehensive line that encompasses the athletic experience from preparation, to hydration, to recovery. Our products are among the very few that are subjected to third party independent testing to ensure they are manufactured in compliance with NSF International's GMP for Sport™ Registration. Our facilities are also inspected and regulated by the FDA. We carefully manufacture our powder products and ready-to-drink pre-blends onsite at our corporate campus in Benicia, California. Making responsible and efficacious products for athletes and active lifestyle individuals requires responsibility on all fronts. As our business has grown, so has our footprint. We have made environmental sustainability a focus and driver in everyday decision making.
Through it all, CytoSport has been committed to one thing, building athletes from the inside out.
- G

Nathaniel Poe
06-15-2012, 12:15 PM
Pop a few caffeine pills when you gotta go on a forced march, they make you jittery so don't eat them before shooting at a ram, eat them for packing out the meat and horns ! LOL!

Moose Guide
06-15-2012, 06:09 PM
Check out eLoad

06-15-2012, 09:34 PM
Now they are just another suppliment company
From WA

We had to make some tough decisions with growing Wilderness Athlete, as it is a young and growing company. We made the decision to stop producing the bars and gels, and therefore the multi-day packs, to focus and grow the company in responsible fashion. We hope to bring them back in the future, but do not have a set date yet to do so.

06-17-2012, 10:24 AM
I used Honey Stinger Energy gummies. Tasty little treats that gave me some much needed energy in between meals.


06-17-2012, 12:24 PM
I used Honey Stinger Energy gummies. Tasty little treats that gave me some much needed energy in between meals.


They become one of the favourites amongst my running friends. A lot tidier and edible than goo's and wonder powders. I find the goo's hard to eat, too sweet and you always end up with the sticky packaging and fingers. I prefer to keep my water pure and not contaminate the reservoir with powdered stuff. So yeah, on the go, the semi-solid stuff chased down with water is a good way to go, and usually easy on the stomach.

06-18-2012, 11:32 AM
Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. Toast some bread to get the moisture out of it. Cook up some bacon to your desired bacon softness. Smother some peanut butter on the toasted bread, add bacon and put in a small ziploc. They last for a long time as there isnt any moisture in them and they are pretty light. Makes for a great, quick lunch on the mountain.

06-18-2012, 11:40 AM
Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. Toast some bread to get the moisture out of it. Cook up some bacon to your desired bacon softness. Smother some peanut butter on the toasted bread, add bacon and put in a small ziploc. They last for a long time as there isnt any moisture in them and they are pretty light. Makes for a great, quick lunch on the mountain.

Add a thick layer of honey to that sandwich and you got it all.