View Full Version : Pre hopefull 2012 goat hunt

06-03-2012, 05:15 PM
So I applied for a goat LEH near what I call home. I basicaly applied in an area close to home and with killer odds. If I do't get drawn the LEH gods really hate me.

I've never hunted goats before so this wiill all be new to me. I'm also new to the area.

I've been spending lots of time with google earth and organizing several plans of attack. Now with good odds, from past experiences with other animals, they tend to be places with few animals or a bitch to get in to. So today I had some down time and figured I'd go for a drive.

I wan't to see if I could even get to my insertion point. On my way out I was driving by some swamp lands and thought to myself "that looks like prime moose country" and sure enough


I spot this girl standing out there. (sorry bout the crackberry pictures)

So I continued on and didn't see much for wildlife, other than some grouse. I got to within3kms of my first insertion point and came across this
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/542285_10151784241300387_566510386_24578597_138058 4590_n.jpg

Now I was equipped for a sunday drive... so my phone, can of rockstar and a tin of dip. So I had no means of hacking the tree out of the way. Insertion point #2 is beyond insertion point #1. Insertion point #3 is an hour from town on the highway. So this was somewhat the end of the road for me today.

On my way back I drove a bunch of other forestry roads to see what was up and moving. Turnedonto one and right away I spotted this girl on the side of the road.
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/484192_10151784245575387_566510386_24578619_250493 334_n.jpg

I decided to see how close I could get to her.


Right here she's probably only 5 yards away. I started chucking rocks at here and she spooked up a tree.
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/601619_10151784251065387_566510386_24578657_689991 434_n.jpg

After she went up the tree and I got this picture... I walked closer to get a better one. However she started coming down the tree. So I chucked a couple more rocks. I'm no Johan Santana so I got back in the vehicle and left her alone.

Just around the corner I did get a quick glimpse of another big blackie. However I only had rockets and no artillery to go chasing after him. Even if I did I have no place to deal with a bear at home. So wasn't a big loss for me.

I checked out a couple more lakes. All of them are open but still too much snow for me to get into them.

I'll keep this thread going until I get a yay or nay on the goat draw.

06-03-2012, 05:18 PM
thats why you take a chainsaw!

06-03-2012, 05:25 PM
thats why you take a chainsaw!

Haven't moved it up here yet... and my tires wouldn't be able to get through that snow.

Moose Guide
06-03-2012, 05:47 PM
You always need a jack-all and a chainsaw! Although a jack-all would rip the front bumper right off a new truck, they are great if you have tough bumpers!

06-03-2012, 06:06 PM
Yeah my bumper would be gone

06-03-2012, 06:09 PM
However I did walk up to the tree and when the snow is gone I'll be able to drive over the top of the tree

06-03-2012, 11:16 PM
The Chainsaw is to get the bear out of the tree eh!

06-03-2012, 11:45 PM
No... use the come a long to pull over the tree then snatch it up

06-04-2012, 09:19 AM
Your gonna have fun this fall chasing goats bud. All i can say is finding a logging road is the easy part. Here is a couple tips for you that i found have worked for us.

1. find goats before you hike. This means get to all the accessible drainages you can access with out killing your self and glass those peaks till you see some goats. Chances are they wont be in areas you can even get to so wait till they are.

2. if your really serious about getting a goat be prepared to stay the night in the alpine. It might take you better part of the day to get to where he is. Be prepared to stay over night so your within an hour of where you last saw him. If you have a whole morning in his back yard chances are he'll poke his head up and you will actual close the gap enough to get a shot off.

Happy hunting and have fun!

06-22-2012, 09:50 PM
So I went out on June 10th. Was able to get past the tree, but still nowhere lose to where I wanted to be. So I walked down the snow covered road to see what it was like. Still two feet of snow on the ground. I figured it'd be about 2 weeks before I could get through.

June 11th
Lots of snow has come off the mountain. Couldn't quite get to where I wanted to park, so I walked the extra kilometer. Turns out I had forgot my map. I couldn't recall which way I wanted to head. I knew the road runs parallel to the basin I wanted to get to. So I started heading up the side of the hill. I ran into some thorns that I haven't experienced before. Im thinking they're budding devils club. I started chopping a trail through. After a few hours, the hands were getting sore (bring work gloves next time), I was making very little distance and I wasn't sure if I was heading in the right direction. So I headed back.

June 22nd
Finished up work early and went for an evening cruise. Was able to drive right to the spot I wanted to get to. Had my map and work gloves with me this time. Turns out I was headed east right off the bat on the 11th. I wanted to go north. Which I did. Learned and re-learned a few things today.

1. My cardio has gone in the shits since I've moved north. I guess not playing some sort of hockey 5 days a week and eating snicker bars for breakfast isn't good for you.

2. Snow is still slippery... even in June. Who would have guessed that.

3. It's faster coming down the hill... especially when you're sliding down on your ass.

4. Everything may look hunky dory on topographical maps... but in real life, it's a lot steeper

and finally

5. My theory about applying in areas with good odds... usually because they're a bitch to get into.

So next chance I get to go out, I think I'll take a look at another spot I've been thinking about. There's actual trails into a different part of the mountain. Not a part that looks as sexy on google earth... but I gotta scout it out.
Did see 2 moose and a deer though. Haven't seen any fresh or old deer sign the last 3 weeks. But now it seems to be everywhere.

06-26-2012, 06:32 PM
Got my goat draw as well as my moose draw... ef yeah. A lot more scouting to come!!

06-26-2012, 07:01 PM
Got my goat draw as well as my moose draw... ef yeah. A lot more scouting to come!!

Cool, hopefully it will work out for you. Any goat hunt is very tough but also rewarding. Guys after their first goat hunt are either hooked for life or they never want to do it ever again :)

06-26-2012, 07:44 PM
Cool, hopefully it will work out for you. Any goat hunt is very tough but also rewarding. Guys after their first goat hunt are either hooked for life or they never want to do it ever again :)

I've been pumped since I've applied... I was hoping you wouldn't get drawn to be my spotter and pack horse ah ha ha

06-26-2012, 08:01 PM
I've been pumped since I've applied... I was hoping you wouldn't get drawn to be my spotter and pack horse ah ha ha

Good one :) if you can find a buddy to help out it does make it easier.

06-26-2012, 08:10 PM
I'll have to trick a buddy and tell him we're going "camping" in the alpine.

I actually look foreward to the challange of getting my first goat on my own... no matter how idiotic it may sound

06-26-2012, 10:02 PM
I got my first goat last year on a solo hunt...I took a good fall with my pack loaded full of goat, it hurt. And Im ready to do it all again this year. New LEH zone for me, should be awesome!! Good Luck!

06-26-2012, 10:09 PM
ah ha yeah I took a little slip on Friday. Wasn't as bad as what you described. Probably only had 20 pounds on me. But trying to worry about a rifle and camera hanging off of you at the same time is a little tricky.

Worst part is I was in board shorts and froze my ass

06-26-2012, 10:13 PM
My Scope got its ass kicked on the fall... along with me seeing stars.lol

06-26-2012, 10:21 PM
I'll have to trick a buddy and tell him we're going "camping" in the alpine.

I actually look foreward to the challange of getting my first goat on my own... no matter how idiotic it may sound

That will work, once :) if you get a big one you will definitely have a heavy pack, a 2-3 year old billy isn`t too bad, boning it out will help a lot. You may wish to get a Spot unit. Like springpin I fell in 2009 coming out but it took me a couple of years to fully get over it, my gun took a beating too.

06-26-2012, 11:16 PM
That will work, once :) if you get a big one you will definitely have a heavy pack, a 2-3 year old billy isn`t too bad, boning it out will help a lot. You may wish to get a Spot unit. Like springpin I fell in 2009 coming out but it took me a couple of years to fully get over it, my gun took a beating too.

I plan on boning it out for sure. I've been kinda looking at spot. Thinking about getting SPOT. I'll be PMing you and what not a lot for infp. I'll probably end up oweing you a case of beer.

I've printed off big whitys gear list for a check sheet. I may pick up a thermarest tomorrow. I'll be using a lot of my gear come my moose trip too. Sounds like we're going way up in the mountains for that critter too.

06-26-2012, 11:18 PM
Never go out in the BUSH alone without a SPOT ! It could save your LIFE ! :smile: RJ

06-26-2012, 11:57 PM
people have been going into the bush alone for millions of years. They need a spot with just the SOS and Help button. Actually just the SOS button

06-27-2012, 07:45 PM
good luck Warren, it's a lot of fun I did my first goat hunt last summer solo in your area.

06-29-2012, 10:12 PM
Picked up a thermarest neoair trekker today for $100. Got it off a buddy who's never used it. Still in the box. It's comfy but a little narrow in the shoulders. But I don't toss and turn at all, so should work for me.

06-29-2012, 10:38 PM
I plan on boning it out for sure. I've been kinda looking at spot. Thinking about getting SPOT. I'll be PMing you and what not a lot for infp. I'll probably end up oweing you a case of beer.

btw, he's not fussy . . . a case of LUCKY will do! :)

06-29-2012, 11:37 PM
btw, he's not fussy . . . a case of LUCKY will do! :)

They give Lucky away by the flat for free don't they? I thought only island boys drink that

06-30-2012, 06:59 AM
This will show you how much I drink, I have never even heard of Lucky :) Hard to believe goat season is only a month away!

06-30-2012, 08:29 AM
This will show you how much I drink, I have never even heard of Lucky :) Hard to believe goat season is only a month away!

Your Lucky you don't drink beacause Lucky Beer is only the drink of choice of a true ??? :smile: LOL RJ

06-30-2012, 08:48 AM
This will show you how much I drink, I have never even heard of Lucky :) Hard to believe goat season is only a month away!

Lemonade and cookies it is...

on a serious note, do you cape a goat just like a deer?

06-30-2012, 10:49 AM
No different, turning the ears can be interesting since they are very pointy but it can be done.

06-30-2012, 06:28 PM
I'm assuming the goats won't be shaggy in August as say January


Later season??

Personally I like the shaggier coats

06-30-2012, 06:30 PM
From what I'vebeen researching the second picture looks like a younger billy than the first

06-30-2012, 08:33 PM
You are right the top one would be August and that's a very nice looking billy, the bottom one is a nanny the horns are quite thin compared the the billy above. In August the hide will be short, noticeably longer in September, really nice in early October and fully haired out by the end of October. Some areas are tough to access when the goats get driven down by the snow, not sure about your zone. You might want to try in September the hide will be decent and weather still not too bad yet. August is a great time to be in the mountains too.

06-30-2012, 09:31 PM
Theeffort you have put in already I believe you will succeed it's all about your desire give er look forward to the photo session I'd wish u luck but I got a feeling you wont need it but just in case good luck

06-30-2012, 10:03 PM
i think the pictures show how rookie I am... I thought the second picture was an immarue billy. But now that I've taken a closer look, I can see how the horn sweeps off the top and not the base.

i keep thinking I want a euro mout.... but i know when I finally climb up to ut I'll want a head mount

06-30-2012, 10:47 PM
I guess it could be a young billy but I still say nanny since the horns are so thin a billy of that age would likely have shorter and heavier horns. Don't feel bad sometimes it can be tough to tell a billy from a nanny, we sometimes make mistakes too :) Once you have time to study a billy and nanny side by side it does get easier the billy is heavier horned and also is more massive in the shoulders. Funny thing is nannies can have awfully long horns sometimes but they will be thin.

07-01-2012, 10:18 AM
I guess the best way is to just look for nut sacks

07-02-2012, 07:41 PM
went out today, went to try a different approah. Found a website that had a marked trail into my area on it. The trail isn't much of a trail. Just followed flagging tape straight up the mountain side.

saw this little guy headed out

Had to take a breather. And took this picture

Now I usually know my shit... cause I'm full of it. But not 100% sure who this belongs to. Seen this on the way up. And noticed more coming down.

Do goats eat this stuff?

This one didn't really turn out. But it was a big G-bear track. Luckily it was a few days old and it was heading down the hill.

07-02-2012, 07:46 PM
Cleared out a nice soft spot for a camp. Forgot the bottle of water there.

Started a fire pit

Another look

Hopefully I'll see something up there come august. Or Even around the bend and up the other side

The weather was moving in and I wasn't prepared to stay the night. Especially with only a snickers bar in my bag and a bottle of water. Took me probably 2 hours or so to get to the "camp". Only took me an hour to get out. Slid down most of the way on the snow.

07-03-2012, 02:11 PM
its awesome to see all the effort you are putting in so early. keep it up and it will deffinatly pay off. Taking a goat solo is an awesome accomplishment and you ll feel like a million bucks. push your self to the max physically before your hunt so you dont have to while you are hunting.

07-03-2012, 04:07 PM
its awesome to see all the effort you are putting in so early. keep it up and it will deffinatly pay off. Taking a goat solo is an awesome accomplishment and you ll feel like a million bucks. push your self to the max physically before your hunt so you dont have to while you are hunting.

I agree, you will do well considering how much effort you are putting in, the goats will be somewhere near the steep ugly stuff. I hope some more snow melts, took a look at a mountain I want to hunt and it is still completely covered we need some warm weather not the balmy 10-12 degrees we have been having :)

07-03-2012, 07:37 PM
i gotta put in extra effort, seeing as I know nothing of the area. And I only have 2 more weekends available to scout before trigger pulling season begins. This weekend I'll be at my uncle's wedding in Williams Lake, then at the end of the month I gotta move.

07-04-2012, 10:19 PM
whatever these are, they're prickly as shit and piss me off and are everywhere

07-04-2012, 10:41 PM
Ah yes the devils club, wait till they get the huge leaves on them :) It wouldn't be a goat hunt if you didn't run into them ;)

07-04-2012, 10:48 PM
don't forget the Alders!


07-04-2012, 10:59 PM
Ahhh, the joys of goat hunting in summer. Slide alder, club, bugs and tears.

07-04-2012, 11:03 PM
Only place I've ever really seen devils club is around horsefly area. But you can get around those easily

only thing alders are good for are smoker chips.

There's plenty of those in my area too...

Thinking this may be my new hunting machine

07-10-2012, 09:18 PM
Well went to Williams Lake for the weekend to attend a wedding.

Stopped in at my mother's house and there was some mail!!
Turns out the odds were not as good as last year... none the less still good.

Though I was not the one getting married... I did get a present. My dad hooked me up with his MSR Pocketrocket. That sounds so bad. But he only used it for one season and worked well for him. I just had to pick up the fuel.


Tested it out while it was windy at a whopping altitude of 664 meters...

07-11-2012, 09:20 PM
I have a Brunton Raptor stove that is a lot like yours, love how well they work, simple and easy to use. I found our Canadian Tire has canisters maybe the Smithers store will have some too, Valhalla definitely should. We have had 2 cannisters the same size as yours last a good week but we only have a hot meal and some tea or hot chocolate at night. It is definitely good to burn athough a cannister to see how many meals you can get from one of course you will burn a bit more fuel at higher elevations. Got my goat LEH in the mail Monday too.

07-11-2012, 10:42 PM
I bought 2 cannisters right off the bat. I've used up half of one already, been playing with it quite a bit. I more than likely won't be taking time off work to hunt goats, just hunting on the weekends. So I'm thinking 2 cannisters per weekend is more than enough... I hope.

I'll pack a sheet of tinfoil to wrap around the burner on windier days. Hope that helps.

My buddy used a knock off version in the alpine of New Zeland last year. He said it worked well. Just on cold nights he suggested to warm up the cannister with body heat before using it. Which makes sense to me.

07-11-2012, 10:44 PM
I the little red container that holds the burner, I can also store a bic lighter in there. Which should be handy

07-11-2012, 10:50 PM
Also picked up this pocket saw from Slurpie Herpies when I was in town. For the five, eight bucks or whatever. I thought I'd give it a whirl.

07-12-2012, 04:07 PM
I've started to think about what grub to pack up the hill...
Stopped in Valhalla

It's rated for 2 people but I devoured the whole thing. I'll be packing these up the hill.

I will be trying out different meals and brands also

07-12-2012, 04:48 PM
I heard those aren't as good as MH

07-12-2012, 07:11 PM
I heard those aren't as good as MH

X 2, Mountain House are much better, the 2 serving portion is just about right for one hungry guy up there :)

07-12-2012, 08:11 PM
I heard those aren't as good as MH

they're no timbits or hookers and heroin...

I'll try some MH for sure. I'll also try the coleman and I think mountai house makes em too. I'm not too picky in terms of taste when I'm in the bush. I'll even eat instant oameal. And I hate instant oatmeal.

07-15-2012, 10:50 PM
Back up the mountain today...

Picked up a couple of things before I went
First was the coleman freeze dried meals. I got one chilli that I haven't tried and this Allegheny Alfredo Noodles. Doesn't even sound like food really.

Now looking at the pack hanging on the store shelf. I know one is no where near enough. It says serves 2... maybe two children if it's lucky. But I was just going to hike in, look around and it'd be a quick lunch along with a couple power bars I packed.

I also picked up some water purification tabs to try out...

Better to shit myself tonight at home rather than out in the woods.

For awhile now I've been doing some looking about on non hunting websites about hiking trails and sightseeing around my area. There was some ok websites. But I think they're a little dated. They tell you how to get to trailheads and whatnot. Now the "west trail" they have listed on the website I know hasn't been used in a year or two. The one direction is turn right on the spur road (they even have a picture of the road) and park at the top blah blah blah. Well the spur road they have listed is now covered in alders. I wen't through it two weekends ago.

Now the "east trail" is listed in backroad map books and all that jazz. I kinda went looking today for the trailhead but couldn't find it. Some people have told me it's right by a camp, some say it's at an end of a clearcut and some say it's at the end of the road. And there's flagging tape in several spots along the road with no clear trail.

So I decided that with all the nice warm weather we've been having, most of the snow should be melted off the creek bank. Sure enough it was and I've been trying to follow the creek up and into the bowl I wanna hunt for some time now. I chose the west side of the creek because it was a lot more open. The other reason is according to google earth and the backroad maps book, I wouldn't have to cross any tributary creeks. I was pretty stubborn on keeping my eye on the creek so I'd know which one to follow. The problem is it splits and rejoins and meanders so much, it was hard to tell what was the main stream. And it kinda got me stuck on the west side of the creek. No big deal really.
It's pretty smooth sailing for most of the way. Then it goes pretty vertical. You can navigate up it... but still quite the climb. And down to your right is a canyon the creek runs through.

Now on Big Whitys gear list. He has a nalgene bottle strapped to the outside of his pack. I see why. I hate digging out water bottles out of my pack. Anyways... after I climb up the canyon wall I figured it would be time for a breather. So I found some soft ground had a drink and did some glassing.
You can see the mountain a lot better with binos. I didn't spot anything on that mountain side. However I obviously didn't have a huge window. Like a chump I forgot bug spray and the mosquitos and black flies were having a hay day on me. So I carried on. I was getting a little tired of crashign through the thick ass timber and crap. And it started to get to me. But I took a look up the hill to my 9 o'clock and I could see the trees thinned out. So I turned and went up the mountainside. It was a pretty steep rockslide. I didn't really get a picture of it.

07-15-2012, 11:17 PM
I climbed most of the way up the slide until I found a "flat spot". I made my way up the slide pretty quickly. The bugs were chasing me up the hill. I never did get away from them.

This was my view. The mountain with the snow is the north facing wall of the bowl I want to hunt. So I kinda overshot it. But I got to take a look at the west facing walls of the main valley.

This next picture doesn't do any justice to the amount of bugs trying to get at me. But luckily I had extra shirts and what not to try and cover myself form the bugs.

Now I figured I could see alot of ground to glass, so I'd sit up there and have lunch. A few post back I said it was cool I could stick a lighter in the case my stove goes into. Well I think the stove released all the fluid out of my lighter. And I couldn't find any other lighters in my bag. I thought I had more but couldn't find them. The lighter still did give off a spark. So I figured I'd go all survivor man and get a fire going.

I did have my bear spray (and not the spicy kind)... so I unloaded a shell and cut the hull off at the brass. I carefully dumped the powder onto a rock and tried to light it with a spark from the lighter. Wasn't having any luck. Then I tried adding some bits of shit tickets (un-used). No luck. So I had to stop myself for a moment and actually think about what I was doing. I looked at my stove and reality finally caught up to me. The fuel is flamable you idiot. Just turn it on and spark it with the lighter. Worked like a charm.


It was a little breezy and the flame was sputtering a little. So I but a big rock next to it and we were in business. Now in the background you can kinda see the rockslide I climbed up. Not well but kind of.

Boiled up the water and now it was time to try out the amazing coleman dinner. It says add 12oz of fluid and let stand for 5 minutes, stir in sauce and enjoy. I used maybe 9 ounces and the sauce was still watery. Tasted pretty good to me, but it was more of a snack then anything.

Spent a little more time glassing. Couple of times I thought I had seen goats way off. But pretty sure they were not. If they were they were way at the other end of the valley and I wasn't planning on going that far in. Maybe later in the season.

I did get beat up a little. And by beat up I mean I got scrathed and bitten to hell. I will never ever forget to bring bug dope ever agiain.

I think this may be my last weekend scouting until it's trigger pulling season. Maybe get out next weekend. But gotta pack and find a place to live in Rip Bum by the end of the month then move. None the less I will be back out. But I think I'll stick to the area where I've already started setting up camp.

one of my minor flesh wounds... this was with gloves on. Just glad it wasn't my other hand.

07-15-2012, 11:25 PM
It has been neat to follow your outings this has been one of the better threads on HBC for quite a while. You are in some nice country, hopefully the weather will be a bit cooler when you head out and actually hunt, goats hate the heat and head into the shaded areas.

07-17-2012, 08:37 PM
Thanks Gerry...





07-17-2012, 08:40 PM





07-17-2012, 10:11 PM
how did the frog taste? better than the coleman alfredo I bet

07-17-2012, 10:20 PM
and I tripped major balls afterward... found a new appreciation for Roger Waters

07-20-2012, 10:12 PM
I look forward to hearing how the season unfolds for you . . . good to see some eager newcomers wanting to take up goat hunting. Once you try MH your search for meals will end. :)

Something tells me I am going to miss those Region 6 mountains and the goats!

07-21-2012, 06:23 AM
I look forward to hearing how the season unfolds for you . . . good to see some eager newcomers wanting to take up goat hunting. Once you try MH your search for meals will end. :)

Something tells me I am going to miss those Region 6 mountains and the goats!

Region 3 won't have quite the same hunting for goats, however you can be here in only a couple of hours with a flight from Central Mountain Air. Fly to Terrace in the morning and be on the mountain by nightfall, it works :)

The MH is so much better than some of the crap we tried years ago that's for sure.

07-21-2012, 09:20 AM
if the base of the horn fits perfectly onto the eye its a nanny , look at the distance between horns too..

i think the pictures show how rookie I am... I thought the second picture was an immarue billy. But now that I've taken a closer look, I can see how the horn sweeps off the top and not the base.

i keep thinking I want a euro mout.... but i know when I finally climb up to ut I'll want a head mount

07-21-2012, 09:52 AM
btw how was the Coleman meals? where did you buy them

07-21-2012, 10:51 AM
Coleman sucks ass... even tried the southwest chili. Picked em up at Crappy Tire


I didn't expect much from them. Even reading the package you can tell it's marketed to the "city slickers" who want to "rough it". You'd need about 6 of these to fill you up if you weren't hungry. They pack everything in internal packs inside the pouch. When you're trying to shave every little bit of weight, extra packaging can stay at home.

I'd rather pack up extra weight of home made chili or at least the chili you get from the pump at 7-11

07-22-2012, 01:32 PM
my Sept 11th Goat had a great hide for a mount


I'm assuming the goats won't be shaggy in August as say January


Later season??

Personally I like the shaggier coats

07-22-2012, 01:45 PM
This time last year i was like yourself...training and getting all the things i needed for a goat hunt to come together. In the end i took a large Billie, the feeling of accomplishment was over whelming . I really hope for all the hard work your putting in you connect.


Id suggest anchoring your goat, all the research ive done people say goats will do the death jump or stumble off the mnt trying to get away wounded

Are you tenting or using a bibby? i suggest buying a siltarp also

07-22-2012, 05:31 PM
I'll be tenting...

My g-ma is actually in the middle of making me a siltarp...

I'm not too worried about my shot placement. I'm confident in my shooting abilities and the picture of the heart and lungs has been my desktop image for quite some time now.

I'll be packing my 6.5x55

However she has not been baptised yet. I get my best groups out of the federal power shok. However from past experiences I don't really trust the bullet. I don't reload... yet sooooo

Other factory options available for me are

Hornady superformance - loaded with 140grn SSTs (again not a fan of the bullet)
Hornady Custom - 140grn Interbonds (not the most accurate out of my rifle but I think these are my best bet)
Winchester Super-X - 140grn power poits (nope)

Ideally I'd like to get some Hornady GMX 120s or Nosler Partitions in 125s loaded up... but that's for another day.

My priorities on gear to get/upgrades are
1. Hiking Boots (my current boots are great for hunting in november on a quad of a wagon trip)
2. Backpaking Sleeping Bag (once again great for non backpacking winter hunts... my current one will work. Just not as compact as I'd like)
3. Spotting Scope (lost mine over a bluff last blacktail season)
5. Gaitors (gotta protect the Ninja Turtle tattoo on the ol' peg leg)
6. Siltarp (In progress)
7. GPS (obvious reasons)
8. Frogg Toggs Dri Ducks Rain Gear (lightweight, cheap and compact)
9. Life Straw Water Filtration (better than water tabs)
10. SPOT locator or some sort of distress beacon (when I die... I want my body to be packed full of explosives then blown up... so people gotta know where to recover my body)

07-22-2012, 08:06 PM
14 inches long x 23 inches diameter, $75 Army and Navy


07-24-2012, 09:16 PM
14 inches long x 23 inches diameter, $75 Army and Navy


Noted however Army Navy is a 2 day drive... I'll shop around a bit. Wont get out until Aug 11 or 14th.

07-24-2012, 09:21 PM
Was out doing some long range shooting on the weekend. While I was at it I decided to do some "product testing"

10 yard firing line






07-24-2012, 09:23 PM

3 shots from each load... yeah I use black cloud #3s, Phil Robertson endorsed. Been using these before Duck Dynasty was a show

08-21-2012, 09:56 PM
So a few post back I mentioned some gear I needed to upgrade/get

Got some asolo horizon boots. Non insulated but I hope to get my goat before november. Plus I got some pretty kick ass wool socks. The extra protection on the instep and out step have been amazing

Got a Thermarest Haven down sleeping bag



and I got my Frogg Togg Dri Ducks

08-21-2012, 10:23 PM
Onto the real thing now


08-21-2012, 10:58 PM
Outstanding thread, Warrinklz! Can't believe I missed this one. Will definitely be following part two.