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View Full Version : black bear hunting with srupp

05-31-2012, 12:02 PM
well me and srupp finally teamed up and headed out on a 4 day black bear hunt.i have never got a blackie before so i was very excited about this trip.I headed for his place tuesday morning(may 22).we got the quads and trailer hooked up and we were ready to go.we had some lunch and talked about are plan of attack.then headed on our way we got there around 5 i think set up camp and went out on the quads to take a look around.so we get our gear on and headed out there was tons of bear skat all over the road so we knew they were moving around.so we come around the coner a few minutes down the road and see a sow with 2 cubs.we continue on and see lots of bear skat all over the place check a bunch of roads than we dicide to start heading back to camp as it was about a hour quad ride back.so were headed on our way home and come around a corner and there is i'd say a 7 1/2 foot grizzly sitting on his ass staring at us looked like somehing from the circus.srupp got a good laugh out of that the whole weekend:)
so we get back and make some dinner and go to bed.so we get up the next morning and have some breaky and head off.we find a nice little grassy meadow way off the main road and in the meadow must hae been 200 pounds of bear shit some of which was as big as a half loaf of bread so we sit there till almost dark.nothing showed itself so headed back to camp again another hour back.so we are slowly heading back and this is about 30 min or so of legal light left and we are slowly making are way back when a truck comes behind us so we let him by than decide to pick up a little speed since he is hauling down the road than about 20 seconds later we see him rippin back to us in reverse and srupp says bear and im like what?sure enough the guy went around the next corner and there was a bear walking down the road so.my heart is pumping i get off my quad and slowly make my way down to where he saw it and look slowly taking steps and sure enough the bear is gone great just my luck! lol if we would have been aother 30 seconds faster we might have had a bear but oh well thats the game.again we head back to camp come around the next few corners and srupp says bear!then sow! damn oh well so she heads off in the bush and we go back to camp.get up in the morning and decide to try a different spot so we head the other way and hunt all day and dont see anything but beauitiful BC wilderiness.not much bear shit either so we head out and go back to camp have lunch and head out again we go back to the grassy meadow and sit there till dark than go back to camp we got up the next morning and went out for a few hours didnt see anything and i had to go bac home for work saturday so we went back and headed home.so i didnt get a bear but srupp gave me tons of knowledge and showed me some good spots and i'm sure we will get together again and go hunting.also i want to thank srupp for taking me out and bringing his trailer ad his knowledge i have a hard time finding hunting partner that wanna go out and teach a young guy the ins and outs the wrong and right way to do stuff.i had a awesome time and i know you werent in the best of health but took me out anyway when you didnt have to thank you i very much appreciate it.i also want to thank srupp wife susan as she put most of the trip together and made this thing possible THANKS!

we need more people like this in the hunting world to teach the young guys so hunting traditions can last forever

srupp you can add stuff if i missed anythning i dont have any pics sorry im not sure if srupp has any either

05-31-2012, 12:19 PM
Great story, bchunter181! Kudos, Steven, for taking the time to assist a young hunter in learning the ins and outs of our sport. Really nice to hear of experienced hunters leading by example and the appreciation shown by the rookie! Good luck the rest of the season. Looking forward to more stories and pics.

05-31-2012, 05:23 PM
Thanks for sharing the story with us. Way to go Steven on taking a young guy out and learning him the ropes. We need more of that in our hunting community.

nature girl
05-31-2012, 07:38 PM
I bet you learned alot from Steven. I have never met him but he seems like hes a great guy that knows alot. A good guy to teach you stuff.

05-31-2012, 07:42 PM
Yes I learned tons he has lots of knowledge to give.

olharley guy
05-31-2012, 08:31 PM
Howdy, there is always another time and you certainly did have a good teacher! Later

06-01-2012, 06:40 AM
Sounds like Steven always willing to help out good on you!

06-01-2012, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the ever kind words Branden...I also enjoyed the get together...and am so very relieved that THE MOST IMPORTANT lesson was not harvesting a bruin..but in learning whatever you could.You already have great instincts..proper gear and a great attitude..and most of all patience...

With new and upcoming hunters like Branden and Nick Campbell the sport has hope...young men with ethics ,desire, ability and a willingness to ask questions..

I also want to thank Susan, without her this trip could not have happened..I was so sick in hospitals and not over it..and yesterday and today have been exceedingly ill with 2 surgeons making arangements for 2 surgeries...DAMN!,,,so its good we got what we could ....when we could..

the area holds BIG BIG bears that we went to..however I was not expecting a mature boar grizzly to be sitting on his ass @55 yards watching us...I saw the guy and commented to myself.."hmmm thats new looks like a silvertip grizzly sitting on his ass" then he moved..lmao all week...

The bears were there..sign was hmmmm..... copious in huge quantities..like Branden commented one was like a loaf of bread...
however in that area we were perhaps 2 weeks late? there was too many places to eat...and the big guys like their solitude..while we did see sows, cubs, more sows..grizzlies...the little hidey holes and the why here was presented..as well as tracks..spoor...and again why....where...when...trying to put 35 years of what I see into words to let Branden into my thought process..scarey huh??

we went waaaaaaaaaaaaayy up high into the cold snow covered mountain tops where winter had yet to let spring enter..cold and windy..however the elevation and places to seek grizzlies..and elevation of black bears heading up to mate....

while we could have harvested a single female sow..it was small and not my style....I complement Branden on his understanding why..and not to want to harvest just any bear...

being so sick..I was in hospital whan I should have been out scouting and so some of the fallback should most certainly fall back on me..I relied on years of woods wise, bear hunting and certainly intimate knowlege of the area and terrain and hidey holes and feeding areas and travel corridors..from snow covered mountains to recent open cut blocks to the really close cover around pockets that the trophy bears frequent...no we didnt see the 17 black bears we saw last spring however timing was a factor..

I stayed one more day after Branden had to go back to work..and travelled again to some of the same places..seeing 4 more black bears..one was 6' male non rubbed but that ugly plain black muzzle./.yuk..

the next day Tim and I headed out along the North arm of Quesnel lake checking the high cuts....one beautiful light brown black bear...just not big enough..pass..but a wonderful and enjoyable day.

The very next day I got sick again and have been fighting the same battles..at times like this i fondly remember these hunts, these wonderful folks that can make our sport of hunting such a wonderful experience..its the unexpected grizzly sitting on his ass..excatly where he shouldnt be...the scenery..the beauty and the meeting of new friends..

Thank you Branden you may not have harvested a black bear..but you gained tremendous experience and weather or not you will realize it these lessons WILL come back for the rest of your hunting life to be some assistance...time after time..

there are plenty of others who do the same mentoring in all aspects of fishing and hunting and shooting I am just one of the members of the band....

