View Full Version : FML what a great day!

The Hermit
05-27-2012, 01:59 PM
Went out Cowichan way looking for bears yesterday with hunting partner Ron. It was hot and sunny, by far the nicest day of the year. I'd been out last weekend too but didn't see hair nor hide of Ursus americanus. Yesterday was way way better. We saw 11 bears, a number of deer, a few elk, and a had some cool up close and personal wildlife encounters.

We had split up for a solo hike and after about half a click I spotted a VERY large blackie in the ditch 156 yards ahead. The wind was perfect and over the next 30 minutes I followed him while he fed and ambled along with his chest nearly dragging on the ground. I managed to close the gap to about 35 yards before I ran out of cover, heart racing I was about to draw when he busted me and dove off the steep embankment and into a big clear cut. Did I mention that he was a BIG Friggin Bear? He slowed down and stopped about 150 yards away and went back to grazing so I collected Ron and boogied back to the truck about 2km away to fetch my rifle... I wanted this beauty for a rug! By the time we got back to the truck and skirted around the cut to the best spot to glass and located him again he had disappeard. sigh... however while looking for him we stumbled upon a sow who sent her tiny newborn cub up a tree, neat stuff, so we backed away and carried on.

On the way back down the hill Ron spied another bear and we decided to skirt around to the downwind side and have another look... we got all set up and damned if this bear didn't quickly cross 300+ yards of uglyshit clearcut and jump onto the road not 15 yards from where Ron sat at full draw waiting for the broadside. when the bear actually turned broadside Ron decided to pass as it was on the small side, probably a three year old.

Later in the evening Ron had three other opportunities with smallish bears at CLOSE range but let them walk. What a GREAT day! Can't wait to get back out there... maybe Friday.

Big Lew
05-27-2012, 02:23 PM
Man, sounds like a day anyone would enjoy! Good on Ron for his self control....hope you get another chance with your bow on that monster.

05-27-2012, 02:49 PM
Great Day indeed ...

05-27-2012, 02:58 PM
Sounds like its a great day, it a wonderful feeling sneeking into bow range and passing up those shots on smaller animals

05-27-2012, 07:27 PM
Yup, I had a similar outing yesterday big bear 300+yards small bear 20 yards. Great to see them though, watched a big bruiser on thursday from 762 yards felt like I was on that relentless pursuit show only without the long range rifles or massive target scopes. Maybe one day.

05-27-2012, 08:14 PM
Bill, I am so impressed by the fact that you can let bears go, and still call it a great day. You set a great example for us newer bow hunters! Very good story indeed.


05-27-2012, 08:16 PM
yes such a great day