View Full Version : Wetlands on Wheels Update: WE GOT IT!

Wetlands for BC
05-25-2012, 06:56 PM
After 7 long months from ourfirst email blast asking for your support, I'm happy to announce that BCWildlife Federation's Wetlands on Wheels campaign was successful in obtainingthe coveted $50,000.00 grant from Shell's Fuelling Change Program!!!

A huge thank you to Hunting BC! And Fowl Language for mustering up support. Thanksto your votes, BC Wildlife Federation can now reach out to more communities inorder to conserve BC Wetlands.

This was our (BC Wildlife Federation's) first social mediafundraising campaign and we were tossed into the realm of twitter, facebook,web forums and other emerging modes of communication. Up until the last day ofthe competition we had more votes than any of the other 54 competitors fromacross Canada with well over 1 million votes. What this experience means morethan the funding alone, is that British Columbians, and even supporters frombeyond our provincal boundaries believe wetlands are important to protect andconserve. We hope you continue to support wetlands in multiple ways, fromsharing you're knowledge and enthusiasm of them with youth to advocating forbetter protection at city hall. As this campaign demonstrates: you can make adifference!

A few weeks ago I was invited by the Delta Ladner Rod and Gun Club to join in the Marsh Clean up at South Arm Marsh (also supported by HuntingBC). Another great example of hunters leading the way for conservation!

Here's a link to all of theFuelling Change recipients: http://fuellingchange.com/main/grant (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001KuqUS6DUB6AfNPi0cW--g7ELbvmFKuwLQKQgCkOS-T8bTRMUja5aQojg1mPLIW4f9ukUCtC-kqe9PVwWHNDCnb4JTUFs4yWiBo2vMZktIzt4u4x1q_LK8iUnmV VrRaFs)

Check out paper editions oftoday's announcement in the Vancouver Sun or the National Post for mediacoverage.

Again thank you for yoursupport. We'll be bringing more programming to a community near you!

Yours in conservation, Neil (Wetlands for BC)