View Full Version : Boot Help!?!

05-10-2012, 09:03 PM
I know that boots have been beaten to death and i am goin to take one more kick at this dead horse!

I had a pair of Alico New Guides, great heavy duty boot, i got them stretched from the get go and used them for close to 2 years. Suddenly my feet decided to change. I am now almost a full size bigger and bit wider as well which makes me think that i wont be able to stretch a new pair enough. I have a narrow heel and wide foot i guess.

I prefer boots without gortex.I did the walk on west broadway.
-Miendle boots are too volumous and need almost 4 insoles and my heal still lifts but they are wide enough.
-The lowas i tried were not rigid enough and didnt seem "right"
-I bought and returned a pair of La Sportiva Glaciers, the heal locked in great but there was a wicked pressure point that left my foot numb after an hour or so.
-Garmonts didnt lock my heal in
- I tried a couple of pairs of Scarpas and ended up purchasing a pair of Fuegos- this is a kick ass boot but still caused me pain on the same pressure point as the La Sportivas, just not as bad but they are goin to be returned.

I have heard that Hanwags fit similar to Miendles so that rules them out.Crispi seems to have insulation in all there boots.

How do Kenetreks tend to fit? The Mountain Safari seems like it might be up my alley any of there other boots if they fit for that matter.

Are there any boot manufacturers out there that i am missing?

Any help or advise would be appreciated i am getting frustrated and want a quality, solid boot.



05-10-2012, 11:07 PM
Kenetreks are a low volume boot. If you're swimming in meindles, you'll be way tighter in kennetreks.

05-10-2012, 11:13 PM
I have irish setters. 3 pairs love them never had a problem with them. 1 pair for bowhunting, 1 pair for winter hunting and 1 for early fall

05-11-2012, 05:59 AM
I already have a pair of danner canadians which would be in the same niche as the irish setters. Thanks Goliath, thats the exact kinda info im lookin for.


05-11-2012, 05:55 PM
Lowa Tibet GTX are a great boot

05-11-2012, 08:46 PM
My feet did a similar thing. I wore 11s for most of my life. Now its a 12 in everything. I run kenetreks and a 12 is a tight fit. Most comfortable boot I have ever slipped my foot into though.

05-11-2012, 09:11 PM
My feet did a similar thing. I wore 11s for most of my life. Now its a 12 in everything. I run kenetreks and a 12 is a tight fit. Most comfortable boot I have ever slipped my foot into though.
i just got a pair midway through last fall and i second a great fitting boot. didnt get wet and have great support.. the only downfall i have read is the soles wear fast. i have a couple tiny cuts on the leather and hope that nothing will become of it. anybody ever try to fix a cut in the leather.

05-11-2012, 09:50 PM
I have irish setters. 3 pairs love them never had a problem with them. 1 pair for bowhunting, 1 pair for winter hunting and 1 for early fall
They are a good boot to use for light hunting, or late season with snow, but they are not in the same class as many of the high end boots mentioned earlier, their leather is too soft and so is the sole, they also lack support. When you hunt all yr long and in very steep rocky country you will understand. Btw I own pair of elk trackers that I use once the snow stays and they have done well, but I would never use them in the alpine in sept for days on end.

05-11-2012, 09:57 PM
Fuzzy you are over thinking it, most of the boots you mentioned are great boots, if you switch and dont like it go back to you favorite so far. Too much adds nowadays make ones head spin. The grass aint aways greener. Think about the guys 50 yrs ago. Less choices, less adds, less worry! Cheers

05-11-2012, 10:14 PM
I don't feel i overthinking it. I have tried on a dozen pairs of boots since my feet got longer and wider. I have purchased two pairs that I have had to return. The original boots I had purchased two years ago needed to be stretched for width from the get go. Since my foot is even wider now I don't want to spend the almost 400 bucks to purchase and stretch a pair of boots that "might" work and that I can't return. I may have to order a pair of kenetreks

05-11-2012, 10:19 PM
They are a good boot to use for light hunting, or late season with snow, but they are not in the same class as many of the high end boots mentioned earlier, their leather is too soft and so is the sole, they also lack support. When you hunt all yr long and in very steep rocky country you will understand. Btw I own pair of elk trackers that I use once the snow stays and they have done well, but I would never use them in the alpine in sept for days on end.

i never did like my elk trackers, they gave me blisters and had no traction when it snowed. if you look at my boots that lasted just under three years you know they had no life left!! we will see what life the kenetreks get. ive heard the name before on the site and my dad owned a pair of prospector boots? does anyone know what happend to them?

05-11-2012, 10:55 PM
I went from 12 in Hanwags up to a 12.5... They sucked to break-in as they were quite loose, but then once they got wet a few times they slowly shrank, and now I'm happy I chose that route because it gave me more sock choices for later season. My 12's were getting tight and needed to be resoled and likely a new rubber rand laid on too... Scree, shale and rocky creek beds tears them up.

05-11-2012, 11:18 PM
Fuzzy, before you order the Kenetreks, you should make a serious effort to try them on before purchase. Go to Jaegers in Bellingham to test the sizing.

05-12-2012, 06:23 AM
I don't feel i overthinking it. I have tried on a dozen pairs of boots since my feet got longer and wider. I have purchased two pairs that I have had to return. The original boots I had purchased two years ago needed to be stretched for width from the get go. Since my foot is even wider now I don't want to spend the almost 400 bucks to purchase and stretch a pair of boots that "might" work and that I can't return. I may have to order a pair of kenetreks
Perhaps you are not, but 10 quality boots can't be all wrong, Maby you need a custom insole or just a really good one? I know 400 bucks is a lot to through away, I am currently not liking the pair of lowa Tibets I bought last fall( not enough support for side hilling in super steep terrain ) but in the end I am mostly mad at myself for not sticking with what worked for me and buying another pair of asolo's.

digger dogger
05-12-2012, 07:15 AM
Perhaps you are not, but 10 quality boots can't be all wrong, Maby you need a custom insole or just a really good one? I know 400 bucks is a lot to through away, I am currently not liking the pair of lowa Tibets I bought last fall( not enough support for side hilling in super steep terrain ) but in the end I am mostly mad at myself for not sticking with what worked for me and buying another pair of asolo's.

gotta say asolo's have been good to me aswell,,

05-12-2012, 07:44 AM
They seem pretty consistent with all there gear and decent prices too. The best part is they are not hard to find, as most outdoor stores carry them.

05-14-2012, 11:53 PM
id really like to find a good pair of scarpas . .i think that will be the best high country boot to have . does anyone have scarps ?

05-15-2012, 06:05 AM
I got the SL3's.

Pass the Meindl's.............

05-15-2012, 06:36 AM
I wanted to buy kenetrek boots buts they had too much heel lift for me, so I ended up trying on a pair of zamberlans. 12 inches high no insulation, feels like slippers on your feet but lots of support. Best boots I've ever had for steep rough terrain.

05-15-2012, 08:16 AM
Thanks for all the replies. I went to a local cobbler and he helped me out with my issues on the Scarpas. I have been wearing them nightly walking my dog. Tomorrow I will be putting on a weighted pack and continue my break in of these boots.

GTS I ordered these boots online from VPO


05-15-2012, 08:26 AM
HI Fuzzy
What did he do for you, was he a specialist of anykind? Did you go with the super rigid and stiff scarpas with the hard sole or one of the lighter pairs? Where they new scarpas or ones that you tried and were'nt happy with? Thanks

05-15-2012, 08:33 AM
I wanted to buy kenetrek boots buts they had too much heel lift for me, so I ended up trying on a pair of zamberlans. 12 inches high no insulation, feels like slippers on your feet but lots of support. Best boots I've ever had for steep rough terrain.

Where did you find them? How are they for side hilling for hours on end?

05-15-2012, 08:09 PM
I stayed with the Scarpa Fuegos. They are stiff! That is what I wanted. The cobbler wasn't really a specialist, he just told me he could stretch them without damaging them, I only had the one boot stretched in one specific spot and this relieved the pain. I still need to put some weighted miles on them to break them in.


05-15-2012, 09:16 PM
Husky 7mm, I got them at army navy in whitefish MT. They have a pretty stiff sole so they dig in well for side hilling. They were also the tallest boots I found which helps in the hills as well. I have a couple hundred km on them and they still feel the same. Also the only boot I've had with no break in time, felt great right from the start.

05-19-2012, 02:00 AM
I was looking at the fuegos as well . im convinced now tho that i need a high shank boot like the liskamms .. i was considering the Escapes as well . after talking to someone about them i think i wont have the side hill ankle support .. Ladakh gtx are also a option . but a low cut boot isnt going to work . so .im going to try and find the liskamms ..

05-20-2012, 08:12 PM
I am not familiar with the Liskmans but am very happy with my Fuegos. The Liskmans are goretex which is a no go for me but If you like em and the fit then go for it!


05-20-2012, 08:32 PM
4004I have a pair of the scarpa sl m3 boots. very stiff full leather boot. I bought them for guiding sheep this year. I,ve had them out a few times and they still need about 10 more miles on them before they are broken in. very good ankle support.

rattle e 6speed
05-20-2012, 10:50 PM
I'm also on the hunt for new boots, and I wanted to ask fuzzy why gortex is a no go. Curious if its a preference thing, or is there something I don't know about as far as negatives. Thanx

05-21-2012, 03:24 PM
Excatly ,why dont you like gortex ? . and belive me if i can find a pair of liskamms i think i will go for it . im calling a place this week sometime . Im planning on trying to fit it with a medium smartwool sock and a sole foot bed .. so i think i will have to run a half size bigger. .

05-22-2012, 07:11 PM
Dirt is Goretex worst enemy. How would one properly clean the Goretex in the boot? I would rather wear a Goretex type over sock in the boot that I can clean and dry out seperatly. The pair of Goretex boots I have seem to take longer to dry than my old leather lined boots and got a lot funkier. That's just my experience, other people may have different thoughts.

05-23-2012, 09:24 AM
No sure which Lowas you tried but they are definitely top of my list. I'm on my third pair of Tibet GTXs and I have nothing but praise. If you are deadset against Gortex, then the Lowa Baffin is the same boot with a leather liner. The Kennetreks are nice boots but I know several people that have had issues with them leaking badly. Meindles used to be a great boot but the ones we get in North America these days are junk IMHO.

The Dude
05-23-2012, 09:32 AM
I know that boots have been beaten to death ............ I have a narrow heel and wide foot i guess.

Ah, I know your problem. You have a condition known as "Duck Feet"


You need these:


Happy to help.

05-23-2012, 10:22 AM
No sure which Lowas you tried but they are definitely top of my list. I'm on my third pair of Tibet GTXs and I have nothing but praise. If you are deadset against Gortex, then the Lowa Baffin is the same boot with a leather liner. The Kennetreks are nice boots but I know several people that have had issues with them leaking badly. Meindles used to be a great boot but the ones we get in North America these days are junk IMHO.
I have a pair of lowa tibets and I am hating them. My feet hurt big time. They are not stiff enough to side hill for very long with, I find myself flexing muscles in my foot to keep my boots from rolling over. These are the most expensive boot I have had and the sorrest my feet have ever been. I like the soft rubber on the wet rocks and they are fairly quiet unlike so many heavy duty expedition or back packing boots, but if I was on an extented mountain hunt I would be screwed. I my opionion they need to stiffer so the can stay level on the extreme sidehills or less stiff so they fold over with ease. Anyone else experience this, any suggestions of me. Had no problems with the aslo power matics I wore right out. I find hiking is quite akward in these tibets, I feel like I am learning to walk again. Thanks

05-23-2012, 10:39 AM
I've never experienced that but boots definitely are a very personal thing and what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Not sure what you mean by soft rubber though...mine have a fairly aggresive Vibram sole. I find I can get an extra season out of them versus the Zamberlands and Meindles that I used to wear. I definately wouldn't call them soft.

05-24-2012, 04:06 PM
4004I have a pair of the scarpa sl m3 boots. very stiff full leather boot. I bought them for guiding sheep this year. I,ve had them out a few times and they still need about 10 more miles on them before they are broken in. very good ankle support.

On the oppposite end, I have those boots and I am HIGHLY dissappointed.

The rubber used in the sole is way too hard - if you spit on a rock and step on it you slip. Had a couple bad slips my first few times out.
The leather itself is also pretty weak - I had serious chunks out of the toe of the boot after my first half-dozen outings.

Good point is amazing fit and support.

I wrote a brief review somewhere (here?) and I said they were an amazing "on trail" boot, but a lousy "off trail" or bushwacking boot. Given that I consider them poor value for the dollar.

To each his own I guess.

05-26-2012, 01:01 AM
WOW. some interesting boot reviews ..i recently bought some hanwag alaska gtx , and i discovered right away that they dont have the ankle support i need .. so back to the drawing board.. im sure now i need something taller with a high cuff , like military boots.. i do have a pair of older mendials that im trying to get some work done to them .

Tarp Man
05-26-2012, 01:27 AM
If you are looking for the Scarpa Liskamm, Backcountry Outdoors in Fort St John carried them, and Rocky Peak Outerwear in Quesnel also has them. If it helps you, I bought the Scarpa Escape two years ago after waiting 7 months for Meindls form AJ Brooks with no end in sight. (What, did they have to kill the cow, tan the hide, and hire an entirely new factory of workers to make them?). I am very happy with the Escape boots, and for what I wanted them for, they fit the bill. Stiff sole for sidehilling, but not so high on the ankle support that I feel like my legs are in cast boots. They are Gore Tex, which I like for the longer hikes to keep them from totally wetting through. Yes, they keep more heat in, but smart sock choices do help to keep it under control. I have worn them for 3, 4 and 5 day hike in hunts and been totally satisfied. BTW, they replaced Asolo 535 boots that plain couldn't handle the weight of me plus pack after 6 years stomping around the Fraser Valley Mountains.

05-29-2012, 10:23 PM
Awesome .. thanks for the info Tarp Man . im heard that the liskamm is discontined. i will try and phone and find out . sounds like i should try on the Escape boots as well. what are smart socks ? . you mean smart wool ? . KK... Sounds like the FUEGO is the new go to boot for hunters and foresters . I going to to look very hard at a pair. keep everyone posted..

05-30-2012, 11:33 AM
I just got the Scarpa Kinesis Pro after narrowing it downto those and the Escape. My wide feet with narrow heels didn't feel right in any of the other brands that I was able to try on. I recycled the plastic heel/arch insert from my old Danners and now the Kinesis fit great. My choice between the two Scarpas really came down to dark brown leather will probably be easier to clean LOL!

05-30-2012, 02:33 PM
I've been buying the Goretex lined leather red wings for work(4th pair now in 10 years), and use them for all of my hiking. Despite the steel toe, they are the most comfortable boots I've ever used. They are the only leather boots that have ever kept my feet dry, as long as you dont walk in deep water for more than a few seconds at a time.

05-30-2012, 02:46 PM
has anyone tried the Browning boot ,ive been wareing these boots out for years and am guit happy with them

05-30-2012, 04:37 PM
the scarpa kinesis pro does look good too.. i think the full rubber rand if the way to go . the Fuego looks like it has something a little different . more choices. !. lol.

05-30-2012, 05:06 PM
Try the La sportiva Makalu or Karakorum. Last pair lasted me 3 years and thats 150+ days a year doing forestry work plus additional wear and tear from hunting. They have a good stiff steel shank and ankle support for the sidehills. Definitely a few pinch points for the first week or two but they break in nicely. Just don't melt them by the fire at deer camp.... lesson learned


05-30-2012, 05:34 PM
Meindl has tons of different models, be sure to try them all as they all fit differently. Don`t limit yourself to their so called `hunting` boots. I have the Lhotse MFS, which has served me well for 5 years on numerous mountain hunts. Boots are a highly personal thing, and what is good for me might very well suck for you. Find what works, and wear them lots before you take them hunting to make sure they are going to work for you.

05-30-2012, 09:43 PM
Iv had Meindls before . but i need that ONE good boot . that covers al the bases .