View Full Version : Diabetic dog

05-09-2012, 06:50 PM
Just found out our shep-lab is diabetic.... First insulin shot tonight. anyone else have a diabetic dog? any suggestions. :(

05-09-2012, 07:22 PM
My dog, a Karelian Bear Dog, had diabetes for the last four years of his life and here are my suggestions:

(1) Always make sure your dog eats first before you give him the shot, that way there is no problem;
(2) Talk to your vet first, but usually you can give 1/2 a dose if the animal refuses to eat;
(3) Let the insulin warm up for around 1/2 an hour before you give him the shot;
(4) Double check the dosage in the syringe just so there is no mistake on the amount you give him;
(5) Don't always give him the shot in the same spot as he might get a little sensitive in that area;
(6) Get his blood sugar checked every so often, I had it checked every couple of months, to make sure the diabetes is under control as you might have to increase the dosage over time; and
(7) Keep some corn syrup at home in case his blood sugar gets too low and he crashes.

Don't worry that you are going to hurt him as it does not hurt the dog. I did it for 4 years and like anything else it gets easier the more you do it.

I hope this helps.

05-09-2012, 07:27 PM
Thanks KB >>