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View Full Version : Wife’s exciting 1st bear hunt

05-06-2012, 08:36 AM
Ok, so before you get too excited, there is no dead bear at the end of this story. My wife got her pal and core last summer when she was about to pop at 39.5 weeks preggo. For obvious reason she was limited to road hunting with the kiddies for some grouse last fall. Over the winter Sar decided she wanted to chase a bear this spring. New gun, new camo, and lots of trips to the range and she was ready to go. We hadn’t been on the FSR for more than 5 minutes when we spotted a bear feeding on some new grass. Didn’t last long as it was off into the thick stuff. We headed off to a cut my buddy had seen a nice boar, but to no avail. We decided to sneak back to where we saw spotted the bear and saw it was back, just a little further away. We put a sneak on it and got within 100m. I laid my pack down and Sar got set up. I could tell she had been struck with bear fever as the adrenaline hit her veins….she was stoked! Well, we watched for a while to make sure it was alone. I haven’t bear hunted before so I want to make sure no mistakes were made. The bear had a good size noggin with small ears spaced far apart. I told her to get ready while I kept watching. Just then a smaller bear walked out 150 m beyond the one we were watching. It was a small bear, but definitely not a new or 1st year cub. After watching for a while longer we decided to pass, but in hindsight I am not sure if they were in fact together, even if they were it was definitely too big for a cub. Not worried about the decision we make, as we were unsure. Lots of time left…..I am super stoked cause based on my wife excitement at the whole experience I know I have a new hunting buddy! Hope to post a success story soon

05-06-2012, 08:42 AM
probably a second year cub that mom was getting rid of soon

05-06-2012, 08:44 AM
probably a second year cub that mom was getting rid of soon

My thoughts as well

05-06-2012, 08:48 AM
Lots of time left for her to tag the big one

05-06-2012, 09:09 AM
Sounds like an exciting encounter with a sound, ethical choice made. There will be a lot more bears out soon. Great to hear your wife's first hunting experience was a good one!

05-06-2012, 06:50 PM
Good luck hunting for your bear!

05-07-2012, 12:56 PM
Made the right choice at the time. If you are not sure, then hold the shot. Sure you can second guess whether it was the right decision later, but you cannot pull the bullet back and undo it.
Nice to have a hunting partner like that!


05-07-2012, 01:11 PM
First, Congrats on the Kid Ryan! Didnt know you had one, or didnt remember you tellin me if you did!

Second, you made a good decision. You are probably right, last years cub. But that means it was a sow. Not that dry sows are a no no but you live in Terrace there will be alot more chances. Make the situation perfect for your wife, Nothing to regret. She got the Charge of the whole situation that is the first step. All you need to do is find a bear in the perfect place to watch for a while with no others around.

East Van Ray
05-07-2012, 05:45 PM
Great story ... good luck on your next timre out and keep us posted ...

05-10-2012, 07:49 AM
First, Congrats on the Kid Ryan! Didnt know you had one, or didnt remember you tellin me if you did!

I have 2 now Dru, the oldest is 4 and is a hunting machine. Just Sar and I went out on that hunt and our daughter was devistated...."why can't I go dad, I am such a good bear hunter". I take the kids with us as much as possible, but sometimes the wife and I have to get out on our own.

05-10-2012, 08:04 AM
Awe! my buddy Dave has a 7 year old son who goes out some times with him. He doesnt like it much when he gets left behind either. But then when we did take him bear hunting he was scared he was gonna get eaten! I still dont think a bear can get us in a truck... kept tellin him that

05-21-2012, 08:52 AM
Well we have been out again a number of times, mostly with the kids or squeezing a quick hunt when we can track my sister down to watch the kiddies for a few hours. Had another great day yesterday, saw lots of sign at first but didn't see anything, may have had something to do with the fact my 10 month old was making dinosaur sounds at the top of his lungs from the baby backpack...kinda had a bit of rabbit in distress sound, so maybe it was working in our favour.:-D Anyway, glassed a sow with last years cub from a distance, then moved on to a new area. My truck is only a single cab, so family hunting is limited to our newer subaru forester, I am more than a little hesitant to take it down a scratch road to say the least. We went down a road that was a little tight for my liking, but wasn't long before we spotted a moose, sar just asked if that moose would hang out it a bear was near by...I said sure why not....no sooner had the words left my mouth when I saw one 50 m away....hit the breaks, and backed up. Sar piled out and put the stalk on him, after about 15 mintues he gave her the slip. Back in the car went 200m and saw an absolute pig in the cut block. Once again Sar was out and after him. I had to stay with the kids, as she tried to close the gap. Unfortunately we were forced to communicate by hand signals as I did want to get too far from the car. We seemed to miss interpret each other....she thought I wanted her to get closer and I wanted her to stay put. Unfortunately from my vantage point I had a clear shot, but her's was obscured by alders. After about 20 minutes I started to head towards her to see why there hadn't been a boom yet (don't worry I wasn't going too far from the kids). Well long story short I stepped on a stick and spooked him. The bear was a beauty, and I am kicking myself for moving in while she was waiting for a clear shot. I was suppose to work OT today, but am ditching work so we can go chase him again in the rain. Hope to post some pictures soon!


05-21-2012, 12:24 PM
Wax up that Forester and Dont worry about scratches!
It must be good gettin' out with your family any way you get there. You got till the 15th,,