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View Full Version : A Joke and a little help....

05-01-2012, 11:27 PM
I'm still relatively new to the site and wanted a little advice on a hunting location, but first a joke....be forewarned its a little crass

A hunter goes into the woods for black bear, first day of the season, he sees a big boar about 50 feet away, he shoulders his .270 and BANG, he looks up, doesn't see the bear and suddenly feels a tap on the shoulder, turns around and the bear is standing behind him. The bear says to the hunter "What are you doing in my woods?" hunter replies "Well it's bear season and I'm hunting" bear says "Not in my woods pal, see that log over there? Go over there, pull your pants down and bend over" The hunter does what he is told, bear goes over, has his way with him and the hunter limps back into town. He goes straight to the gun store and asks the owner for a bigger caliber rifle, the owner takes him in the back room and gives him a .338 Lapua. The hunter goes back to the woods, sees the same bear, takes aim, fires, doesn't see the bear. He gets a tap on the shoulder, the bear says "You know the drill pal, no hunting in my woods, go over to the log and bend over" the hunter does, the bear has his way with him and the hunter crawls back to town. He goes straight to the gun store, and asks for something even bigger, the owner takes him into the back back room and gives him a FGM-148 Javelin Rocket Launcher. The hunter goes back to the woods, sees the same bear, locks on and fires, KABOOM, the smoke clears and he goes up looking for parts of the bear, nothings there. He gets a tap on the shoulder and its the bear again, and the bear says "You're not here for the hunting are you buddy?"

And now for my question, me and a few of my friends have put in for moose in Regions 3-13 and 3-17, hoping to set camp near Lytton(or in it) obviously that depends on whether we get the draw. We are still deciding if we should camp or motel it, we are both relatively new to hunting but he does have a moose hunt under his belt with a bull down. I was hoping someone might have hunted that area or knew any good places to set up camp, not looking to steal anyone's spot or encroach on anything, just some friendly advice would be appreciated. I do know the region well enough from just driving around it and through it but not the rough terrain. Thanks for any advice!

BiG Boar
05-02-2012, 07:26 AM
Buy a back roads map book. They have camping spots marked. Usually good access to them and they are usually quite nice.