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View Full Version : Dogs will eat the darndest things

07-21-2004, 08:18 PM
As I write this post my yellow female lab is at the vet because she ate something she shouldn’t had. I got up on Saturday morning to face 6 piles of dog vomit in my den with traces of blood in it. It hasn’t been the first time she has gotten sick but this time it was different. She wasn’t keeping anything down. After eating and not keeping it down for the weekend we decided to take her to the vet. She’s been there since Monday and finally had her first bowel movement since Friday night. We are hoping that she is able to pass what ever she put down that bottomless pit. My wife has seen the x-rays and we don’t know what it is or how she got it. We are thinking one of the neighbor’s kids must have thrown a chicken bone or something over the fence to her. I’m sure I’m in for at least $700.00 so far and she’s not in the clear yet. She’ll be getting another enema tonight to see if they can get things moving in the right direction. I know it’s only a dog but after having her for 5 ½ years they become part of the family. My wife was in tears when she brought her to the vet. I told her I was ok with whatever she decided was best


07-22-2004, 12:07 AM
i know a guy who had a dog that ate anything twice the dog got into stuff it should have...not sure what but i know they had to operate twice to get the stuff out....

07-22-2004, 12:00 PM
l feel for your predicament Mark. Although vets are professionals, their charge out rate are ridiculous. And with owners emotions on the line and wallets open, they aren't afraid to stick it to us.
I hope your dog gets over its problem, and you don't get gouged to bad.

07-22-2004, 10:10 PM
Well penny came home for a short visit and ended going back into the vet. She's still not able to hold any food down because of an obstruction in her stomach so now they are going to operate tomorrow morning to remove what ever she swallowed. She should be comming back home on Saturday morning if all goes well.

I was amazed when the wife told me the vet bill was only $300 dollarsso far after her being there 3 days, 3 sets of x-rays, two enemas and a couple of IV’s to boot. I'm very impressed with the care and compassion this veterinary clinic offers. Now when I see the bill for the operation that may be a different story but we'll se what happens. They’ve always given our pets great medical attention.


07-23-2004, 01:43 AM
I am coming to your vet 8O , just to have a (not sure what it was called) but Grunt had basicaly water on the knee , all the vet did was drain it with a bigass needle (which resulted in me being drug over a dam table and through a dog door) and gave us some anti inflamitory pills or whatever they were called was $290 , tottal thing took 40 minutes :? , took me 2 weeks to heal after dumbass took off on us and I was stupid nuff to wrap my arm in his collar :x

07-23-2004, 11:13 AM
Dogs are the dambdest thing. Got 7 grand invested into one. Shes just a mutt but God lover her. As for vet prices EEEK. Was practicing the old golf swing in the back yard, chipping the ball. Well the ol lab decides to go for the ball just at take off. BANG. Into the side of the mouth. Yeah, blood pouring out the gums. To the vet. Thinking maybe just head to the Red Lion (ballet) cause it will be alot cheaper. Get to the vets he throws a cotton ball in the dogs mouth. She spits it out and vet says, "shes good to go" 175 bones "for a cotton ball". Should have gone to the red lion and on the way home buy a bag of cotton balls. By the way how is the dog doing?

07-24-2004, 04:52 PM
Well I learned a lesson today. Don't feed dogs corn on the cob. About 3 weeks ago on our camping trip I had two pieces of corn on the cob left over from supper so I figured I'd give the dogs a little treat. That night both dogs got sick and out came the corn on the cob or at least I though it had all came out. Penny had a piece removed from her stomach yesterday morning the size of a golf ball that just didn't want to pass through. It did a bit of damage to part of her intestine blocking some of the blood supply off to the tissue. The vet said he's seen worst then that in other dogs and that Penny should recovered fine. Penny has a check up appointment next week.

So the price for this lesson learned was 3 sets of x-rays, two enemas (for the dog) :lol: ,4 IV's, one stomach operation, antibiotics, and 5 nights at the vet for the low cost of $1100.00. There goes my new rifle for next fall.

Penny is now home with me looking for belly rubs as I'm typing. She looks like she's going to be ok but It just goes to show how something so innocent can be so harmful to a dog.

Please learn from this guys. I wont be feeding anything to my dogs except dog food for now on.


07-24-2004, 06:46 PM
glad to hear ur dog is okay marc...

01-01-2018, 12:08 AM
Pantyhose, what the hell..... at least I had something to hang on to....

01-01-2018, 11:46 AM
I gotta know who your vet is, all that for $1100. My vet charges $65 to put a stethoscope on my labs chest and a thermometer up his bum, I'm afraid if you had taken your dog to my vet you'd be checking out second mortgage rates!

Iron Glove
01-01-2018, 12:26 PM
I gotta know who your vet is, all that for $1100. My vet charges $65 to put a stethoscope on my labs chest and a thermometer up his bum, I'm afraid if you had taken your dog to my vet you'd be checking out second mortgage rates!

You might want to check the date of the original post, things have gone up a wee bit since 2004. :grin:

01-01-2018, 02:10 PM
my neighbor told me a story of how his dog ate his sweatsocks. needed surgery for that too.

01-01-2018, 03:10 PM
There was This Old Indian that lived in Quesnel (a lake bears his families surname). Come late fall, he would try to get some jail time to tide the winter over. The RCMP were housed in the Post Office building on Reid Street with lots of people. TOI would pick the middle of the day in front of said building and start hollering and caterwauling like a banshee to attract attention. The moment a cop's face appeared in the window, TOI would hammer a boulder through the windshield and stand there until someone come out and arrested him, of course he didn't have long to wait. And off to PG Correctional he would go.
The RCMP moved into the current building away from the limelight of Reid Street and also parked the cruisers behind closed doors so TOI could no longer continue the practice.
One winter night, the grader operator was plowing snow on 2-Mile Flat when he observed some dogs chowing down on something. He stopped and the dogs vamoosed. He gets out and go to see what the mutts were eating, thinking maybe a deer. Nope! You guessed it, he discovered TOI slightly dug out of the bank but at first didn't recognize him. Yeah, the dogs were feasting on TOI. Yeah, dogs will eat anything.
Sad demise to TOI who was legendary.

01-01-2018, 06:06 PM
Well I learned a lesson today. Don't feed dogs corn on the cob. About 3 weeks ago on our camping trip I had two pieces of corn on the cob left over from supper so I figured I'd give the dogs a little treat. That night both dogs got sick and out came the corn on the cob or at least I though it had all came out. Penny had a piece removed from her stomach yesterday morning the size of a golf ball that just didn't want to pass through. It did a bit of damage to part of her intestine blocking some of the blood supply off to the tissue. The vet said he's seen worst then that in other dogs and that Penny should recovered fine. Penny has a check up appointment next week.

So the price for this lesson learned was 3 sets of x-rays, two enemas (for the dog) :lol: ,4 IV's, one stomach operation, antibiotics, and 5 nights at the vet for the low cost of $1100.00. There goes my new rifle for next fall.

Penny is now home with me looking for belly rubs as I'm typing. She looks like she's going to be ok but It just goes to show how something so innocent can be so harmful to a dog.

Please learn from this guys. I wont be feeding anything to my dogs except dog food for now on.

Friends of mine just spent $1200 for same thing. Funny thing is I always give my dogs the left over corn and they strip the corn off of the cobs or, if the corn is real tender, they chew the whole cob up. My last two dogs (15 year's worth) and no issues.

01-01-2018, 07:26 PM
Get pet insurance. best $30 a month you will ever spend IMO

Iron Glove
01-01-2018, 07:29 PM
Get pet insurance. best $30 a month you will ever spend IMO

Yup, saved us well over $10,000 this past year.
We would've went through with the Vet work regardless as we can afford it but for many it means they don't have to do the "we can't afford the Vet bill so we have to put her down" dilemma.

Foxton Gundogs
01-02-2018, 12:12 PM
You might want to check the date of the original post, things have gone up a wee bit since 2004. :grin:

You ain't kidding


01-02-2018, 12:32 PM
I've had a couple labs in my life time, both great dogs but would try to eat anything. Other than that they were great dogs.

Foxton Gundogs
01-10-2018, 11:11 AM
Lab mentality, eat first, ask questions latter.

02-28-2018, 09:59 PM
My two year old lab was throwing up, so off to the Vet for x rays. Had to operate and remove an obstruction for her small intestine. Turned out to be a corn cop. Vet tried to hydrate her hoping it would pass but it was lodged in there like it was glued. Got it out but if I find the people who throw there garbage out they will be going to the vet. Labs will eat anything.

03-04-2018, 06:22 PM
Get pet insurance. best $30 a month you will ever spend IMO

Where do you get it for that low a price?? I'm with Trupanion,,,, it's $55 a month and the only reason I could get it as low as that (high) price is because my deductible is $700.

Iron Glove
03-04-2018, 09:18 PM
Where do you get it for that low a price?? I'm with Trupanion,,,, it's $55 a month and the only reason I could get it as low as that (high) price is because my deductible is $700.

Always compare coverage, then price.
No two policies are the same.

Edward Teach
06-29-2018, 08:28 AM
Remember to take the string OFF the chicken carcass BEFORE feeding it to the dog.

"Dexter, what's that you got hanging out of your...oh geez!"

crazy ducker
06-29-2018, 09:36 AM
Wife took our three month lab into vet for shots and was paying bill a lady was in paying her bill looks at my wife and says grand total 49,763. Then she says vet said that I should put it down along time ago but that she didn’t have the heart to so it’s cost her that much. Where do you draw the line though

06-29-2018, 09:37 AM
I looked into pet insurance, it was just under 200 a month because she is a hunting dog and runs in tests...madness

Iron Glove
06-29-2018, 01:36 PM
I looked into pet insurance, it was just under 200 a month because she is a hunting dog and runs in tests...madness

Keep looking at other Insurers.
Have never been asked what the "uses" of our dogs were.

07-10-2018, 12:37 PM
Dental work is killer!!! little ankle biter Schnauzer @12 yo had a loose tooth behind her canine. Vet quote $ 1200 ++ Talked to the groomer and she told of a traveling service that does dental work. I contacted them and for $360 we now have sparkly clean teeth and a removed tooth that literally fell out on its' own.
Very worthwhile to get a second opinion!!

praire dog
07-10-2018, 03:40 PM
Great news she’s doing well, one of my “late “ labs ate a piece of cord from her bed and we almost lost her, cost us $1600 then a year later we we had to have both her knees done....that was a kick in the junk but it gave her a good long life....don’t regret a penny!

07-10-2018, 04:45 PM
My wife gave our golden retriever a double bed spread to keep it warm one night. In the morning I went down and the only thing left was about a one inch square piece of the damned thing. Several hours later the dog is down and not moving. Trip to the vet and x-ray shows that the fibres had wound into a ball the size of a volley ball. Back in 1999 it cost $850 to remove it but we did get the award for the biggest object that the vet had removed from a dog.:(

07-10-2018, 06:54 PM
A gal just told me of her lab puppy sucking her engagement ring right off her finger. Pooped it out a couple of days later. I saw the ring and it's impressive!

07-11-2018, 09:16 AM
Got my old lab from the spca and was told he was a stray. He never got over being a runaway and went looking for garbage as often as he could sneak away. That dog ate everything! I had to lock up my cupboards and even the fridge or he would brake in every time I left, no matter if I as gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours. He ate garbage, a bag of flour, can of cocoa powder, butter, steaks, you name it! The worst was when he started heaving in the middle of the night once after he had gone for one of his walkabouts the evening. I ran to the living room just in time to catch him barfing up a steaming pile of innards from roadkill. I think we both threw up that day!